Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

New Waroo 09?

Created by Murf1 > 9 months ago, 3 Jun 2008
WA, 255 posts
3 Jun 2008 10:05PM
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Hi All

What design changes are expected in this kite for the new season ???

Major changes expected ? Any ideas on a release date ?

Does anyone have a comparison from last season waroo and nemisis ?

Lots of Qs


Adrenalin Rush
QLD, 876 posts
5 Jun 2008 2:20PM
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Hi mate,

Everything on the Best front is super hush hush at the moment. Not much been leaked out at all. Ill be heading to Barcelona in a couple of weeks for the Euro dealer meeting and will see what is behind the closed doors then.

I do know that the Waroo will be released in stores in September and the new Nemesis will be in August.

AUGUST - Nemesis HP 09, 09 Bars , 09 Harnesses

SEPTEMBER - Waroo 09

More to come..


WA, 255 posts
5 Jun 2008 11:48PM
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yeah, bring it on !

demos/sales in perth ??


QLD, 485 posts
6 Jun 2008 7:02PM
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Looks like Peter is really stepping it up again for the new season!
Not just a rehash of previous season - and great turning big kites ;-)

WA, 255 posts
6 Jun 2008 5:12PM
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Just what I need, a faster turning big kite


WA, 150 posts
7 Jun 2008 6:20PM
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Wonder if they'll finally get a 1-pump. I was dead keen to get a Waroo but chose not to cause I'm a lazy bugger who's always in a hurry to get out.

WA, 1194 posts
7 Jun 2008 7:35PM
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Monkeyfish said...

Just what I need, a faster turning big kite


You should have bought this year’s model, which was marketed as being faster, higher, stronger, and quicker.

I wonder what the sale gurus will come up with for the 09 kite.....

Troll disclaimer – every kite company does this so please don’t take offence to my pisstake, but best did do a pretty good job at blatant hype of the 08 models in this regards... remember the banner advertisements?

QLD, 41 posts
9 Jun 2008 10:50AM
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everything Best said this year turned out true. And in 2007. Im sticking with the brand. And they sell a mad pink version of the NemesisHP.


VIC, 37 posts
3 Jul 2008 11:30AM
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Just came across this photo.

NSW, 836 posts
6 Jul 2008 12:59AM
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if it came with one pump it would be the only kite i would consider. sounds like a dodgy reason i know but they are real good value for money and one pump means more time on the water.

Adrenalin Rush
QLD, 876 posts
6 Jul 2008 12:19PM
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its funny we get so many mixed thoughts on one-pump. Some like it and wont buy a kite without and others will not buy a kite with.

I think the ease of pumping your kite from one point is great and easy to do. Dont think it saves that much time tho. The maintenance on one-pump systems is a real pain the arsa tho. Replacing bladders or even finding a leak takes more time than ever. I think in the long run you would save time by using standard inflate systems. Also with standard inflate systems, you can inflate you struts to max pressure, which results in a more stable, reactive canopy and also makes it easier to relaunch off the water, because your kite keeps its shape.


6 Jul 2008 3:59PM
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arsa said...

its funny we get so many mixed thoughts on one-pump. Some like it and wont buy a kite without and others will not buy a kite with.

I think the ease of pumping your kite from one point is great and easy to do. Dont think it saves that much time tho. The maintenance on one-pump systems is a real pain the arsa tho. Replacing bladders or even finding a leak takes more time than ever. I think in the long run you would save time by using standard inflate systems. Also with standard inflate systems, you can inflate you struts to max pressure, which results in a more stable, reactive canopy and also makes it easier to relaunch off the water, because your kite keeps its shape.


I love one pump kites, provided they are the external one pump design, not the internal type that Best and Naish use.

All the other non internal kites like Slingy, Ozone, Cabrinha, etc are really easy to fix, and don't take any more than 10 mins longer to fit a leading edge.

I replaced a 9M Rev leading edge yesterday, completely by myself, in approx 20 mins.
I'll be making a video of how to replace bladders in externally plumbed one pump kites soon.

