Barmera Kite boarding and Windsurfing experience Road Trip. 1st/2nd Nov 2008
Hey Crew, Onboard are heading to Barmera again very soon. For a demo weekend of Kite boarding and Windsurfing. And before you ask, if there is any water in Lake Boney, there is heaps…
Barmera is the one of the newest up and coming kiting and windsurfing community. With heaps of young groms getting into kiting and one of the locals hold the fastest speed records for windsurfing.
The weekend is a chance to get the locals fired up and be able to ride with other people. This will also show the Barmera and Riverland community how much fun it is to ride, and party.
The weekend normally involves a bit of on water fun, and heap of drinking and the Saturday night after a meal at the local footy club and bus ride to Berri to the Vines disco, where the weekend is made..
The weekend is the 1st and 2nd of November 2008..
We are all staying in the Lake Boney Caravan Park, right next to the lake. Please call to make a booking Ph (08)85 88 2234
Any question hit up Onboard (08) 8294 3866 or Stewie 0419 847 215..
It’s the weekend to not miss!!!
plenty of water in the lake , it has dropped but has exposed a 10m sandy beach, hundreds of meters of lawn for rigging -even better for boarding than ever before. Generally spring time we get the best wind. ask for a camp site on the front row overlooking the lake and tell the office you are here for the kite/windsurfing weekend.400m to footyclub, 500m to pub and main drag. come via gepps cross,head to gawler,barrossa valley and keep on highway 20. its about 2 1/2hrs from adelaide cbd. hope to see a huge contingent from the coast, ps-dont take stewies short cut from 2 yrs ago via murray bridge , mt gambier and melbourne, took him 2 1/2 weeks to get here and then got picked up by the cops in barmeras main street
My way is not that long, its just safer then driving past bogan town, with my ski on the back.. Ah yeah the cops in barmera are realy nice.. They stopped us at 11.00pm wondering what we where doing driving around in his quite town.
Hey lads,
its Blake from whyalla, me and jordan are looking like we will make the trip this year, and i will bring the wakewinch and the slider ( a nine metre long flat bed) if we can get it all in, just another light wind option if you want... bloody looking forward to it.
Have a good one lads
Hey is Blake from whyalla,
Count me in, looks like jordan is coming as well, we will bring my new wake winch and the slider (9 metre long flat bed) so we have another light wind option. Bloody looking forward to it, good lead up to mambo!!!
Catch up with you guys soon
Count us whyalla boys in, ill being my new wake winch and our new 9 metre long flat bed slider... another light wind option.
Bloody looking forward to it...
any room for a fat bald guy riding bandit dos. looking forward to it
. not sure about the slider looks so smooth. might just bring my sk8t board and winch through the park. Should be fun, any one else got any ideas with what we can do with the winch. eg. set winch up as snare, bueried under petes pole board and when he goes out to float on his esky lid with no wind we drag him 300m down the beach. just a thought
hey crew, The talk around town, is this Barmera Weekend is going to be massive, even if there is no wind..
We have 2 jets skis going up, winches, sliders, kickers and red bull.
Dont forget to book in at the caravan park.. the more we book in the better deal every one gets.
just over 6 weeks to go..
Hey Guys this message is from the guys at Barmera.
hey dude the onboard team from glenelg are holding a fantastic day at barmera on the 1st-2nd nov ,this is a great place for learners -free bqu lunch , tea at the local footy club that night overlooking the lake and party till 3am at the vines -berri hotel . most of the guys are staying at the caravan park,right on the lake front so tell them you are here for the kite weekend. i have heard a romour that there may be 40 + doing the 2 1/2hr drive !have sent a pic of the latest condition of the lake (26/9/08) lovely beach now- no kites in trees or broken ankles this year eh guys! call caravan park on 85882234 or onboard 82943866- ask pete or stewie. or alternatively ph kym at barmera on 0414934143
The above photo was taken last weekend 27/9/08. so you can see there is heaps of water..
This is infront of the footy club, where we will be doing the demo day..
Dont forget to book a site at the caravan park, or hotels, its all fill up
Hi everyone,
Spoke to caravan park at Barmara today and they said that they are offering the group 10% discount if you mention that you are participating in the kite/windsurf weekend. If you have already booked just mention it to them when you arrive. They will also try to group people together as much as possible.
Sounds like its going to be a cracker!!
See you there,
My liver is hurting just thinking about it- can't wait. The kite trip has become synonomous with copious amounts of fun, sun and ouchamahol, bring it on !!!
Just spoke to Stewie - super amped for this one. Sounds like a kicker and slider park will be going on in the lake and a super cool crew heading up. If you are thinking about coming but not sure - do it !!!!!!
