Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Which is the most powerfull 2010 kite around?

Created by clockout > 9 months ago, 3 Sep 2009
VIC, 69 posts
4 Sep 2009 1:24AM
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I have been thinking on eliminating a 13m from my set up and replace it for something like a 11m (I am 95kg), I know I would loose some light wind days but I just can't stand the slow turning speed of a big kite in loops (Rev II), I so much prefer to fly a 9m almost under power than a 13m well powered up.

For those that like to go high but are also adventurous in small waves what do you think between Bandit III (seems to have improved depower and now with 1 pump), Rebel (have not flown it yet but highly recommended) and a Fuel (I know its a C). I had a go on a Octane and even though its a nice kite I am looking for something with more grunt. Also read about a Charger coming from Naish that could do something special by having Delta shape, however I have not seen any reviews on it.

I appreciate opinions


WA, 2782 posts
Site Sponsor
4 Sep 2009 12:35AM
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Hi Clockout,

Have a look for your local Core dealer and see them. The Combat GT turns very quick, has massive power for it's size, auto relaunches, and has a great bar system. 4 lines and bombproof construction. I like them coz they're agro to fly. Raw power and fast



QLD, 1290 posts
4 Sep 2009 9:48AM
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Hey Clockout,

I have ridden all of the kites you mentioned so might be able to shed some light. On the power front if you asked me last season the Dos would have won hands down but I felt the new Rebel is probably just as powerful.

Fuels in 09 (haven't tried 2010) were very grunty but remember you might need a size larger to get the projected area.

Had a short run in light wind on the Charger but not enough to fully evaluate it. Initial thoughts are-
By far the lightest bar pressure for a Delta
Quick turning
Possibly a bit less grunt than traditional Deltas

Maybe it will also come down to other features to suit your style-
Bar pressure
4 or 5 line etc

WA, 790 posts
4 Sep 2009 3:58PM
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Im 95kgs too,
I got a bigger board a few years ago and never looked back.

Playing with different styles of kites is fun.... but the more powerful you go the more average is the upwind performance and the more physical the kite is to handle.
If you want great performance in light wind for little waves - go a fast kite, it may feel less grunty when you ride slow so step up your board size to remain planning
The bigger board will keep your momentum on the water and you will generate alot more apparent wind and have more fun.

VIC, 69 posts
4 Sep 2009 8:57PM
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thanks for all the feedback.
I agree that I need to have a test ride on a core kite, at least on the paper they look interesting.

In regards to riding style... well I prefer quick to rig (one pump) 4 line kites, medium bar pressure (or tuneable bar pressure), normal water relaunch (do not crush much as I only unhook for waves but I am not into freestyle) and high jumps.

do any one knows who is the core dealer in victoria?

I am looking forward to test a Rebel 10, however it hasn't arrived yet...

on reply to board, I am riding a X-ride 135 at the moment, I had a sol 137 as well but I find the X-ride a bit softer through the chop, I am not really sure if I would adventure on anything bigger unless I have 2 boards (yes I like over power conditions). Do you think it is a real advantage to have a bigger board than 135?

thanks for the feedback again


QLD, 50 posts
4 Sep 2009 9:30PM
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Dont take much notice of what shops tell ya, they would only tell you on the ones they sell or wanna promote. Try as many different kites as you can and find one you like the best!

QLD, 280 posts
5 Sep 2009 8:01AM
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AaronB said...

Dont take much notice of what shops tell ya, they would only tell you on the ones they sell or wanna promote. Try as many different kites as you can and find one you like the best!

Did you ever considder that the shops in question stock and demo/ride the gear so they might have an idea what it's like when people ask.

No blatent pimps above IMO.

QLD, 116 posts
5 Sep 2009 8:17AM
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I'm 90kg, ride a Switchblade 12m IDS and an underground flx 135. I used to ride 16m kites and realised that with the right board, I could drop a kite size. Also, a couple of years ago, the 12m kites didn't pull as hard as the bigger kites. Not anymore. The 12m kites nowadays have as much pull as a 14m or larger kite. The 12m Switchy and a surfboard will get me going in about 10-12 kts.

I had a 12m rebel 08. It was pretty grunty but wasn't really a light wind weapon and was a b*tch to relaunch in light wind.

I also have a 9m Xbow IDS and that one has heaps of grunt as well although I find the Switchy is a better surf kite. I've been told that the 11m Xbow IDS is pretty grunty and has better bottom-end than the 12m Switchy. My friend swears by the Waiman Hawaii 9m and dumped his 9m Rebel 09 after trying one of these.

I don't work for any kiteshop, I'm not sponsored and I've owned 5 different kite brands. I ride what works for me.

QLD, 1290 posts
5 Sep 2009 9:03AM
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clockout said...

thanks for all the feedback.

