Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

SAKSA State Freestyle Titles

Created by kitecroc > 9 months ago, 4 Jan 2011
SA, 513 posts
4 Jan 2011 10:47AM
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SAKSA State Freestyle Titles are on again at Grange Beach. The Grange Sailing club will host this awesome event again on the 15th and 16th of January. More details to come very soon.

Cheers SAKSA Committee

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
4 Jan 2011 5:32PM
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The usual categories will be held. Mens and Womens open, Juniors, Amateurs and Masters.

If there is time and wind then a big air, expression session and other fun events may be held.

With regards to the racing side of things the committee has been trying to organise a course racing series on friday nights but as yet the weather has not cooperated- stay tuned for further announcements on that....

Any other questions feel free to hit us up- otherwise tell your friends and family and get on down on the 15th and 16th for another awesome states !

SA, 242 posts
7 Jan 2011 11:58PM
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Will be there with bells on, around work times... Heaps keen, last year was heaps sick fun....

53 posts
10 Jan 2011 7:59AM
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Is there a backup date for the state titles?

The forecast at the moment looks about as bad as it could get. Looking forward to heading up that way to check out the action if the forecast changes.


Dave Salz
SA, 27 posts
10 Jan 2011 10:48AM
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At the moment it is looking like around 30C for both days... so afternoon seabreezes will be the go I hope. The rainy/stormy system this week should clear by then and a dry slot then moves in, so I wouldn't expect much wind early in the day... *fingers crossed*... this may change in a few days!

SA, 298 posts
11 Jan 2011 1:52PM
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Getting amped for the States this weekend. Its always a great event and great fun to catch up with all the crew from around the state. Looking forward to seeing some of the boys throwing down some sick tricks 2, its always good to watch.

So make sure u get ur ass down to check it out. Even if ur a beginner its a great way to meet crew, get some tips and even join in by having some fun in the free ride sessions or go in the Amateurs division. There are usually plenty of great prizes up for grabs (and they dont all go to Open).

See u all there.

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
11 Jan 2011 4:40PM
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Hey all,

The forecast from where we sit is looking peachy creamy for two days of afternoon seabreezes !

We hope this will be the case and would encourage as many as possible to get down and get involved. All levels of skill are encouraged and there is plenty on offer for everyone who enters. It sounds like we have a few extra ladies this year which is great- more are always welcome ! Juniors and grand masters are a little thin on the numbers so get along and get involved and chances are you'll score yourself a prize....

Amateurs will be a hotly contested division - please be honest about your ability and enter the opens if you are more advanced than a basic couple of rolls or have been kiting for a long unhooking or kiteloops will be judged in this division - it's all about getting involved and being a part of the comp !

A big air for the ams and a kite loop comp for the opens may be run if we have enough wind.

No matter what - make sure you come down, say gday and support the event. It is always a great social occasion and a chance to catch up with old friends and make new ones, with the added bonus of seeing some hot riding.

Pressos will be on Sunday night upstairs straight after the comp and comp photos will be shown on a big screen to entertain us while we chew the fat afterwards.

Any questions please pm us. Cheers,

SAKSA Committee

SA, 33 posts
11 Jan 2011 6:04PM
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I'm thining about entering the Amature competition (there has to be someone making up the numbers).

How do you enter? Just show up at 9am and register, I can't seem to do it on the SAKSA website.
Do you need to be a SAKSA member to enter?
How is the event to be run? Will heat times be listed and then finals or something?
Is there a guide to how tricks are scored?

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
11 Jan 2011 6:09PM
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Our apologies- the online rego is not running yet, entries will be taken on the day from 10am.

You must be a SAKSA member to compete for insurance reasons !

Heats will be run- a draw will be posted on a large whiteboard once briefing is done. Depending on wind the heats will be 5 or 7 minutes. Finals will come from the heats and then any time left over will be used for fun events.

Any more questions fire away.....

SA, 220 posts
11 Jan 2011 7:11PM
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Hey guys, I am happy to volunteer as a judge again, I will be entering opens but am happy to sit and do it for the other categories. Looking forward to an awesome weekend!!!

If you have not been before I recommend you come down and get involved!!!

53 posts
11 Jan 2011 5:44PM
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The judging is a job i would not wish on anyone. The technical aspect of the sport is way above any riders i have met since moving to SA. It is interesting reading the judging criteria, it is similar to the way they judge the PKRA except the PKRA ignore the trick that lead to the crash so crash a mobe is worth the same as crashing a backroll -0-points. The PKRA also reward combo moves like mobydick to 313, or whirlybird to blind judge 3, etc to prove full control. Look at Zoon one of the best riders in the PKRA he was the firs to get out there and do 4 trick combos and now if you don't do combos there is no chance of getting through the heat, theres no hooking back in just one move after the other on the first run then they drop back and just do one massive trick per tack.

