The 2010 Onboard Robe Easter Classic is on again! Running over the Easter weekend from the 2nd to the 4th April, we can promise a great weekend away with a combination of Wavesailing, Kitesurfing and SUP. The event format is a simple 3 day expression session with an emphasis on waveriding and just having a good time.
Riders of all standards are encouraged to take part!! Sponsored by Onboard, Coopers, Redbull, Neilpryde, Cabrinha, Fanatic, North, Slingshot and the local guys at the Robe Bakery, Robe Butcher shop and the Robe Hotel! Apart from the riding, the traditional Friday Night at 3rd Ramp promises to be a big one with DJ Alex, Free Coopers and Redbull for all participants!!! Stewie is organizing a taxi to ferry crew from Robe to 3rd ramp on the night so call the store for further details!
Geoff has also arranged a ladies winery bus tour for the Saturday afternoon ($20 per head for the bus), it is booking out fast, again give us a call if you’re keen
Entry this year is $50.00, including a Coopers Showbag, Free Coopers and Redbull, BBQ lunch and the 2010 Robe Easter Classic Hoodie!!! We recommend signing up ASAP (now!) to ensure that you get your size and colour of hood – drop into the store we have the entry forms ready to go! We also recommend booking your accommodation ASAP – Robe entirely books out for Easter!
Any Question ring the shop ph 08 82943691
Catch you down there!!!
The Onboard Crew :)
so stoked, its going to be massive, can not wait..
Starting tomorrow you can sign up at Onboard Glenelg, get in early to make sure your hoodie is the perfect one..
Just a note, they are small sizes, so order a bigger size than normal.
Windsurfing, Kiting, SUPing, 4WDing, Drinking, Partying, Drinking and maybe some redbull, what else does easter mean to you???
See ya down there.
Hey guys and girls, here is some links to accom in Robe. Get on it fast so you don't miss out. If you are also looking for a some crew to bunk with or drive down with, post it on this forum and other crew may be able to help you out.
See ya there
Come and sign up at the shop, Below is what the hoodies look like. Avail in Grey, Black and Pink, in Mens S/M/L/XL, Ladies S/M/L/XL and early orders only for youth t-shirts in black 2/4/6/8.
Hey guys, if you are having trouble getting into Onboard Surf Shop in Glenelg, you can give us a ring and we will take your entry over the phone, Oh yeah and your hoodie size and colour.. Ph 08 82943866
The sign ups have only been open for one day and we have heaps already, get in early.. its going to massive, with heaps of SA crew coming, and Vic'os crossing the boarder as well..
If your partner or freinds are coming and would like a hoodie and be involed in the friday night party and all the fun stuff, please enter them as well, just under a social entrance..
Just over 6 weeks to go..
Just some photos from last year (ha ha)
Well i dont know about those fools, that are casing all this flat water stuff.. Like sugar beach and Milang, You should be hiting the wave to get ready for the most epic weekend of your life....
Hey guy,
Are still waiting to sign up for the 2010 Onboard Robe Comp, Well the good news is that Stewie, will be at the sign up tent for the States this Saturday, So you can sign up there for Robe.. Its $50 for your hoodie, Friday night party and your wicked show bag..
Have fun See on the weekend
Hey crew, don't forget to sign up early for robe, so you have a chance of getting your hoodie size.. You will need it as winter is on its way..
You can drop in or Call Onboard Glenelg Ph08 82943866
Only 3 weeks to go.... yippy, I can feel the red bull shakes coming on already..
Just think, in two weeks time on this nice Sunday morning, you will just be waking up after the 2nd night of mad partying, Friday night, the 3rd Ramp car park Party, brought to you by Coopers and Red bull, and then the Saturday night at the Robe pub, with two many shoots and watching stewie make a new name for him self for this year.. (“Don't you know you I am” stewie yells.) Bring on the laughs.
Then this morning you are about to go and get wet again, for the 3rd day in row.. To back it all up again On the Sunday night at the Robe Bowls club for prezz'os. Just lucky Monday is rest day..
So fired up for this... jumping into the water the Saturday morning kills the hangover instantly.. so freessshhh.
Is anyone hiring a house that will have some room on the floor for the 2 extra DJs and their Gf's that are coming down? They are staying the Friday and Saturday night only and will pay for it.
Hey guys, just letting you know that the Onboard team are looking after your safety..
We have once again confirmed a 6 Seater Taxi bus to transport you from Robe township to 3rd Ramp for the Friday night Coppers/ Red Bull Car park Party. For $20 total each way, its a good safe way to get from Robe to the party and back again.. For $6.66 each ( for 6 people), thats a great cheap night out...
It will be picking up from the Celebration Bottle shop from 7pm and if you talk nice to the driver, they might even drop you off at your door at the end of the night..
So not many days to go now...
Any chance to designate the party site as the only pickup point for the return journey. Last year this process was a bit kaotic in the end with people being picked up randomly along the road back into town and some people ended up with long walks not knowing if the mini bus was coming back (The van driver seemed to have no clear idea whether any more or how many more people required pickup) . Just a suggestion....
Yowser- The game is on @ Robe !!!!
My inside sources have told me that-
The Friday night Party will go off its trolley and be a rad mix of fun, good times and socialising.
The ladies wine tour is fully booked- so there are at least 30 chicks coming !
