Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

Largs bay: suspicious bloke (Sat 24JAN)

Created by sharkbiscuit > 9 months ago, 24 Jan 2009
820 posts
24 Jan 2009 6:49PM
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I was rigging up at Largs Bay car park at about 3:30pm today. I was at the boot of my car. I glanced up and saw a guy riding along the footpath looking in peoples cars parked along the side of the path. I glanced up again, and he had u-turned, and was looking at the cars from the drivers-side windows. I looked back and saw him behind me, looking into my boot. He then casually rode back on the path and headed south. The whole thing took about 30 seconds. Something was definately up.

The guy was in his late 20's or early 30's. Slim/lanky looking, tanned. He looked a bit half-cast, but I can't tell, I didn't get a proper look at him. He was wearing a faded brown shirt, a cap, sunnies, and riding an old racer.

SA, 10 posts
25 Jan 2009 2:06AM
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Thanks for the heads up... I was there about the same time, but didn't see him.
I guess it's another reminder to make sure you don't leave anything of value on display in your parked car... better still, leave things of value at home as far as possible.
Most of the breakins will occur if they can see a wallet or phone etc, something that will get them quick cash.

Pity the wind didn't turn up!

820 posts
25 Jan 2009 9:10AM
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I've got an motorbike camera system (lipstick camera). I'm thinking about fitting it into my car. Youtube him.

SA, 91 posts
25 Jan 2009 1:20PM
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Hey all,

Not sure if this is a job for SAKSA or anyone in general, but with places like Largs getting more popular with increasing riders (plus sailors), is it worth talking to local police or even the Council to get extra patrols on weekends (especially if its windy).

Maybe the Council can install some CCTV for the carpark. Thieves could have a field day there on occasions.

SA, 117 posts
25 Feb 2009 3:41AM
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We all need one of these, the scum wont even look at our cars..


Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

"Largs bay: suspicious bloke (Sat 24JAN)" started by sharkbiscuit