Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Ozone Edge 2010

Created by kitelordtgb > 9 months ago, 17 Mar 2010
6 posts
17 Mar 2010 5:23AM
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has anybody tested the new ozone edge 2010 yet?
if so, how does it compare with the core gt if it comes to jumping and hangtime ?

Looking out to buy my new 2010 quiver. My only criteria is that brings me high and floats me long .Any help is welcome ! If you want to suggest me another brand that fits the above criteria, you're welcome !

Cold windy greetings from Belgium !

VIC, 484 posts
17 Mar 2010 10:32PM
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if it's anything at all like the earlier edges it will kill just about everything you can think of for boost and hangtime - they are built for that type of riding. i still have my edge2 (the last of the five liners) and won't get rid of it for a while, it still throws you up to the moon and holds you up there!

TAS, 778 posts
19 Mar 2010 4:13PM
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Neill said...

if it's anything at all like the earlier edges it will kill just about everything you can think of for boost and hangtime - they are built for that type of riding. i still have my edge2 (the last of the five liners) and won't get rid of it for a while, it still throws you up to the moon and holds you up there!

My E2's will never be for sale. One of a kind never to be repeated kite those ones, they hang in a special spot in the shed and are often worshiped.

20 Mar 2010 6:35PM
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Here's some pics of the 2010 Ozone Edge to froth over

6 posts
22 Mar 2010 10:35PM
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Damn...first Edges 2010 come to stores at the end of May here in Belgium, and I need my babies NOW !!

Read some interesting things about the C4 when it comes to boost and hangtime, and they are already available. What should I do... wait until the end of May for the ultimate jumping machine, or ..... C4, I am on my way to the store !

QLD, 504 posts
23 Mar 2010 9:56AM
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Kitelord maybe you could get one of each then you have it covered.
I have a C4 11m and a 13m edge. This is a good combo for me, however the C4 definitely has a top end. (It gets hard to handle around the 30 -35 knots range ) What I can tell you is ..."Fact".. the 11m C4 boosts me (at 96kg's) way better and hangs way longer than the 11m Edge did. I did also fly the 9m C4 and a 10m Catalyst in winds exceeding 30 -to 35 knots, back to back. I liked te catalyst better in the really high winds, it didn't boost like the C4 but was still very respectible and the hang time was better than the 9m C4 (for me).
I am begining to think that the ideal kit for me would be 13m edge, 11m C4 ,8m or 10m catalyst. I am really looking forward to trying the new edge, they still are my favourite kite.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Ozone Edge 2010" started by kitelordtgb