Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

Kitesurfing banned @ LARGS BAY???

Created by TheGnekko > 9 months ago, 7 May 2011
SA, 3 posts
7 May 2011 6:41PM
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Hi guys,

I noticed NEW signs at Largs Bay banning kitesurfing in this area!

Does anyone know what is happening? Or will kitesurfing still be allowed with SAKSA tag???


SA, 74 posts
7 May 2011 7:46PM
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What! Where is that sign and how long has it been there? I can only see a reason for banning near the jetty but surely not along the whole beach

SA, 3 posts
7 May 2011 8:29PM
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They must have put up the signs just recently. You can still see the remains of the digging work.
So far you can find the signs from the Largs Jetty up to Walcot Street.

Don't know if there are any more to come further north. Will keep checking!!!

SA, 513 posts
7 May 2011 9:33PM
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Thanks for the heads up TheGnekko. We will look into it first thing Monday morning.
Cheers Croc, Saksa VP

SA, 11 posts
8 May 2011 11:14AM
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Were was the sign located ?
Nth or Sth of the sailing club ??

SA, 12 posts
8 May 2011 12:29PM
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Nah. The first sign on the north side of Largs jetty (sailing boat access point) says no kiting but the subsequent signs for beach access points in the car park area say Wind Harnessing with Permit - SAKSA tag I assume.

NSW, 4188 posts
8 May 2011 5:21PM
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Hmm so can you kite there or not?

It does seem a little silly that the sign says "no kitesurfing" and not "no kitesurfing without a permit" if all you need is a SAKSA tag

SA, 12 posts
8 May 2011 5:32PM
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The sign in the photo is at the beach access point nearest to the jetty whereas the next sign at next access point, not even 15 metres north of this sign says Wind Harnessing with permit. Looks like kiting is not allowed near the jetty - that's it.

SA, 11 posts
8 May 2011 7:58PM
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After chatting with a person who works for the council (private contact)
There is no change in rules or by-laws for kitesurfing.

But she did mention that they have taken note of the "NOBILE Guy" selling equipment on the beach

This selling/demo activity is frowned upon without permission according to the council.

perhaps SAKSA could mention this to the "NOBILE Guy"

So, Kiting as usual.

SA, 3 posts
8 May 2011 9:19PM
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Sorry, for not being precise enough in my first post. Must have been the shock.

The photographed sign with "no kitesurfing" on it is located at the beach access opposite of Walcot Street. The same signs are at the beach accesses opposite Roslyn Street and Chester Street ( =north of car park Largs Sailing Club). No signs at all north of Walcot Street.

You are right: Along the car park of the Sailing Club, but only there, are the signs with "wind harnessing/ permit holders only".

But why did they put up the "no kitesurfing" signs north of the car park?

Hopefully, your friend at the council is right and there will be no changes at all. But it's quite confusing, isn't it?

NSW, 4188 posts
8 May 2011 10:39PM
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Good news on the (apparent) business as usual.

Lol at "wind harnessing" in one sign and "kite surfing" in the other one

Also, is it me or does the the second sign only seems to indicate you need a permit if you use a 2 line foil on handles and without a harness...

SA, 42 posts
8 May 2011 11:35PM
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BirdMan007 said...

After chatting with a person who works for the council (private contact)
There is no change in rules or by-laws for kitesurfing.

But she did mention that they have taken note of the "NOBILE Guy" selling equipment on the beach

This selling/demo activity is frowned upon without permission according to the council.

perhaps SAKSA could mention this to the "NOBILE Guy"

Thanks BirdMan007 for the heads up, (it would only be genuine if your name was not Ben Howell from A1Kiteboarding. For those who have a short memory, he was very clearly identified a year ago on SB forums... BirdMan007=Ben Howell

Selling on the beach has been pointed out by you previously and the topic generated some passionate comments.
As for the council... They came to follow up on your own claim last October that the Nobile banners and beach flags were used to promote a demo day without a permit.

You missed the point last year and you are still going down the same path.
We didn't care then, we still don't care now about your personal vengeance.


SA, 113 posts
8 May 2011 11:37PM
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GalahOnTheBay said...

