Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

First Adelaide Seabreeze?

Created by coastflyer > 9 months ago, 14 Sep 2010
SA, 572 posts
14 Sep 2010 5:25PM
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On the way to work today, I called by my local spot, Seacliff, and the wind was blowing 15-20kts, south-west! No one out, but maybe an early seabreeze, as the wind was light S/East all morning.

SA, 1390 posts
14 Sep 2010 8:38PM
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The wind direction did have that seabreeze feel about it today in Whyalla as well but was definitely not a SB. The wind in whyalla came through at around 9.00am as the large tide was racing out, it was freezing cold so definitely not a SB, just a low pressure system moving through. Kept blowing until 5-6 o'clock i hope someone got out..

Fingers crossed the real seabreezes start coming through, but im predicting a late start to the season due to how much rain we have had lately especially inland.

First seabreeze prediction oct 17th.

that should give me enough time to fix my broken foot.

But lets hope for the rest of you we have a heap of strong fronts come through.

SA, 116 posts
14 Sep 2010 10:22PM
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Definitely will be a late start to the season.
Pick up my new kite and board this weekend, so guaranteed that there will be no wind for at least the next couple of weeks.

SA, 255 posts
14 Sep 2010 10:53PM
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Jordan, Matt, Wisha, Danny all snuck in a ride.

Anthony....don't scare the rare offerings away ;)

705 posts
15 Sep 2010 12:08AM
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def has a SE look to it, very sketchy.

itll be here in good time, dont stress

SA, 1390 posts
15 Sep 2010 11:51AM
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WF said...

Definitely will be a late start to the season.
Pick up my new kite and board this weekend, so guaranteed that there will be no wind for at least the next couple of weeks.

With the amount of people getting new gear the season wont start untill christmass

Will you be out kiteing more this year, did you upgrade to the new rebel? Hury up and finish your house and get down the beach.

SA, 76 posts
15 Sep 2010 11:45PM
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awesum forecast for the wkend...will be able to get a decent sesh in on yorkes..bring on the southerlies

SA, 255 posts
17 Sep 2010 12:31AM
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Another great session tonight...two in the same week!!!

SA, 1390 posts
17 Sep 2010 3:14PM
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It's looking good tonight to 15-20kts.

SA, 572 posts
17 Sep 2010 4:04PM
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Bom hates to mention "seabreeze" before October, but a study of these charts seems to indicate otherwise! Not a front in sight.

SA, 165 posts
17 Sep 2010 6:33PM
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Its a sw gradient tho, there is also a change in direction of the Gradient which would have rolled over around mid afternoon. A front is techniqually a change in wind direction I think, so Id say it's just frontal. just not a big enough front to warrent the spikey line thing. Plus it was only about 15 deg. I like your optimism tho!

SA, 1390 posts
17 Sep 2010 6:36PM
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Incoming tide in the afternoon in whyalla today and the breeze came in with it not super strong but enough to get a ride in if you were there. Not sure it was enough to call it a SB as it only picked up by 5-6kts but made all the difference. Wont be long.

SA, 48 posts
17 Sep 2010 8:21PM
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Good sesh @ semaphore this arvo... 15-20 SW on my 15 rev... Where was everyone?... Bring on seabreeze season :0)

WA, 614 posts
18 Sep 2010 7:56AM
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thefish said...

Good sesh @ semaphore this arvo... 15-20 SW on my 15 rev... Where was everyone?... Bring on seabreeze season :0)

We were asking where you were all last season Fishy ....look forward to catching up for a ride !

SA, 572 posts
18 Sep 2010 2:07PM
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muirs said...

Its a sw gradient tho, there is also a change in direction of the Gradient which would have rolled over around mid afternoon. A front is techniqually a change in wind direction I think, so Id say it's just frontal. just not a big enough front to warrent the spikey line thing. Plus it was only about 15 deg. I like your optimism tho!

Sea breezes can develop with the right temp gradient between land and sea. Even though the air temp is quite cool at the moment, the water is still cold from winter, and as long as the isobars are generating a southerly wind component, a small temp rise over the land should develop a seabreeze (lucky for us at the moment).

Sea Breezes on the NSW Coast
By Kenn Batt

Nature and Causes
Sea (and land) breezes are caused by unequal heating and cooling of adjacent land and sea surfaces. A sea breeze is one that blows from the sea to the land in consequence of this differential heating.
During the day, especially in spring and summer, solar radiation causes the land surface to become warmer than the sea surface. From about August through to December, off the NSW coast, cooler sea water temperatures prevail, while the warming effect of solar radiation is increasing to its maximum. Therefore the contrast between land and sea surface temperatures becomes considerable during, the day, being greatest around mid-afternoon.

Without going into the mechanics of the matter, suffice it to say that the warmed air rises over the land surface and a local circulation commences, with cool air from the sea being drawn in over the land. At the same time the ascending air returns seaward in what is known as the upper return current (See the diagram below).

Just as a fire in a grate causes an up-current in a chimney, the updraught becoming progressively stronger as the fire burns more vigorously (and vice-versa), so the sea breeze gains in momentum and spreads over a greater area of land. A normal sea breeze in late spring or early summer may extend 80 to 160 km inland during the afternoon (complex orography can complicate this somewhat). Under very favourable circumstances the sea breeze may penetrate as much as 200 to 300 km inland by about midnight, and on rare occasions to 400 km. The sea breeze is detected by its maritime characteristics, such as lower temperature, higher humidity, and as well as by actual tracking of the wind change.