Is the state titles a double elimination comp or single? It looks like there wont be much wind on Saturday and fairly light on Sunday so probably not a lot of time to run the heats depending on how many riders enter.

Is the big air comp really just for the amateurs? It is always good to see the advanced riders going for kung fu airs, board offs, dangle passes etc. that you don't normally see in a freestyle comp anymore. 80% of the score for hight and 20% for style.

With a bit of luck we will see some action like they had at New call in the kiteloop comp, this lad from Wa, Simon, everyone thought he was dead, massive kite loop mobe crash in a foot of water. I was talking to one of the Judges at the comp and he thought it was one of the worst crashes he has seen, and pointed out how much slack was in the lines before he went for the pass. There is a better angle of it on youtube somewhere but i couldn't find it.

Check out the vid from 1.19 I have seen simon land these.

SA, 220 posts
11 Jan 2011 9:48PM
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Personally I think that when judging you have to adjust how harsh you are with scoring depending on what your judging, is; a minor buttcheck on landing in amatures will not be as harshly penalized as if you did the same trick and landing in opens. It's the only way in my opinion to keep the competition fun and fair...PKRA is the top level of professional competition and therefore judged accordingly.

53 posts
11 Jan 2011 8:14PM
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A butcheck in the PKRA is not classed as a crash, but it will affect the score of the trick.

But you highlight my point exactly, you being someone that may be judging the comp show that you can see the exact same trick from 2 different riders and just because they are in 2 levels judge differently, where there is no need. The riders aren't competing against each other. If there is a set criteria for judging, and it is the same across the comp all of the judges can be on the same track and even though there will be a huge difference in scores between the amateurs and opens the best riders will still win there respective divisions. Standard judging also helps the people coming up through the ranks, as it gives them a good idea of when they should step up to the next level.

But seriously judging is a very hard job, a small blink while watching someone could mean that you thought they just did a mobe when it was actually a pete rose, a BJ 3 can look like a 313 etc. Last time i saw a moby dick i thought it was a double s bend.

Running heats one on one, is the best way to run a comp though and weather you have 3 or 5 judges all each judge has to decide is who rode the best and who ever gets the most votes wins the heat. easy, as long as the judges have a good idea on what the tricks are and the difficulty level and style etc. it should be a fair comp. I'm sure that there will be some stand out riders any way that will make the judging easy.

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
12 Jan 2011 9:42AM
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Righto gents (and ladies)... might just head this one off at the pass.

This weekend is looking like being a great comp. BigBlock, just to address a few of your concerns; SA have some prime quality riders. To say that the "technical aspects of the sport are way above the level of the riders" you are seeing, is a strange thing to say. The technical aspects of the sport are this... if you can fly a kite, get up on your board, you're technically a kiteboarder. Are you not?

As far as the competition goes, SA has run a number of really successful competitions in it's history (as SAKSA). If we were to run comps that were so stringent that only the best riders would, or could enter, we'd only see one, maybe two riders have a go. The other "good" riders probably wouldn't be bothered coming because there'd be no atmosphere, and probably MOST IMPORTANTLY, we'd be doing NOTHING for the sport of kiteboarding in so far as cultivating and inspiring new talent.

I'm sure you'll agree that kiting is a relatively new sport, and yes, I agree that there are some amazing riders around the world. But trying to pitch the South Australian State Titles as a PKRA level event, is not doing anyone any favours. We have a stack of young (and old) up and comers who just want to be a part of our kite community. This is just one of the ways in which we do this, by putting on comps where they can get some practice/experience in a competitive environment, but overall, just have a good time, get a T-shirt and meet/hang out with other kiters.

If you feel that your kiting is so far above the level of South Australian kiters, being from WA (that's what I'm reading into this), please, come along and give us an exhibition if you like. There's are a bunch of riders who would love to see some new moves. One of the judging criteria is centred around moves that have not been landed in competition before, you would certainly score highly in that area. If nothing else, may the best kiter win, and it sounds like that may well be you, but we'll just have to see, if you decide to enter.

Keep in mind, we have Ben Winding (local rider, was 2nd in Australia), Jordan Grimes (Whyalla rider who's ripping currently, but being from Whyalla, you're right, I doubt you would have seen him ride) and Martyn Bone (Red Bull rider who often rides during the day given his work schedule). You might not find it as easy to stomp through the competition as you think, but as the comps director, I'd really love to see a stiff challenge thrown to these blokes. Please come and compete. It just makes for a better competition for the viewing public and the other riders.

