With the seabreeze's not to far away and the water just starting to warm up. SAKSA have decided to throw a BBQ and invite yourself and all the local shops and distributors to come down and display all the new 2011 gear. This is a great social event and a great way to meet fellow kiters. SAKSA reps will be there to answer any questions or if you have any ideas which you think may will help the SA kiting community, we would love to hear them. So on Saturday the 18th September come down to the River Torrens outlet carpark Henley South and join us for a great day.
Cheers SAKSA committee
Hey Guys and Girls, don't forget to come down next Saturday and say hello . The day will start at around 10am and run till around 2pm.
Looking forward to seeing you all there,
SAKSA committee
Hey everyone get on down and support SAKSA this Saturday. Its usually a great day and while unfortunately it looks like the wind gods may not be kind to us its still a great way to meet like minded kiters, have a few laughs and enjoy a free BBQ.
SAKSA have some big plans for the up coming 12 months and this is just the start, so come on down and find out whats being planned.
See u all there.
Ok guys so ive just put in an order for all the BBQ meat for saturday. Should be plenty of snags, steak (both marinated and plain), Chicken shazliks and im even going to pick up a few vego options for those of us who are not of the carnivorous nature (freaks! he he). Im picking up all the soft drinks tonight and we should be all set for saturday.
The shops and distributers are lined up so make sure u get ur ass down there.
I dont think its been mentioned previously but SAKSA will be down there from 10am (if not earlier to set up) through to 2 or 3pm. Hope to c u all there.
Been trying really hard to get the new 2011 Fuel in for the weekend but with Andy being off sick and will be for some time it has been hard. Unfortunantly the only 11m Fuel went to another shop and wont be here in time.
However - my kites will be here in a week or so so if you want to check out the new Fuel hit me up on Saturday.
Sounds good, as long as its not on the Oct long weekend. There is a lot of kiters heading away with family. One you have the dates locked in i will spread the word there may be some lincoln guys that want to come up.
Well guys and girls, we have the BBQ meat, drinks on ice, and it's already to go. So come down and check out the the new Cabrinha Switchblade, Liquid force Hifi Comps and Havocs, Slingshot Rally, North Rebels and Vagas, Blade Vertigo and much more. So come down and say hello.
See ya there
Hey thanks to everyone who came down on Saturday for the Season Opener BBQ and made it a great day, was good to catch up with everyone again and was nice to meet a heap of new crew as well. Unfortunately the winds were marginal however a few dedicated crew got on the water to give it a crack.
Note to self for future BBQ's, dont order Shazliks! They are a massive pain in the ass to cook, he he.
See u all on the water soon.