Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

Brighton Caravan Park

Created by coastflyer > 9 months ago, 30 Jan 2013
SA, 581 posts
30 Jan 2013 12:10PM
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Big changes are being planned for this caravan park, but I was surprised to read that Council are considering kitesurfing lessons as a potential cash flow into the park. I feel that this is a positive consideration, as it would be good for the sport. I guess not so good, is the permanent residents that will have to pack up and leave, but i suppose that's progress!

QLD, 1287 posts
31 Jan 2013 9:46AM
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theres plenty of positives to running lessons from here.

- submerged rocks.
- boat and human traffic
- often turns offshore without warning.
- numerous kite schools already running on the metro coast.

wouldn't surprise me if the council started it up.
they love doing things without thinking.

(one way esplanade at Somerton, coastal sand dredging)

hahah doodies

QLD, 1287 posts
31 Jan 2013 9:46AM
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oh and sailing dingies are aplenty on weekends.

SA, 20 posts
5 Feb 2013 4:20PM
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The vic schools don't struggle
ABC News

SA, 449 posts
5 Feb 2013 5:27PM
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Mate thats st kilda marina. Gets pretty crowded right there.

705 posts
6 Feb 2013 7:01AM
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Its hard to compare VIC to SA.

SA has 1 real store, and already has enough established schools.

VIC has 4 big stores and enough business to support the schools.

why not get behind the local guys already selling gear and running stores and support them rather then introducing another.

seems crazy.

SA, 509 posts
28 Feb 2013 4:38PM
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As much as I have my doubts about Holdfast Bay Council doing anything particularly well (and I should know as I'm a resident), I do think we should be looking to grow the kiting community. If a kite school at Seacliff actually gets the Council to look more seriously at kiting, then let's not poor cold water on the idea too soon.


Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

"Brighton Caravan Park" started by coastflyer