The pub will actually serve us drinks this year on Sat nite
There will be a ladies sup on the sunday morning
Martys 4wd tour will rival anything you have seen on the Leyland Brothers
Sunday nite pressos will get looser than ever
Stewie will make a dick of himself at some stage over the weekend
Even if there is no wind you will come back smiling from ear to ear and with more debaucherous stories than Paris Hilton !
Hey, heading to Robe on Thursday morning and have space in the van to take gear if needed, will be in Robe from 2pm (ish) but happy to help out if anyone needs something taken up. Space is limited, by limited I mean I cant take up someones 12foot SUP!
Hmm yeah not sure thats the sort of slingshot Loverboy was talking about. But u will all find out soon enough!
I know what it is Rooy, just seeing who would take the bait first.[}:)]
First sigthed it during the wave nats in Robe, good bit of gear.
Hey Lover, don't forget to bring your skim board to Robe.
Have to be stoked.. 5 days to go to the start of the 2010 Robe Easter Classic..
In this early stages, the weather is looking great for the event, increasing swell and forecast SE winds, with a day temp of 24C and not much chance of rain..
So get you washing done, check you gear, 5 days will not take long to pass..
robe check list
surfboards and twintip
stubbie holder, beer+esky
blockout and your party hat
good times to come so amped
Need one night accomodation in Robe for event. Please help!!
Hi, I'm from New York (currently living in Hong Kong). Me and my girlfriend are driving from Adelaine to Melbourne over Easter Holidays. We will drive to Robe to kitesurf with you guys on April 2nd. We desperately need a place to stay for April 2nd night. We looked around , but everything is booked.
Can somebody help us to find a place to sleep for that night?
We both are kitesurfers, so we don't require anything fancy. We would love to stay with anybody who could give us a couch to sleep on.
Or, obviosly if somebody could rent us a room for one night only, we'd be very greatful.
Please contact me directly if you can help or have a good adivce where we could sleep that night.
If we bring a tent with us, is there any place we can put up a tent for the night?
of course this would be our last choice, but if there is absolutely no place to stay and we have no choice but to sleep in a tent, we'll do that. So maybe somebody can let us camp in their backyard for one night?
My HK phone: +852-6460 - 2625
or you can reply to me on this forum.
Really appreciate any help on this.
How cold is water now in Robe?
What wetsuit is needed?
Will 2mm shortie do?
Or do I need full wetsuit? i got 4/3
10.00am - Sign Up Registration 3rd Ramp $50.00 entry
11.00am – Competitor Briefing 3rd Ramp
12.00pm - BBQ lunch (Free), Tunes, Redbull and Coopers on Ice.
12.00pm – 4.00pm Expression Session (Weather Permitting)
7.00pm – 3rd Ramp Beach Party, DJ, Outdoor Cinema, Free Coopers and Redbull.
(Don’t drink drive – there will be a Breatho!!!)
6.30pm Millicent Taxis Doing Pickups every 15 minutes for $20.00 per load (seats 6).
Meet out the front of Cellarbrations in the Main street Robe Taxi 0439880300
7.00am – SUP Surf Comp – Venue TBA
11.00am - Competitor Briefing 3rd Ramp
11.00am – 4.00pm Expression Session (Weather Permitting)
12.00pm – BBQ Lunch (Free)
12.00pm – Ladies Wine Tour $50.00 per head, lunch, wines and cheese plates.
Meet opposite Robe Tourist Information Centre – Call Geoff 0418134873 limited seats available.
9.00am – SUP Ladies Morning, Town Beach opposite Robe Post Office
(Guys more than welcome to join in and help out – Please bring your board to give the girls a go)
11.00am – Competitor Breifing 3rd Ramp
11.00am – 4.00pm Expression Session (Weather Permitting)
12.00pm – BBQ Lunch (Free)
6.00pm – Presentation Night – Upstairs at the Caledonian Hotel
*4WD Expression Session as a no wind Option 2.30pm on Friday or Saturday – Call Shaun 0411 289 161 or Marty Sellars
South East Coast:
Thursday until midnight : Wind: S/SE 8/13 knots, freshening to 13/18 knots in the afternoon and reaching 18/23 knots offshore in the evening. Sea: around 1 m, rising to 1.5 to 2 m. Swell: SW 1 to 2 m, increasing to 2 to 2.5 m late evening.
Friday : Wind: SE 13/18 knots, reaching 18/23 knots offshore. Sea: 1 to 1.5 m, reaching 1.5 to 2.5 m offshore. Swell: SW 2.5 to 3.5 m.
Saturday : Wind: SE/E 10/20 knots.
Ahh, why don't you call Marty on 0424736680 if your keen or need info. He's got the run all worked out I think and he'll be the guy winching you all out when you get stuck. Marty did travel round Oz via 4x4 for 5 years so any tech questions I'm sure he can answer as well. Enjoy all. I'm jealous I can't make it.
I can't wait for the forby mission,
has everyone made plans for there sand flags yet?????
Any Ideas on where to go are welcome, and of course wind dependant.
I was thinking maybe a beachport to Nora Cerena Run or all the way through to Robe might be a good adventure for us all. The Beachport end of Little Dip has some great open dunes for everyone to try to conquer, think the sarahra desert with ocean veiws.
The Beachport end also has the advantage of B- lines through the tough stuff for those who have "Toy forby's" or a Jeep, aka geoff.
Can't wait all come and see us on the beach if you have any questions.