Bells and whistles! Fun for the whole family! Can't wait! Will be in caravan park in a kombi, come have a beer, my shout! (1 per consumer!) Yeww! Cheers Sam
Its getting so big, its epic.. So if you are humming and harring about weather to come to the Barmera experince. If you miss out you will just hate yourself until next year.. Thats a long time to hate yourself for... So instead, bight the bullet, put a carton in a easky or 4.. Pack all your gear and drive 2.5 hours to barmera and join in the fun..
Any question, hit me or the Onboard up..
Any level of drinker (sorry kiter) is invited...
So I hope you getting excited for the biggest weekend of the summer. It has got so massive, over 70 crew heading up, mix of kiters and windsurfers.
Saturday night, if you are still standing from the days activities, the football club is serving dinner (that’s is heaps cheap and tastes heaps good), as well as dinner, There is a DJ with a 21st that we have been given permission to gate crush until the Vines starts up.. How cool is that!!!!
There is no need to have a designated drive for the night, there are heaps of taxi and Mini bus to get to us from Barmera to the vines in Berri. That are cheap.. I will give the phone number out at the footy club or at the lake..
The caravan park is stoked to have us, just 2 things, if you are in a cabin, bring a sleeping bag. The 2nd thing is the caravan park has a code access gate, only one code for each car, please don’t transfer to get extra cars in, it crashes the system. They are happy to give as many codes out as we need.
Lastly if you are heading up after 6pm on Friday please let the caravan park now, so that can put you keys out.
Caravan contact details
Ph. 08 8588 2234 Fax. 08 8588 1974
Any more info, hit me up. Stewie 0419 847 215
hi party animals the latest forcast for barmera is thurs 38c- 20kn, fri 26c-16kn, sat 28c 12-14kn. kiters should be ok , windsurfers bring a big sail >6,5squ m. sunday recovery day is noy up yet ,but after church (i go fridays) you can all come down the lake again. there is another park on the other side of the lake which is be upgraded at the moment call ian 0417881910 ,it will be a bit quieter for those interested, he has donated a free weekend as a prize also bottles of wine a couple of free meals and a slab of beer donated by the footy club- to be anounced at the club saturday nite (not sure what for yet - heard a rumour tommy may do a nudey 500m dash on his kite for the slab, whatch out for the murray cod man they witchedy grubs for dinner). seriously, this is going to be a fantastic weekend ,country hospitality at its best . cant wait to get it happening. ps any one wanting to come earlier the forcast is better!!
i think i should have proof read that , mind you some of us out here talk worse than that all the time.
OK, so I can safely say The Vines is going to be the place to be!!!!
Had a massive night there on Saturday night while on the footy trip. They do $4 Vodkas from 8 til 12 and have a pretty good DJ as well!! Was a great crew but the natives were a pain in the arse. Always hassling you to buy them drinks etc
Apart from that it was huge and I can't remember much else.!!
Well its finally here.. The weekend of the Barmera Experience.. So safe Driving, watch out for the roos, and wombats. There are heaps out at night..
a reminder to pack a samll anchor and rope if you have one and some rope.
we will need 1-2 more i think for the kicker.
To all that made the journey to Barmera this past weekend. Thank you for coming and making it such successful and epic weekend.
Apart from not having enough wind to do a lot of kiting, the learner windsurfs had a great time.
For the people that didn’t make it this year, or that did make it and can’t quite remember the weekend. I will give you some of the highlights of the weekend.
Friday afternoon.
Some of the Whyalla boys and airush Geoff mates got a good session in with some of the locals kiters.
Later Friday night, heaps of crew drifted into the caravan park and who was driving was hitting the beers early.
At the local Basketball Match, one of the local jnrs kiters was playing with a 35 strong cheer squad. Bad luck Aarons team lost by 3 points.
We the moved the party onto one of the local Windsurfers house. Where there was a Tramp. And many stacks where had and one broken nose.
Saturday come around. 27C perfectly flat. So the kicker got a work out with crew getting towed into it. SUP’s where very popular. And finding a bit of shade and to kick back and have chin way with many crew.
Saturday night, the meals where great at the footy club, the it was onto the Vines.. Where the night was massive.
Sunday after about 3 hours of sleep, the wind was up at 7am. A few windsurfer made use of it and the kiters where hitting it hard.
The weekend was very successful in showing the Lake Bonney is still a very good place for recreational water based activities.
SO BOOK IT IN FOR NEXT YEAR 31st Oct/1st Nov 2009.
Wow- what a town, the locals hospitality was incredible, really good people and a beautiful place.
Thanks to the crew who organised it- top job.
Thanks to the locals for supporting it- super effort.
Events like this are a really great chance to get heaps of crew together, socialise and make new friends.
It was great to meet the Barmera kiters, catch up with some of the Whyalla crew and hang out with the Adelaide boys and girls.
Definitely look at it for next year if ya weren't lucky enough to be there....
Cheers for organising that guys, twas great fun!
Pity we didnt get to try any of the new gear, but it was definately worth the drive.
Thanks again!