I think something like the cabrinha phenom with its high volume might be good. they are wide but not excessivly and still have some curve to them.
I weigh 90 kg (6'4" tall) and ride strapped. I have the 6'2" WAM that I use for lighter to med wind strength with small to medium waves. I use 4 boards generall according to conditions. The WAM's width and volume is the widest and most buoyant of all my boards, and therefore this is the board I would pull out for most occasions.
When things get big but with smooth surface waves, I like a slightly narrower mid section (about 18 inch) with sharper rails and thruster setup.
When waves are purely ramps and surfing is not the main aim and wind is strong, I pull out a 5'8 " board with sharp rails for carving and low volume(helps with staying nice in the air)
When the wind is strong, bumpy surfaces on waves and holding down the rails become a difficult issue, I pull out a 4 fin 6'2" x 18,25 " board that holds a line well, but gets too stiff for general riding purposes.
Now the debate on V, concave,tails types, rails shapes, thickness and shape, material type of board(construction) and wind direction can all influence the riding experience and be a personal feeling when all is combined.
Difficult to keep track and keeps me analyzing to find the best combination for the situation.
No one can give you the right board, you have to find it yourself according to your specific needs.
Gets to be an expensive exercise, but breaking a lot of boards keeps one learning new board characteristics.
Sorry, but I do not class my WHAM as a big wave board in my neck of the woods.
I am 100kg and spend most of my time in 12 to 18 knots of down winder slop on the East Coast, I recommend any of the following:
North Nugget 5.5: the best light wind board!!!!!
North Whip 2015 5.6: Pretty good
Ocean Rodeo Duke: Pretty good
92Kg's when soaking wet,
Riding a slingshot tyrant 5"11, doing the job and was cruising last night in 15 kn on a 13 m razor, also have ridden and enjoyed airush cypher, a lot more skatey and loose through the back end, not as gunny.
was riding a 6"2 epoxy but found it was getting heel dents just from cruising around.
A m8 of mine is 87kg and gets 12kts on a 12m dice with the largest SS Celritas. It's a nice board.
I've rode a fat squashed up Cabrinha with a cork deck a bit lately and it's fun, not killer LW but better than regular SB.
I tried a mates vangurd from firewire and it went sick in the small stuff. it was only 5'4" or there abouts and I
reckon a 6 footer would slay the LW. I would look at a 5'8-10" Vader or Nano from them. (paddled the nano 5'9" - fully sick SB, sweet lines, apparently the Vader turns sharper at the same size)
I ride a massive 5'6" x 22" x 2 3\4" sweet potato and it goes well but I reckon the vangurds and vaders will be faster for less volume with all that concave and straight rail.
Thanks for the responses guys.
Topturn, as I understand it the latest WAM 2015 had a pretty big design change, it has a considerable amount of tail rocker. Im told its based on the 2014 Pro. In slop and lighter winds it bogs a bit. You find yourself hiked over the front foot to prevent pushing water. I have only enjoyed it in the bigger stuff. But yeah, I am 100kg so maybe thats the difference.
The 2015 WAM is my favourite board in general, but I have better "big wave boards" as my go-to boards when things get big.
Hey Glug, I am 115kg, not much of a surfer, but have been learning the last few months. After a bit of research and trying a few things I went for the Airush Slayer size 58, V2. This is last years model. It's nice and wide, stable, carves and turns well and is awesome upwind. It has a variety of strap options - either 3, 2, 1 or strapless. It's meant for light wind but also works well for more general use for heavier riders.
I am 105kgs and currently riding the Wainman gambler 5'10 (20 wide), I really like it, really good low end and still good control in stronger winds with the deep channels and swallow tail
I am 105 and for light wind and crappy waves use Jimmy Lewis Canary 5'11. Great board for fatties like us.
I ride a slingshot celeritas 5'11. It's 32lt and I use it as a one board quiver, it goes really well in small on shore waves and still hold in really well in the bigger stuff and the board is strong its holding up really well after 1 1/4 years of abuse .
I'm 85kg and 6,4 I propably could use a smaller size but I like the extra litres as it helps in mushy **** or marginal conditions and its no problem in high winds or big seas,
Hey Glug,
I feel your pain. I'm in exactly the same boat, need bigger board but don't want too big that it feel like a log.
Still want to carve upwind and cut through chop so dont want full nose.
Thinking need volume under feet and rear but not too much, still want to bury that rail easily.
Flatter bottom to keep planeing
In other words the perfect board!! Anyone make for this category of rider ??
Have you looked at Sugarcube ? Looks interesting,it might fit the bill.
I'm not such a heavyweight at 80kg but at 6'3" tall I get the difference of centers of gravity. I use a SS Celeritas 5'8" (2013) from 15knts - 25 knts in slop hard to beat fast is an understatment, strong, no bogging super duradle, so good I'll never sell it.from a surfing backround too pretty classic shape nice lines and a joy ride. you might like the 5'11" version. I also have a SS screamer 5'4" **** house in light winds but over the mid 20knts it lives up to its name it turns so tightly it nearly pops you eyeballs out. good luck.
I'm 100kg and I've found volume doesn't help with low end. A flatter surface with lots of area seems to be the best. Low volume boards are easier to edge witch helps a lot with low end also. When the waves are good and you're surfing the wave a lot without the kite then it's nice to have a board that feels like a surf board, some volume helps.
Hey Guys, I'm 92 kgs. I recently shelled out for a Firewire Vangaurd 5'4" and have it setup as a thruster. I mainly do downwinders in 13 - 20 knots and use a 10m and 8m Reo's. Before this I was using a heavier lightwave strapped board 5'8" and was struggeling from 13 - 15 knots with a 12m kite. I have not had to use the 12m since. The board planes quickly due to the wide shape held through the whole length. It turns fast and floats well due to the increased surface area. The only downside is that you have to be careful when heading out through the white wash as the board tends to get hit pretty hard by the wash again due to the increased surface area. I'm really happy with this board. It was expensive but definitely worth it for me.
Greenkiter I have a 5'5" vanguard and it just floats over white water,you'd be surprised on how much you can actually get over,love it...