Quick note on the judging criteria; Yes, it is a PKRA type format. This is to try and get riders familiar with an international judging standard at a basic level, so if they do get to that level, it is comfortable to them. If nothing else, it serves as a good, fair and easy basis for judging an event. Yes, it ignores crashed tricks, but riders ARE NOT penalized by crashes. We have some reputable judges at our disposal. We've tried to get someone knowleagable in kiteboarding and wakeboarding, to cover the wakestyle/freestyle aspects, as well as someone well versed AND well respected as a local kiteboarder. The best riders in the PKRA are not judging, they're riding. I think you can see my point.

We've tried many judging methods. We've designed this one to allow judges to WATCH the heat rather than being flat out scribbling notes and missing critical moves. The PKRA format has given us the best chance of making this happen. We feel this will lead to a FAIRER and more CONSISTENT competition in terms of results.

Ultimately, the SAKSA State Titles (waves and freestyle) are participation events. We are out to be the BEST kiteboarding association in the country. The most welcoming, the most organized, the most fun, the most community conscious and the one that more people wish they could join than any other! We feel that we are on the way to doing so and we'd like to welcome you to our state of kitesurfing and I want to invite you personally to our State Freestyle Titles. I think you'd be a good addition to the lineup! I look forward to watching you throwdown and maybe even more so, having a beer with you after the comp!

Comps Director.

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
12 Jan 2011 9:47AM
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Quick weather check:

Forecast is looking a "good chance" of an arvo seabreeze on Saturday and as good as it could get on Sunday. Prime weather conditions are set for seabreezes this weekend.

REGISTRATION will be at 10AM (not 9AM as originally set)

SA, 220 posts
12 Jan 2011 9:54AM
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Well put jordy!!!! And to bigblock, there was no disrespect meant towards you. Hopefully we will catch up for a beer on the weekend. Catchya all there :)

53 posts
12 Jan 2011 8:12AM
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I think you have taken my post in the wrong way, i was just simply stating that a judging criteria that doesn't change is a lot easier to judge than one that is different for each division. In no way was i saying that it should be judged as hard as the PKRA but i'm sure if you sit back and reflect that you can easily understand my point, and see that it makes no difference at all to the results, it only makes the judges job easier.

I'm more of a fan of kiteboarding than a competitor, as i don't get a lot of time on the water i spend a lot of time watching vids learning the names of the tricks etc, the same way a freestyle motorcross fan would, learning the ins and outs of the sport so that i can better appreciate watching it. Without having the intension of going out and risking life and limb to do the tricks myself.

53 posts
12 Jan 2011 8:43AM
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Just one more thing, where is the best place to get the weather for Adelaide, all of the sites i have checked show no wind and no tide movement for Saturday, and combined with the posible rain on Friday would indicate no chance of a seabreeze. and i have found a maximum of 13kts for Sunday. with most of the sites indicating 10 kts, so is there a back up date?

Looking forward to coming down and watching the action when it happens


705 posts
12 Jan 2011 9:56AM
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you can do as much research as you like online and through what ever source you may have.

It all comes down to the day.

bring your gear, your rev'd up attitudes and lets get her done.

see you all there sunday.

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
12 Jan 2011 2:22PM
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Thanks for your further comments Brad. All good mate, no offense taken and I fully understand your point. I think my point is that yes, you're right, judge it the same way and let the results speak for themselves. Criteria won't be relaxed as such, you can only judge what is deemed judgicable.

As far as weather, this gulf is a funny one. Ironically, seabreeze's graphs don't predict sea breezes all that well but with time and experience, it does provide a good indication of what is likely to happen. Those who've lived here for a while will know a SW bias in the morning, no frontal activity, little or no cloud, and a warm day, say 24-34 degrees will generally produce a strong consistent seabreeze. SA actually has probably some of the better sea breezes around the country. Great, solid, consistent winds. Often with a SE bias, it'll go offshore but at this point we're not facing that. It's shaping up to be great. I would always consult a few sources. Seabreeze, BOM etc, and then just take a punt. We've all shown up somewhere with our gear and fot the forecast totally wrong at some point. Fingers crossed it won't happen this weekend but it's always possible.

Furthermore, if you are after some help getting your kiting up to speed, we have plenty of great instructors in the community that we could hook you up with. Elements, red baron, kite school, transitions are just a few to choose from. Whatever happens though, Saksa promotes responsible kiting and strongly recommend joining the association for insurance purposes at least. We also fight to keep beaches open and keep kiting safe and accessible to everyone.


SA, 513 posts
12 Jan 2011 2:40PM
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Gday bigblock, the answer to your question is no. This is because events like this require council approval, venue to be booked and much more. This is the reason we are holding it at this time of year, it gives us the best chance of getting a summer seabreeze and result. By the looks of the forecast for this weekend, im sure we will get a result.

