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Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

Pt Broughton ?

Created by Buell > 9 months ago, 8 Sep 2008
SA, 89 posts
8 Sep 2008 8:51PM
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Has anyone tried kiting the area in front of the Pt Broughton caravan park ?

I drove past last week on a work trip and it looked like a good flat water location, or am I missing something obvious


SA, 451 posts
9 Sep 2008 12:13AM
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Maybe just wind by the sounds of it!!!

SA, 350 posts
10 Sep 2008 10:55AM
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The area within the Mundoo Arm ( the bay in front of the caravan park ) would be affected by turbulence from surrounding land etc.

Also the small sand area in front of the caravan pk. is the only place for launch & landing. the rest of the bay is mud flats or mangroves.

Due west of Pt broughton is Webling Beach, flatwater all the way to the other side of the gulf. Wind would be good for anything Nth to Sth with a west in it.

Unfortunately it requires 4WD beach access for about 2Kms.
nice beach for launch & land.

This is the fossil test flying at Webling early '08

The Fossill

SA, 89 posts
10 Sep 2008 1:09PM
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Thanks for the good info Fossill

Always on the lookout for kiting locations that work with nth winds as they are offshore here in Whyalla


SA, 350 posts
10 Sep 2008 3:07PM
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Port Germein and Telowie Beach (just North of Pt Pirie) are 2 other possibles for you to try if you are venturing down that way.

Some of the SAKSA crew have kited Germein on their 1st trip to Whyalla.

Just watch out for the Razor fish beds

SA, 350 posts
10 Sep 2008 3:11PM
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If your age is correct on your profile that puts you in the "Masters category" for any comps or activities......good to see the baby boomers bracket out there.

the fossil

SA, 25 posts
10 Sep 2008 6:25PM
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I will be heading the Germein Bay this weekend (shack at weeroona) NW & SW Sat/Sun, and fortunately the low tide will still be high enough to get back and fourth across the spit.

SA, 89 posts
10 Sep 2008 9:13PM
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Yes, age correct, started sailboarding in 1979 on a teak boomed windsurfer with a horrible triangular sail, took up kiting late last year and having a ball

Germein Bay sounds good, which side of Weroona island, nth or sth ?

Saturday is a strong nth westerly which is a terrrible direction here so I'm keen to try a new location


SA, 25 posts
11 Sep 2008 9:41AM
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North side...have not determined if i launch from island or from germein bay, the island has risks with the rocks

If you google map the island our shack is on the corner of freycinet road and nth flinders esp.

SA, 89 posts
11 Sep 2008 1:09PM
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Sounds good Jobbo, hope to see you there.

Is the beach accessable without driving thru mangrove swamps etc ?


SA, 25 posts
11 Sep 2008 6:17PM
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Again Pete check google maps......there is a track which runs along side the rail line and can be accessed halfway off the weeroona island causeway, but its been a while since ive been on that track and i think they have put in place locked gates to deter motor bikes and hoons. however if you stay on princess highway travel north past the weeroona island turn off there is a dirt track off the princess highway (opposite brook road turnoff before noel smith road) this leads you straight to germein bay. i would be careful not to drive onto the beach as you may not get back up and lose ur car in the tide?? it has been done before. should be out there saturday or sunday.

SA, 350 posts
12 Sep 2008 10:32AM
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Jobbo said...

however if you stay on princess highway travel north past the weeroona island turn off there is a dirt track off the princess highway (opposite brook road turnoff before noel smith road) this leads you straight to germein bay.


is that Telowie Beach???


SA, 25 posts
12 Sep 2008 10:42AM
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yes telowie beach it is

SA, 804 posts
27 Sep 2008 9:31PM
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Hey guy's here are some picture's of weroona island that jobbo was talking about.
Sorry it's dead calm and is only SUP pic'sI did have some pic's of telowie and Port Germien bay but must have erased them. They are very tidal but when the winds and tides are right there perfect for kiting.

Hey that pic of webling beach look's alright, didn't even no it was there and i live in Port Pirie just 65km up the road Does the water go out a fair way like the rest of the beaches around here?



SA, 236 posts
28 Sep 2008 9:39AM
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Hi guys, Ive stayed at port Broughton caravan park and kited out from it in a northerly wind, it was super sweet and I'll be going again soon I hope. I found that the spot between the boat ramp and the jetty was the best for flat water and no turbulence over the mangroves in a north to northwest winds. Try it out .

SA, 350 posts
29 Sep 2008 3:24PM
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Genetrix said...

Hi guys, Ive stayed at port Broughton caravan park and kited out from it in a northerly wind, it was super sweet and I'll be going again soon I hope. I found that the spot between the boat ramp and the jetty was the best for flat water and no turbulence over the mangroves in a north to northwest winds. Try it out .


