Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Ozone C4 2011 video

Created by Kitepower Australia > 9 months ago, 13 Nov 2010
13 Nov 2010 9:38AM
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Great clip and excellent soundtrack

VIC, 600 posts
14 Nov 2010 12:06PM
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hangin for the new ones to get to the shop def one of the funnest kites i've rode any idea when they will be here steve?

kiter zac
QLD, 295 posts
14 Nov 2010 1:27PM
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got my 11m on friday. had it out in 15knots with a run out tide in the creek. excellent kites for unhooking. also great kites in the mushy surf.

NSW, 144 posts
14 Nov 2010 6:18PM
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Kiter Zac,

You've gone from cheap hooker to pimp, love it

You're missing nothing up here by the way.......the wind has been crap.

WA, 113 posts
14 Nov 2010 3:21PM
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he is still a cheap hooker

Josh Porter
QLD, 59 posts
14 Nov 2010 8:57PM
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I had the 8m out today in 17-18 knots, such a sweet kite!!! Can't wait to be fully lit on it to try kiteloops!

kiter zac
QLD, 295 posts
14 Nov 2010 10:38PM
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that is going to my next purchase, an 8m!!

hey josh do you know which is the freestyle setting on the front bridle? the knot closest to the leading edge of the knot which the kite came set up as (furtherest away from the leading edge?)

WA, 925 posts
Site Sponsor
14 Nov 2010 11:18PM
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Hi Kiter Zac,

Freestyle setting is moving the bridle to be closer to the leading edge. This pulls the wingtips closer together, depowers the kite and reduces responsiveness somewhat.

For most people the standard setting is perfect.



15 Nov 2010 9:46AM
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hookworm said...

hangin for the new ones to get to the shop def one of the funnest kites i've rode any idea when they will be here steve?

Dealers all over Oz should either have stocks now or be getting them this week. We got a smaller shipment last week, and are expecting a much larger one this week.

I've had 2 really good sessions on the 11M in the last 3 days, it is such a fun kite, I ride it in the standard setting, very easy to loop and you can really get some power out of them depending on where you loop the kite.
This years kite has a couple of knots beter bottom end and the depower throw is a bit longer. I had the 11M out in winds over 2 sessions from 15-20 last Friday at Towra and yesterday at Dolls in a solid 20-25 knots with some tide assist got some huge boosts! :-)
Super easy relaunch.

VIC, 600 posts
15 Nov 2010 8:20PM
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thanks steve cant wait been riding the 11 for a while now and i found the middle setting for the back lines suit me. is there much difference between the 2010 and 2011 model coz i have the 2010 at the mo and i'm a bit scared the new ones could be heaps different

16 Nov 2010 9:51PM
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hookworm said...

thanks steve cant wait been riding the 11 for a while now and i found the middle setting for the back lines suit me. is there much difference between the 2010 and 2011 model coz i have the 2010 at the mo and i'm a bit scared the new ones could be heaps different

The 2011 are not heaps different, but they are a big improvement. If you like the 2010 you will really like the extra grunt of the 2011 and the improved power in the turns. The kite can be tuned for pure wakestyle or for old school hooked in freestyle and its also not shabby in waves, super stable, longer depower throw, bigger wind range and insane lift and smooth feeling in high winds.



NSW, 43 posts
23 Nov 2010 7:40PM
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I'm looking at getting some 2011 C4's , had a quick go on a 2010 9m the other day and instantly thought it was awesome.
I'm 80 kgs , experienced rider and thinking 12m and 8m combo, i had the same in RPM's last year. Any thoughts?
Are there any dealers on the South Coast selling Ozone kites?

NSW, 1000 posts
23 Nov 2010 7:47PM
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Are you heading to Mambo Hector?
You could take the 2011's for a spin and see for yourself.
If not I'll get the skinny and might also have a demo kite to bring back up.
Everyone says the bottom end is better this year, I'd suggest that 11 + 8 might be a better 2 kite quiver.

NSW, 43 posts
23 Nov 2010 9:15PM
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Thanks for that Tobes. 11m & 8m combo sounds good.
Yeh i'll be heading down to Merimbula for sure, hopefully get a demo on one. See you there.
Thanks for giving me a go on your 9m on Sat as well. Even though it was a quick go, first impressions were great.

WA, 54 posts
23 Nov 2010 7:01PM
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does anybody know for sure if the 2010 slingshot bar will work on the C4???

WA, 925 posts
Site Sponsor
23 Nov 2010 7:38PM
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coffeebean said...

does anybody know for sure if the 2010 slingshot bar will work on the C4???

Just curious but why would you want it to? The new Ozone bar is the cleanest and most functional bar around and big on the quality stakes. The trim is above the bar and works beautifully, easy and simple. Front ines at 500kg and backs at 300kg they just don't stretch.


23 Nov 2010 11:16PM
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Anyone wanting to demo an Ozone kite at Merrimbula look me up, Kitepower tent, small tall person with amazing moustache.

WA, 54 posts
23 Nov 2010 8:58PM
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AKSonline said...

coffeebean said...

does anybody know for sure if the 2010 slingshot bar will work on the C4???

Just curious but why would you want it to? The new Ozone bar is the cleanest and most functional bar around and big on the quality stakes. The trim is above the bar and works beautifully, easy and simple. Front ines at 500kg and backs at 300kg they just don't stretch.


Just purely to save some cash, have recently bought a new 9mtr and pondering if the 7m C4 would work with the bar i already have. thats assuming you can buy the kite only??

WA, 925 posts
Site Sponsor
23 Nov 2010 11:16PM
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Hi Coffeebean,

You can buy the kite "Canopy only" Which comes without the back pack style bag, no bar and no pump.

There are no 7m C4's available at the moment, they are in the next shipment due in the third week of Dec. Only a few 7's coming. If you want one, I'd say get your name on my list of peeps waiting for the next shipment.

Cheers mate,



Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Ozone C4 2011 video" started by Kitepower Australia