Rider: 90kg,Level ,intermediated
Style: Freeriding
Weather: ?-? knots
Build Quality: 10
Satisfaction: 10
Disclosure: pay for all own gear
My Comments:
Just received Switch control bar, Ordered Thursday received Monday.
Havent been riding yet due to recovering from knee surgery
here is a side by side with 2011 blade bar
The switch bar thickness is even all the way across where as tappers and is thicker in the center
switch grip is not as soft but very gripy
quick relese requires minimal effort to operate look like the Iron heart system (reverse pin)
the donkey dick is a bit flimsy easy to become unhooked unless you feed it up the back of hook
The swivel is quite close i like this for self landing
standard saftey is double depower but can setup to flag
clam cleat is adjustable for total throw on the bar
the shorter the bar throw the longer the trim adjustment and vice versa
Bar comes with 20m+3 lines
the 3m extentions can only be used at the bar end as the line is folded and sewn with no sheath
1.7mm Lines appear to be high quality with a very tight weave
Just interested in how the safety works...is one front or both. ???
Also what,s the go with the FLAG IT point above the swivel, looks like there is a safety connection below the bar.
Hi there,
Can you tell me if the the centre lines have larks heads or knots on the end?
and same for steering lines?
Im using a north bar at the mo but have to use small pig tails to convert the centre lines. Just wandering if this bar/lines will fit straight on