Regarding weather sites, none of them forecast for Adelaide seabreezes other than BOM. This is probably due to our seabreezes being more localised. eg Seacliff can be five knots while Largs can be twenty five knots.

By the way, we are always on the look out for crew who can recognise the more technical moves. If you are keen to help out as a judge in the open events, we may have a job for ya ;-)

Cheers Croc :-)

53 posts
12 Jan 2011 12:23PM
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I'm not sure i need a kite school to push my riding further, i am very comfortable on the water and can do a handful of tricks enough to keep me keen, in a recreational freeride way. But like i said i am more of a fan of kiteboarding than a competitor and will be down there watching. Hope

I have aksa insurance at the moment but not with saksa, when my membership needs renewing i will change it over, no point paying for the same insurance twice. I have no doubt that saksa do a lot for kiteboarding in this state.

The gulf is a funny place i have to agree, but putting your money on a SB with a dodge tide and extremely wet inland conditions is a bit far fetched, especially with the season we have had. I would be crossing my fingers for some sort of isolated storm front, but Sunday could pick up enough to run some heats. looks better down my end of town Sunday arvo at Aldinga

With the dodge tide and the water at 1.1m all day long saturday will there be much water over the sandbar at grange?

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
12 Jan 2011 3:03PM
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aha- we may have steered you a little wrong....any aksa affiliated membership is fine, kbv waksa nswkba etc are all acceptable.

SA, 298 posts
12 Jan 2011 6:53PM
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After a nice little session on the water down the Chicken shop last night im frothing for this weekend. If ur humming and harring, make sure u make the effort and come down, wind or no wind its always loads of fun, but is definately looking the goods Sunday! And with a stack of prizes up for grabs yet again from our fantastic sponsors even the average punter who gets out there and gets amoungst it will score a nice little prize.

C u there!

SA, 26 posts
12 Jan 2011 11:29PM
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Well said Rooboy. Just come down and have a go.

There's always a good laugh to be had... last year was a scream. I remember one dude with a cape running around all night after the comp. Dunno who it was, some bald twat.

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
13 Jan 2011 7:06PM
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Quick weather check folks...

BOM Forecast says:
Saturday : Wind: SE/NE 5/15 knots shifting S 5/15 knots during the afternoon,
freshening to 10/20 knots in the evening.
Sunday : SW/S 15/25 knots.

At this point, Saturday is looking a 50/50 chance later in the arvo. Sunday however is looking prime for a great comp!

Remember, there's always things going on in light or no wind situations. Get along and enjoy the day!

See you all there!

SA, 343 posts
14 Jan 2011 12:53PM
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Some photos from last year to get you pumped....

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
14 Jan 2011 3:42PM
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To all those who aren't sure whether or not to enter this weekend- our majorest prize is a $850 Blade 136 by 42 Kiteboard which will be going to someone who is out giving it a red hot wont be the best rider but it will be someone who embodies the spirit of what this competition is about- having a crack and having fun !

So come down and sign up- there are plenty of other prizes to be given away, and the comp is shaping up to be a cracker !

SA, 127 posts
14 Jan 2011 3:56PM
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give me a call if you need a hand to set up tom morning........
this is going to be a great weekend
remember go to bed and rehearse those big moves in your head that you will be busting out over the weekend

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
14 Jan 2011 5:00PM
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Weather Update time!

Saturday :
Wind: SE/NE 5/10 knots, shifting SE/SW 10/15 knots late morning,
freshening to 15/20 knots late afternoon and early evening. Sea: around 0.5 m,
rising to 1 to 2 m late afternoon. Swell: S/SW 0.5 to 1 m on southern Spencer
Sunday : SW/S 10/20 knots, reaching 15/25 knots during the afternoon and
early evening

Looks like Adelaide will ONCE AGAIN turn on the wind for us! The forecast has got better every day since Monday. It was looking sketchy but I think today's sunshine and the High on it's way has kept the rain conditions at bay and we're looking at prime comp conditions!

See you all there!

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
14 Jan 2011 5:07PM
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Running Schedule:

Saturday -

Registration : 10am-12noon (if you're going to be late, call Jordan on 0419 341 072 to put your name down. Once the comp starts, if you're not registered in person or by phone and you miss you heat, you won't get a ride in the comp.

Briefing : 1pm SHARP! (If you are elsewhere and you see the trees moving, drop what you're doing and get to the comp site pronto!)

Comp Kick-off : As soon as the wind is strong enough to run the comp after the 1pm briefing.

Sunday -
Registration : 10am-12noon (part two of the com only. You must have registered on the Saturday)

Briefing : 12noon (conditions are looking better so we may be able to get underway earlier)

Comp Kick-off : As soon as the wind is strong enough to run the comp after briefing.


Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

"SAKSA State Freestyle Titles" started by kitecroc