Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

RRD Religion

Created by PRAWNDOG > 9 months ago, 15 Oct 2013
WA, 306 posts
15 Oct 2013 9:58PM
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Rider: 90kg Intermidiate
Style: surf
Weather: 20 knots, Cross On Wind, lots of wash and strong currents
Build Quality: 9/10
Satisfaction: 10
Disclosure: Average joe

My Comments:

To best describe how i first found this kite i can do it in two words for me "instant connection", pretty much clicked with this kite straight away. I can only compare the kite to a Reo as this is the only other wave kite i have flown. I would say this kite probably sits somewhere between the Reo and the BWS, not as quick turning as the Reo, the Reo is more direct faster turning kite but the religion is smoother turning with no flutter I would say it feels more precise through the turns. The religions build quality is fantastic this thing is solid which also helps it keep shape, no flutter, no jelly fishing and relaunch is quick when it hits the water. The kite is super stable and drifts really well doesn't chase the edge of the window as much as the Reo so slightly less input to keep it drifting, so for me I found it better for DTL surfing but some guys prefer to use the kite and really whip the selves around through the turn, I would say the Reo is better for that as its faster and more direct as already mentioned. I am no excellent Kiter that is for sure but since I have jumped on the religion my confidence is growing every session, so I have started practicing unhooking into the waves after watching a few Ben Wilson instructionals lol. Whilst unhooked the kite just seems to fall back nicely and move along with you not doing anything unexpected, so hopefully this is something I can master this summer :).

Sorry I can't say there is anything I don't like about the kite itself, I like it, I'm stoked, if I have to fault anything the bag is a bit queer eye for the straight guy, but it fits the kite in and has these little straps that help compress the kite in the bag. The only other gripe you could say I have is with the safety system as it flags out on two lines, I have tested it a couple of times just to see if it works and it seems to be okay.

The bar and lines seem solid, I really like the lines they are really stiff, feel more like chord to me. The depower line is also elasticated (if that is a word) so it springs back so you don't have heaps of excess depower line flapping away, the chicken loop is also nice and big so makes it good for hooking back in after you unhook.

I thought I would put a few of my expieriences of this kite out there as there is not a lot of information out there on these kites, remember these kites are designed with waves in mind only this is what they excell at I haven't tried them for anything else so I can't say if they boost well or not. I have a 10.5m and 7m quiver and i can hold my ground on the 10.5m in 15 knots and about 20 knots on the 7m, the 7m is awesome generates so much apparent power I love this kite. For ozone riders out there dont take offence, I'm not saying this kite is a better kite than the Reo, i just didn't click with the Reo probably my technique, but I found i was right at home with the religion so is different for everyone. These kites are definitely worth a demo if you have had the same expierience that I had and your after a new wave kite give them a crack, it is so hard as there is so many good kites out there, so good luck .

I made a little edit of my session the other day on my 7m in 20knots head high waves, heaps of white wash heaps of current, so not to many back hand waves as I was just holding ground and couldn't be bothered working back upwind. Nothing special about the edit just an average dude having a crack with a go pro on the line mount rig, so hope you enjoy.

QLD, 16 posts
17 Oct 2013 5:56PM
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Hi Prawn Dog,
Can you give any comparisons between the 2013 religions and the new ones?

VIC, 131 posts
17 Oct 2013 7:16PM
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Hey nice review. I'm aspiring to your averageness. (If that's a word!)

WA, 306 posts
17 Oct 2013 9:03PM
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Hey Katz glad you liked it, Dirtdrive I can't compare but from my research they are the same kite except they have made a few changes with the bigger kites eg. Replaced the 11.5m with a 10.5m and 12m sizes, apparently the kites larger than nine have been made lighter to make them more efficient to try get the most out of the bottom end. Although I can't tell the difference between the 10.5m and 7m they appear to be the same construction to me.

WA, 306 posts
24 Oct 2013 11:08PM
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14 posts
25 Oct 2013 12:42AM
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PRAWNDOG said...
apparently the kites larger than nine have been made lighter to make them more efficient to try get the most out of the bottom end. Although I can't tell the difference between the 10.5m and 7m they appear to be the same construction to me.

Hey prawndog thanks for the info.
So the 10.5 has dacron on the same places as the 7?

WA, 306 posts
25 Oct 2013 1:42PM
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As far as I can tell I think the 7 may have a few more of those scuff guard padding supports on the LE

14 posts
26 Oct 2013 12:41AM
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Ok thanks. An rrd pimp said on KF that in both 10.5 and 12m the dacron on the canopy had been replaced by ripstop, that's why i asked.

WA, 22 posts
3 Jan 2014 5:57PM
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I've found this info on difference between 2013 and 2014 models are :

Thicker diameter leading edge design on the smaller sizes
Better stability in the smaller kites
Wind registry has become considerably larger
Easier to de-power

Best if you find this for yourself, I fly 2013 model, but have one never opened 2014 for sale.
Anybody interested in brand new 2014 RRD Religion 7m look at my ads & make a deal!

29 posts
22 Feb 2014 9:55AM
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Awesome review Prawndog. Any idea how the 12m is? The first Religions were not good in big sizes. I'm looking for a light wind wave kite so any feedback on the 12 would be great.

QLD, 16 posts
9 Sep 2014 4:58PM
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Had a go recently on the 2014 10.5 RRD Religion.
Having owned the 2013, 10 meter religion the 2014 is a huge step up from the 2013 model. My understanding is that the 2015 will be similar to the 2014.

Kite drifts much better and kite is much smoother.

Thanks to Andy from WASSUP for giving me a trial.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"RRD Religion" started by PRAWNDOG