Internal plumbed is a flawed concept relying on one way valves in the struts, get a leak in the leading edge and the whole kite goes down.
Plus repeated crashing (as in unhooked learning tricks) over pressurises the struts, causing blown zips and seams.

Best should go with the better system asap IMO.

Cya and



NSW, 836 posts
6 Jul 2008 6:05PM
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arsa etal i know the ads and dis. but thats where my preference lies. Kitepower seems pretty on the money to me. one pump with out most dis advantages of one pump. win win i reckon

QLD, 485 posts
6 Jul 2008 6:15PM
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it's a never ending debate....

I personally think it's a gimmick and so do 90+% of people that bought kites off me last season. In saying that, I have a 10hp eze and had not one drama with it.

Anything that adds weight, protruding parts and a weak point on a kite = gimmick for me. At least the Naish and Best system is internal and out of the way.

But hey - it's a good selling point for the unscrupulous to the unaware.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
6 Jul 2008 5:12PM
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I thought it was a gimmick until i got one pump on my Ozone.
Always bagged it, didnt rate it thought it was well ordinary.

now i wonder how i ever did without it.

A real nice touch on a kite though is a dump valve at the end of the LE rather than the middle.
Makes pack up one simple roll.

Adrenalin Rush
QLD, 876 posts
6 Jul 2008 8:23PM
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Best should go with the better system asap IMO.

They have been working on a external inflate system as well. But wont be for 09 that I know of. I have to agree, an external system is easier to maintain than a internal one.

Im still a fan of standard inflation tho, mainly because of its simplicity. This should not be the reason for you choice in a new kite though. Many other things would be more important to consider first. Thats my thoughts.

NSW, 74 posts
8 Jul 2008 1:51PM
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cjco2 pic of the waroo 09 7m looks pretty cool , the design looks more C shape & lower aspect than the 08s
One pump design is a great idea, once the design problems are nailed , the best internal design clearly looks the best ,clean hidden design regards to air flow , no plumbing pipes that you can see ,
but I do agree external less hassle to repair , both designs work .
I don’t like the one pump,
1/ the extra cost over $100 per kite (best)
2/ maintenance, repair hassle
3/ resale loss, I don’t think you will get your $100 back


WA, 150 posts
8 Jul 2008 2:41PM
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What I can't understand is that Best offer the one-pump as an option on a few of their kites (Bularoo, Nemi, Yarga[07 at least]), just not the Waroo. Surely the OPTION is the key here. It would satisfy all and no additional cost if you don't want it.

I agree that external is better & surely external as an option is even easier - just different valves & connections.

Some like the one-pump some don't. I will not buy a kite without.
& I do like the idea of a quick dump as well. Setup & pack down is critical to me. It might only take an extra minute to setup but for me that works out to be in the vicinity of 150 minutes a year to me - ie 2 & 1/2 hrs!!! I call this work & my hourly rate is about $80 (& that is work time. Time near the beach, on windy day & not kiting is worth much more!!!!!!!!).
Lets say I own the kite 2 yrs, so a total of 5hrs I'm missing out on. That's worth like $400!!!

No more discussion needed for me!!!

Cmon Best, get the one pump option on the Waroo so I can buy your nice value, apparently nice performing kites.

NSW, 74 posts
8 Jul 2008 4:56PM
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one-pump as an option on a few of their kites (Bularoo, Nemi, Yarga[07 at least]),

and the 08 BEST HPs is a one pump option , worked fine on the first 10HP I had, then went back to the standard option with the second 10HP due to cost $100
I guess its good to have the option to suit us all

NSW, 836 posts
8 Jul 2008 5:04PM
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Options are the way of the future in this consumer society. options ( attachment point options) made the 08 waroo approximately a million times cool IMO. I agree with general dude.