Canberra not infrequently experiences a sea breeze in summer evenings (Canberra is approx. 120 km inland and at an elevation of around 600 m). The further inland, the weaker and less identifiable the sea breeze becomes, and the shorter its duration.

Sea Breeze Development
With weak general wind circulations (around the centre of a high for example), a sea breeze (pure sea breeze) will commence over the coastline soon after the land temperature begins to exceed the sea temperature (late morning to early afternoon). As the difference increases, so the sea breeze will become stronger and will extend farther inland. It will also increase in depth from about 100m to as much as 450 to 800 m in a well developed breeze. Maximum wind speed (14 to 16 kt) will occur during the few hours after maximum temperature has been reached. This would generally be during the mid to late afternoon.
A weak sea breeze will die away soon after sunset, but a better developed sea breeze will persist at the coast till 8 to 10 pm., usually dying away fairly suddenly at the coast and slowly moving seawards as a cut-off sea breeze circulation.

With stronger general wind circulations, coupled with the required temperature gradient, the development of the sea breeze can be complicated to say the least. Obviously a moderate to strong , prevailing off-shore surface wind will delay the onset of the sea breeze and if strong enough, say over 20 kt, will prevent the sea breeze from developing at all. On-shore surface winds are generally enhanced by the sea breeze component. On the other hand, if we have a light to moderate prevailing off-shore 900m (900m above the earth's surface, commonly known as the Gradient level) wind, with say a direction from the northwest through to the north, then we can generally expect a re-enforced sea breeze at the surface-Sydney's super sea breeze. In this situation, our strongest sea breezes will occur on the south coast of NSW, with speeds well in excess of 30 kt.

This super sea breeze around the Sydney area will have wind speeds in the range from 20 to 25 sometimes 30 kt. It will stay in longer at the coast, say until around midnight, sometimes 1 am, before becoming cut-off and moving away from the coast.

The rule is that 900m wind directions from offshore tend to favour sea breeze development, whilst those onshore tend to either complicate the sea breeze or make sure that we don't get a sea breeze at all.

Wind speeds either at the surface or at 900m in excess of 20 kt will generally keep a sea breeze out, providing that speeds don't drop out over the late morning or early afternoon period.

Sea breeze Direction
It is found that a sea breeze will generally start up as a light onshore surface wind, at roughly right angles to the coast, before moving in a counter-clockwise (southern hemisphere) direction as the breeze increases in strength.
A pure sea breeze will by mid-afternoon, over the Sydney area for example, have a direction from the northeast, whilst a re-enforced sea breeze would have a direction more from the north-north east.

The start-up and final sea breeze direction (and speed) will depend on the orientation of the coastline as well as the complexity of the coastline (steepness, headlands, bays, estuaries, etc).

On cloudy days convection currents over the land (due to solar heating) are prevented or restricted. Thus the sea breeze circulation does not develop to any appreciable extent, and on many occasions of cloud cover will be non-existent.
On the other hand a well established sea breeze may contribute to cloud formation, of two kinds in particular:

large cumulus and cumulonimbus (thunderstorm clouds) which require an inflow of moist air in the lower levels. In fact, the sea breeze can provide the moisture to help form thunderstorm clouds. Once these form on the ranges to the west of Sydney, these clouds are generally steered toward the coast. Once these clouds get close to the coast, the sea breeze decreases in strength, whilst its direction will veer towards the east. Very soon after this, the sea breeze falters, we enter a short calm period before being hit by wind squalls out of the storm clouds. So the moral of the story is that the sea breeze can lead to its own demise.
low stratus (scud), in the late afternoon as the moist sea breeze air becomes cooled and is also lifted slightly over the land. Alternatively the inflow of moist air in the lower levels may result in widespread fog over the coastal plain later in the night.
It would certainly pay the keen yachts person to spend a great deal of time studying the sea breeze as it can be quite complex on any one day . This article hopefully whets the appetite and a further article will home in on the complexities of the sea breeze.

SA, 165 posts
18 Sep 2010 9:17PM
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Cheers that was a good read. It's interesting where they talk about a pure seabreeze, and the stuff about how far inland it goes. I was initially thinking about the temp of the ocean but I guess it's more about the temp of the surface air above, which would be pretty cold coming out of the back of that low! Probably a fair bit of momentum and stability about it too. Hopefully it's a sign that the waters nice and cold and we'll have some big seabreezes to come!

WA, 1094 posts
23 Sep 2010 11:50AM
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does Adelaide get seabreezes?

SA, 14 posts
23 Sep 2010 3:45PM
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Below is a quote from the weather bureau today; forecaster Peter Webb speaking on ABC radio

“We have seen some good fresh seabreezes over the last couple of days which is a sure sign that spring conditions are well on the way”

SA, 280 posts
23 Sep 2010 3:48PM
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OK, no more speculation, its official now...

"Forecast for Thursday
Fine and partly cloudy. Mild with light to moderate southeast to southerly winds
and a moderate afternoon sea breeze."

(copied from BOM site)


Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

"First Adelaide Seabreeze?" started by coastflyer