I like your enthusiasm for the area.
Be aware that there are restrictions in this area as the Name suggests this is a registered Port and definately comes into the Marine & Harbours Regulations, particularly the following extract from the regs;

2—4 knot limit—all vessels
The speed limit in the following waters is four knots:
(f) Port Broughton
The area bounded as follows: Commencing at the stick beacon without a topmark
situated approximately 655 metres north-north-west of the centre of seaend
of the Port Broughton jetty and between stick beacons Nos. 34 and 35
which are both surmounted by black triangles (the three beacons are on the
western side of the Port Broughton channel) then due east to high water mark
on the eastern side of Mundoora Arm, then generally southerly along the high
water mark to its intersection with the production westerly of the southern
side of Edmund Street, then west-north-westerly on a line parallel to the jetty
to intersect high water mark on the western side of the Mundoora Arm, then
generally north-easterly, easterly, south-easterly, north-easterly and northwesterly
along high water mark to a point due west of the point of
commencement then due east to the point of commencement.

This covers the area between the boat ramp & jetty.

One of the few Marine Safety Officers in SA ( the guys who will fine you for breaching the regs) has a shack in the area

The choices are always yours but I would rather not bring adverse attention from the local Council etc. even before kiting becomes popular in the area.

The bay around 100 mtrs south of the jetty is not in the exclusion zone, nor are the areas north of the broughton channel towards Shag Island, & north past Fishermans Bay.(launch & land not so easy).

Great to see another kiter from the Barossa heading north to party kite


SA, 350 posts
29 Sep 2008 3:42PM
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champcrow said...

Hey that pic of webling beach look's alright, didn't even no it was there and i live in Port Pirie just 65km up the road Does the water go out a fair way like the rest of the beaches around here?

Hi Danny,

my guess is that it would probablly drain similar to the other areas

I was originally from Pt Pirie & was lucky enough to spend a lot of my youth at the beaches between Broughton & Germein. I would guess there would be many unpopulated beaches similar to Webling between Broughton & Pirie, E.g. Wanderah.
it is just a matter of who you know & how to get access.

You never know, these deserted flatwater areas may just be the ticket for a SAKSA flatwater / speedboard event in the future

The list of kiters using this region appears to be growing

the fossil

SA, 25 posts
29 Sep 2008 4:09PM
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You need new photos they are oldies.

SA, 804 posts
29 Sep 2008 9:33PM
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Yeah i know Jobbo haven't had anyone out there with me lately.

Cool photo mate

SA, 88 posts
30 Sep 2008 8:27PM
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Hey Genetrix,

If the water cop doesn't get you at Port Broughton the mozzies certainly will.
Might see you on the Pazza speed strip on the weekend.

Cheers, The Windhogger (another Barossa kiter)

SA, 236 posts
1 Oct 2008 10:08PM
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Good one windhogger , with all the alcohol in the blood stream the mozzies will be knocked rotten since us true barossa locals are all piss heads and law breakers.[}:)]

SA, 23 posts
10 Oct 2008 10:29PM
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Hey champ,

I think you may have mistakingly replied to the wrong forum. Are you aware that there is a forum for "paddle your longboard"...what a rush!!!

SA, 804 posts
11 Oct 2008 2:33PM
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No worries Mopsy just change your user name again mateHow mant times now!!!

SA, 89 posts
11 Oct 2008 3:09PM
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Jobbo said...

You need new photos they are oldies.

Jobbo, had a look at Telowie beach yesterday, looks good on a high tide, clean flat bottom with no razor fish. How well does it work in a northerly, is the wind clean or gusty?


SA, 25 posts
14 Oct 2008 10:54AM
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The Northerlies are great, no Gusts. The only hang up is that when you get the sea breeze is when the water is out. However with the daylight savings you can get the afternoon tide coming in. no razor fish there just the occasional smashed glass bottles.
Southerlies are also good, the beauty of it is there is no buffering of the wind from anything in the vicinity other then the island if you were to get that close.

SA, 89 posts
14 Oct 2008 1:26PM
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Excellent news Jobbo, northerly winds suck on this side of the Gulf, offshore, gusty and generally rubbish.

To all the Whyalla crew, it looks like a short road trip to Telowie beach next northerly with suitable tides


SA, 350 posts
6 Nov 2008 10:35AM
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Hi Northern flyers.

Myself, (Scott the fossil) & my cohort in flying are heading up to Fisherman's bay this Week end.

We are hoping to get a session in at Webling on Saturday.
We are still at the crash 'n' splash part of the learning curve.
Usually there is no one else around at this spot

P.M. me before friday arvo if you want to catch up, even just for a beer & chat.


SA, 601 posts
6 Nov 2008 3:00PM
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Good stuff,

I'll be there this weekend. sent ya a PM.

Maybe a few Whyalla boys will come too?

WA, 614 posts
6 Nov 2008 1:35PM
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Watch out for Walshy- the man is an animal... if the Barmera form is anything to go by he will outdrink 10 grown men and 4 elephants- that's the truth...

SA, 1390 posts
6 Nov 2008 4:35PM
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Then Walshy has 2hrs sleep wakes up drinks 3 mixed beers or burbons what ever is still cold and heads out for a kite good as gold. it is the country way.

SA, 601 posts
6 Nov 2008 5:22PM
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It was hot thirsty weather at Barmera......atleast the pants stayed on all weekend (I think)

C'mon Waxy, fire up the comby. My mate has a shack to crash


Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

"Pt Broughton ?" started by Buell