Adrenalin Rush
QLD, 876 posts
8 Jul 2008 5:25PM
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Options are good. Pain in the butt for retailers to stock both, but I agree that having the option with the 2009 kites would be great. Now that I hear more feedback, I have a better case to put towards R+D, if thats what you guys want, then I will voice the opinion and push to make it happen. Im pretty sure at this stage that the 2009 kites are finalised and they are all standard inflation. The Nemesis HP may come with a mid season release with One - Pump option. Not sure about the Waroo tho.

Pricing has just been finalised an hour ago, and I can happily say that you guys should be stoked with the pricing. We have a massive program this year on offer and I assure you that the product is the best I have seen.

Some new key retailers and schools are being finalised and release of the product is on track.

Keep checking as new info will be released when we can. Kiteworld mag have one of the first exclusive views of the new line up, and I think this has been released in the Northern Hemisphere this week.

Till then


WA, 255 posts
8 Jul 2008 10:37PM
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Yeah, 1 pump are great, anything to get out there quicker and no stuffing around. I wouldn't go back to multiples, but the added safety with bouyancy is a good thing in the event of a major blow out in deeper water. Come to think of it, I should use the air locks on the struts with my cab with this in mind.

Anyway back to the Best 09 kites, and looking fwd to some performance reviews from anyone and those using them here in the west. I am really interested in the Waroo and Nemisis. Which would be more suited to freestyle and surfing?


SA, 601 posts
9 Jul 2008 10:40AM
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I personally havent played with the Best onepump system, but the Naish octopus system is CRAP!!

It works fine for about 1 season and then half of your 1 way valves dont seal anymore. Plus it doesnt save any time when packing the kite up because you need to deflate each strut manually. And dont get me started if you ever had to replace a LE bladder. The individual struts arent too bad but still a headache.

The external ones are the way to go. My old 05' fuel is still going strong

3 posts
15 Jul 2008 1:45AM
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Peter is working on an external system, but you won't see it this side of Xmas. We want to run it in testing for a while longer yet before it comes out in the HP.

The reason we don't offer it as an option on the Waroo is simple economics. to do both inflation options means twice the number of Waroo files to create for the designer, same at the loft, twice as much bladdder inventory, and we have to swap the production line over two extra times- once to make the EZ and once to swap back.

The valve parts aren't a huge cost, but it's the down time for production that increases the cost, and it increases the cost of the none Ez version as well. Just making an EZ version of a kite adds about $30 to the none EZ version due to lost production time and the reduced amount fo working captial it ties up in stock.

SO.. i guess what i'm rambling on about is, when we are sure that 'everyone' wants EZ, we will add it to the Waroo.

QLD, 1011 posts
16 Jul 2008 2:18PM
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2009 Best kit tested Does not tell you a great deal though.

QLD, 485 posts
16 Jul 2008 5:31PM
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I have an 11m New season 08/09 Season Waroo and will have the new12HP next week - anyone welcome to test ride them in Brisbane areas mainly.

QLD, 2043 posts
16 Jul 2008 5:59PM
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Hey Kusu, has much changed on the new waroo compared to the 08 also any word on the Bars, my 07 bar is looking tired. If we get some wind i,ll be keen to head down for a demo.

QLD, 485 posts
16 Jul 2008 6:36PM
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Bars a few weeks off yet. Few updates are coming on them.

Few subtle changes to the kite but nothing dramatic - more like a fine tuning of the 08 from appearances. The 08 is such a great kite can't wait to ride and review this new model.

QLD, 776 posts
19 Jul 2008 10:55AM
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no one pump forme thanx...
bring on the 09 waroo with he cool graphics

NSW, 156 posts
6 Aug 2008 1:35PM
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i've had fuels and now switchblades and it is far easier and quicker to change the main bladder cause it doesn't twist. but i don't deflate the struts when packing up so it probably won't make a difference to me for time when setting up.
I've found that deflating the whole kite and shoving it into a bag that never is quite big enough is bad for your kite.Doing this i have put my fist through the trailing edge while shoving into bag. If you can fit your kite into your car with struts inflated you'll get a couple more seasons out of your kite.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"New Waroo 09?" started by Murf1