Also, is it me or does the the second sign only seems to indicate you need a permit if you use a 2 line foil on handles and without a harness...


SA, 59 posts
9 May 2011 1:30AM
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Does this mean a wind surfer "harnessing" the same wind anywhere along those northern beaches has 2 pay for his 20knots of fun for an afternoon!??
Is the kiting community being singled out along the coast!!
Maybe or maybe not??

SA, 449 posts
9 May 2011 8:55AM
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Don't Sail boats from the sailing club "Harness Wind"? What makes them Go?

Am I missing something

I think the council just want to push the Kiters further North away from the Car park.

This will mean and even further walk through the scrub.

Dave Salz
SA, 27 posts
9 May 2011 10:08AM
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BirdMan007 said...

After chatting with a person who works for the council (private contact)
There is no change in rules or by-laws for kitesurfing.

But she did mention that they have taken note of the "NOBILE Guy" selling equipment on the beach

This selling/demo activity is frowned upon without permission according to the council.

perhaps SAKSA could mention this to the "NOBILE Guy"

I happened to be there when this council representative asked for the banners/flags to be removed from the beach... (and by the way, his main reason for this was because of the danger of something being blown down the beach and hitting someone... GO FIGURE... eg. umbrellas come to mind) and it was meant to be a demo day anyway, not a mention of selling on the beach

You certainly sound like you have a personal vendetta against the "Nobile Guy"... get over it!
At least he is willing to support all the events with prizes etc. and promote the sport for the people that have fun participating in their chosen sport. You yourself would know that there is not a great deal of money to be made anyway, try doing something constructive that will help the sport instead of hiding behind the keyboard slinging all sorts of accusations around... Get yourself a SAKSA permit and go have fun like the rest of us do!
Just in case you want to know who I am, come talk to me anytime...
Dave Salisbury

705 posts
9 May 2011 7:19PM
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yacht sailors pay a yearly membership to Yachting Australia, and also to their club.

this covers them for this kind of problem.

dont no what the solution is except that people think about their on beach actions.

SA, 59 posts
9 May 2011 10:06PM
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So what does the SAKSA member ship provide!! Public liability is a big thing and you have to thank them for that, but If i get speared by a stray umbrella who covers me then?? (does the council see a % of this??)
If so will the council provide a shower or tap in front of a sailing club where "permitted wind users" have access to these facilities...
Promote the sport.....friendly beach goers bring in new blood and educate the ones who have never been involved in wind sports but are still wanting to get involved!!

Thanks to the guys involved with Blade who helped get myself into the sport!!


If it's the "do gooders" out there who don"t know how too walk around a kite instead of under, it then don't put yourself in a dangerous position too start with!!

SA, 92 posts
9 May 2011 10:21PM
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Nothing's changed regards kiting at Largs Bay as long as you have SAKSA membership. Same as it's ever been. New signs is all. No need to wet ya knickers. Looking forward to seeing the usual suspects and any new suspects when we get wind again

PS I'm on this beach sh1tloads during the summer and haven't seen beach sales. Either I'm missing out or I need to get onto it

PPS Splat . . . . Did you know where to put yourself as a member of the public duriing a kite launch prior to learning how to kitesurf?? Be a bit kinder mate and look after those that don't know, it helps all of us;)

SA, 59 posts
9 May 2011 10:56PM
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Yeah agreed Nuttzzz!!! give everyone a fair go!!
But as the first few posts say you walk 15metres down the espleanade from the sailing club and the rules change on the signs??

Anyone who reads one and not the other has been misled by the council no one else, which will lead people to believe we shouldnt be there!!

Anyone that wants too be there will always lend a helping hand on the upside of the strings as you did and much appreciated 2!!

SA, 74 posts
10 May 2011 6:58PM
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Splat76 said...

If so will the council provide a shower or tap in front of a sailing club where "permitted wind users" have access to these facilities...

There is a tap out the front of the club anyway which you might as well use. It's under the balcony next to the door to the changerooms (which is to the right of the roller doors when you look at the club from the west)

SA, 59 posts
10 May 2011 8:41PM
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Thanks for the heads up To3y


Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

"Kitesurfing banned @ LARGS BAY???" started by TheGnekko