I am looking forward to test a Rebel 10, however it hasn't arrived yet...

on reply to board, I am riding a X-ride 135 at the moment, I had a sol 137 as well but I find the X-ride a bit softer through the chop, I am not really sure if I would adventure on anything bigger unless I have 2 boards (yes I like over power conditions). Do you think it is a real advantage to have a bigger board than 135?

Yes the 2010 Rebels are in now.

Most light wind boards are also very wide with a straight outline and have very little rocker. The downside is this makes them not so nice in the Surf. My Nobile XTR is awesome in crapy wind but I wouldn't ride it in waves.

Your X-Ride is a great board but maybe consider the next size up at least.

VIC, 69 posts
5 Sep 2009 9:21AM
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caveman said...

I'm 90kg, ride a Switchblade 12m IDS and an underground flx 135. I used to ride 16m kites and realised that with the right board, I could drop a kite size. Also, a couple of years ago, the 12m kites didn't pull as hard as the bigger kites. Not anymore. The 12m kites nowadays have as much pull as a 14m or larger kite. The 12m Switchy and a surfboard will get me going in about 10-12 kts.

I had a 12m rebel 08. It was pretty grunty but wasn't really a light wind weapon and was a b*tch to relaunch in light wind.

I also have a 9m Xbow IDS and that one has heaps of grunt as well although I find the Switchy is a better surf kite. I've been told that the 11m Xbow IDS is pretty grunty and has better bottom-end than the 12m Switchy. My friend swears by the Waiman Hawaii 9m and dumped his 9m Rebel 09 after trying one of these.

I don't work for any kiteshop, I'm not sponsored and I've owned 5 different kite brands. I ride what works for me.

Hi, I know that sometimes a shop maybe be bias. However I agree they test a lot of kites over years. I tried the Switch and the Xbow last years, it was my best friend's favourite kite. I had good rides on the 12 m, I think is a kite that does it all which is very similar to what yuo can find in a Rev but for some reason it did not seduce me much. I think I will try to source some alternative brands before making a decision: wainmann, F-one and core, try the rebel and if the things do not work move to Cabrinha... thanks for the feedback


QLD, 1290 posts
5 Sep 2009 11:14PM
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You forgot this one-

5 Sep 2009 11:43PM
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clockout said...

thanks for all the feedback.
I agree that I need to have a test ride on a core kite, at least on the paper they look interesting.

In regards to riding style... well I prefer quick to rig (one pump) 4 line kites, medium bar pressure (or tuneable bar pressure), normal water relaunch (do not crush much as I only unhook for waves but I am not into freestyle) and high jumps.

do any one knows who is the core dealer in victoria?

Kitepower Geelong is a Core dealer in Victoria. They have a Combat GT demo and will have a Riot XR within the next week or so.
They will also have the new Switchblades/Nomads and Crossbows next week too.
Based on what you have stated the new 2010 Switchblade could suit you.

Also Ozone C4 will be available for demo in approx 4 weeks.

Cya and



cRAZY Canuk
NSW, 2528 posts
6 Sep 2009 10:55AM
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Hey Clockout - if the rebel is on your list but you want a 4 line kite have a look at the EVO, the 2010 is going to have the same one pump as the rebel does. If you believe the graphs they have on there site the Evo has a better low end than the rebel.

QLD, 271 posts
6 Sep 2009 10:55PM
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Hey closeout, i have tried the 12m 2010 helix in light winds and it is a way fast kite. Seems to generate a lot of power and lift and very light on the bar. You should def try this kite if you get the chance.
For sheer low down grunt on light wind days you will not beat the 09 Evo!! it's bloody awsome!! tried my mates 12m cab sb on same day as 1hr session on the evo and it fell out of the sky in the first 2min.
I've also flown my 10m evo in 25-33knts, a brilliant days boosting!!

Everyone has their own favourite brand so good luck finding yours.

8 Sep 2009 9:15AM
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The other kite I forgot to mention is the Ozone Sport+ 2009 7M, that is a grunty kite (the whole Sport+ model series is).

Cya and



7 posts
11 Sep 2009 3:59PM
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Has anyone tried the new JN Prima Donna 3, ive seen it floating around in port douglas about a month or so ago, don't know who was riding it but he was going pretty big and powered with his tricks. i wouldn't mind trying it out, does anyone know where i can demo one?


11 Sep 2009 8:06PM
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Hi jasonluft ive got a demo in noosa but preety sure wind swell has one up there
Have fun

7 posts
12 Sep 2009 11:58AM
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Hi George
Can you give me any info on the kites, like are they nice to ride, how are they for un hooking etc.what are they like compared to a delta c like the bandit dos. can you tell me how much they cost?


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Which is the most powerfull 2010 kite around?" started by clockout