Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

Murray Mouth

Created by mick14 > 9 months ago, 4 Jun 2010
SA, 343 posts
4 Jun 2010 6:01PM
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Couple of guys at the Mouth Sunday, with the seals...

SA, 16 posts
8 Jun 2010 6:49PM
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I would like to try kiteboarding at the river mouth. Can anyone give me some tips as to the best wind direction / strength, where to park and launch from, does tide play any effect. Do you tend to stay inside the sand bar or is it possible to sail out into the surf. cheers

SA, 582 posts
8 Jun 2010 8:15PM
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Hope this helps.

seasquirrel1 said...

I would like to try kiteboarding at the river mouth. Can anyone give me some tips as to the best wind direction / strength, where to park and launch from, does tide play any effect. Do you tend to stay inside the sand bar or is it possible to sail out into the surf. cheers


Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

"Murray Mouth" started by mick14