Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

New launch area at Goolwa

Created by coastflyer > 9 months ago, 29 Dec 2012
SA, 572 posts
29 Dec 2012 9:45AM
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I am staying down south at the moment on holiday and kiting EVERY day in the surf at Middleton and the Murray Mouth, with the winds averaging 15-20 kts southerly I have windsurfed many times on the Murray, just south of the Goolwa Aquatic Club, but have never kited, mainly due to lack of safe launching areas. However, the council have removed some reeds and made a beach on the eastern side of a reasonably sized park, and they call it a "windsurfing launch area"! There is plenty of area to safely launch and land, well clear of obstacles, and there are no power-lines. It would work best in south, through south-easterly winds, but

I would not recommend it for learners. Some pics included to give you an idea of the area. The last pic shows the Murray Mouth area, and how the sand has blocked the channel at Sugar beach. Amazing how quickly it can change down there.

SA, 280 posts
30 Dec 2012 2:39PM
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Nice pics coastflyer
We tried this new launch spot a few days ago and it is great, except the wind on this side of the lake is always dodgy. It can literally drop from 20+ knots to zero in just a few seconds with the kite hinderburging down. Its best to wait for a good gust and quickly get away to the middle of the lake where the wind is more reliable.

We tried this on a 20-25 knot day but still ended up packing up and going to the Murray Mouth which is only 15 min away and has nice clean wind on most days.

SA, 572 posts
30 Dec 2012 6:26PM
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G'day Godfather, seems like we may have just missed each other kiting at different spots on the south coast! It's good that you had a go at that spot, and I personally would not go out in anything other than a southeasterly, which would be almost straight sideshore. I guess it's just another spot to keep in mind when down that way.

SA, 4 posts
31 Dec 2012 6:49PM
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Thats me in that pic at Murray Mouth! Would it be possible for you to send it to me? I want to show my mates back in WA what Murray Mouth is like.

SA, 572 posts
1 Jan 2013 10:49AM
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jdigney said...

Thats me in that pic at Murray Mouth! Would it be possible for you to send it to me? I want to show my mates back in WA what Murray Mouth is like.

Just right click the pic and then select "Save As", and you will have a copy. I think that I was talking to you and launched your kite. Enjoy the south coast!

peter deane
SA, 39 posts
2 Jan 2013 8:41PM
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great pics mick and all
had a good sunset sail at milang 2 days ago-plenty of water these days
murray mouth is very thin again
happy kiting-off to Robe this weekend

SA, 13 posts
13 Jan 2013 1:44AM
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Coast flyer ... (come outta the closet yet?) ... Check out those piccs from the Adelaide kite flyers .. Excellent.

SA, 311 posts
21 Jan 2013 6:29PM
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Hi Guys

I have to be honest I am not sure that goolwa lake is the best option for kitesurfing, personally I see lots of solid objects, super gusty wind, lake goers, craft on the water, and down wind there is any amount of things that are not kite friendly, including the boat ramp.

We have never kited there, the main beach at Goolwa (away from the car park) offers great open space and waves, smoother wind, all the crew are there very often you are welcome to join anytime.

don't forget Milang or boggy, plenty of sea breeze there, lots more than Goolwa

Sugars is fine, better with larger tides when the sand is covered



Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

"New launch area at Goolwa" started by coastflyer