Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

Wind direction and kiting location @ Parham

Created by superfly194 > 9 months ago, 12 Aug 2011
VIC, 10 posts
12 Aug 2011 11:44AM
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Hi everyone

I'm really keen to try to get over to parham at some point next week, but I've never been before.

Can you give me some tips on the best wind direction and tide? Also, is it fairly easy to find - where is the best spot to kite?


SA, 236 posts
12 Aug 2011 11:56AM
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Wind direction goes from south to west to north, Tide must be higher than 1m.
dont go in the restricted area and you will be fine.
cheers Tim

VIC, 10 posts
12 Aug 2011 12:45PM
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Thanks Tim

So I just head to Parham and its fairly straight forward to find it, right? I take it theres signs up for the restricted area?


SA, 350 posts
12 Aug 2011 1:21PM
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superfly194 said...

Thanks Tim

So I just head to Parham and its fairly straight forward to find it, right? I take it theres signs up for the restricted area?


Assuming you are coming from Adelaide, Head north along port Wakefield road to Dublin.
The Parham turn off (left), is about 1 km. north of Dublin.
The turn off is well signposted.

Here is a link (for the detailed & technically minded) for the markers set by dept. transport;

If you go no further north than level with the northern boundary of the township you will not enter the restricted area.


SA, 236 posts
12 Aug 2011 1:26PM
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superfly194 said...

Thanks Tim

So I just head to Parham and its fairly straight forward to find it, right? I take it theres signs up for the restricted area?


yep turn off port wakefield rd at Dublin then straight in to paza, restricted zone is sign posted and poles run out to sea.

VIC, 10 posts
12 Aug 2011 3:45PM
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Amazing! Thanks guys :)

SA, 112 posts
13 Aug 2011 2:02AM
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hi Superfly
Dont worry about the tide!
Low tide and the seagrass is only just under the water, I am only new to this and the scope to learn on really flat water is just fantastic, the people that turn up are really great.
The only thing is at low tide you may have a walk of (100M) but it is worth it.
At high tide or you can just go straight off the beach.
Just a great spot!

VIC, 10 posts
14 Aug 2011 6:26PM
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Nice one - I'll keep that in mind. My girlfriend is learning at the moment, and I really want her to experience the joys of flat water - it can really accelerate your learning curve if done correctly...

Also, I can't wait for a really good flat water sesh myself!..and 100m sounds bearable - I dont mind the walk :)

Think I may be heading down there on wed or thursday if anyone else is keen?

SA, 280 posts
15 Aug 2011 2:14PM
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Great spot for learning, pretty safe and flat and shallow at low tide for miles, so you don't have to body drag back to your board - if you fall off just walk back and get it.

I kited there in tides as low as 0.2m and the flat water is unbelievable, but as Tim already mentioned above, it gets a bit tricky to get to kiteable water if the tide is lower then 1m.

The picture below was taken at 1m low tide:

SA, 116 posts
15 Aug 2011 2:45PM
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Someone had an awesome pic from the kite down showing the weed underneath. Can't remember who posted it :)

Pity i'm working :( if only it was next week i'd be there :)

Will be cold though 9 degrees and potential rain brrrrr :)

SA, 97 posts
15 Aug 2011 3:48PM
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superfly194 said...

Nice one - I'll keep that in mind. My girlfriend is learning at the moment, and I really want her to experience the joys of flat water - it can really accelerate your learning curve if done correctly...

Also, I can't wait for a really good flat water sesh myself!..and 100m sounds bearable - I dont mind the walk :)

Think I may be heading down there on wed or thursday if anyone else is keen?

It can be up to a 1km walk at tide of around 1m, but it's quite hard flat packed sand with little in the way of rocks (except one section closer to the channel) and the walk is pretty quick and easy unless you're overpowered (done that- even quicker but less fun). Your kite is generally helping to pull you out there. It's a good spot.

SA, 91 posts
15 Aug 2011 3:49PM
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Here's a couple of Parham pics, some from kitecam when it was like glass over the shallow weed.

SA, 116 posts
15 Aug 2011 4:39PM
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Yep that last one was the one I was talking about - awesome photo

SA, 350 posts
15 Aug 2011 5:10PM
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If you enjoy flat water kiting then this would prabably be one of the most accessable spots in SA.

Just a minor item to be aware of.

The tide can carry a large amount of floating weed with it.
Tends to happen closer to the beach on an incoming tide.

If you have your kite down, (Happens a lot when you are learning), you should relaunch as quickly (and safely) as possible as the lines can get caked with weed clumps very quickly.

The weed clumps get to the point that you can't dislodge them and the kite will not lift off with the extra weight.

It doesn't happen often but it is something to watch for.
sorting a weed - line tangle can slow your session immensly.


P.S. stay clear of the "Girraffes" that are often parked out by the channel markers.

SA, 66 posts
15 Aug 2011 5:30PM
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You look like you have a fair bit of pace on in that photo Chaps, might need to reproduce that form at Goolwa

Not sure about the one glove.

Nice photo of your home made board.

SA, 91 posts
15 Aug 2011 5:47PM
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Lang, one glove keeps the sharks away. Looks like you need one from your profile pic.

VIC, 10 posts
15 Aug 2011 8:54PM
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Cheers for all the info (and sick photos guys)...

Does parham work on a NE by any chance? ( I only ask as Im desperate to go now and it looks like its turning that way tomorrow!!)

SA, 280 posts
15 Aug 2011 9:21PM
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Hmm...tomorrow Parham is almost OK in the afternoon, but maybe not for learning. If your girlfriend is still trying to learn you should probably try and spare her from a leading edge of the incoming front...If I was you I'd save your energy for Wednesday and Thursday as both of them look good.

SA, 350 posts
16 Aug 2011 10:16AM
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Chaps said...

Hi Chaps,

At first I thought that it was a shadow on the board (toe side).

Is that a strengthening strut?

How did that work out?........I'm not being a smartass, I am very curious as to how it affected the flex pattern of the board.


SA, 4024 posts
17 Aug 2011 1:57PM
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Chaps said...

Here's a couple of Parham pics, some from kitecam when it was like glass over the shallow weed.

Hey Tim, how deep is it over the weed banks, would we be able to run over them using our short fins(20cm) on our speed gear, looks bloody nice, if not what about the channel?

SA, 66 posts
17 Aug 2011 2:33PM
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Hi Sbray

Chaps doesn't appear to be on line at the moment, but I have ridden the board you are enquiring about a few times. Thought I would reply so you weren't left waiting for a response.

Initially without rienforcement and it was quite flexable which effected its performance.

Chaps added the stiffners vertical lengths of marine ply, as seen in the photos. Then it was super rigid but didn't like the chop.

Last time I had a go on that board he had modified it further reducing the size of the vertical stifners, cutting them back to half size. This gave it a small about of flex and I thought it was a sweet as light wind board. It has inspired me to start my board wich is now under way.

SA, 91 posts
17 Aug 2011 2:38PM
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Select to expand quote
Hey Fossil,

The stiffener or strengthening strut was merely trial and error for my plywood board. I copied the board outline from a Flyboards Flydoor (M) as I wanted a light wind board.

Board was a simple construct, 2 layers of 4mm marine ply for most of the board, tapering off to 1 - 4mm layer around the ends. I put an additional layer (4mm) underneath the footpads, mainly to enable insert of threaded sleeves for the footpad screws but this also adds a little bit of strength here I suppose also. It's only coated in a timber floor decking hardener (didn't know what else to use and it sounded ok at the time), which is waterproof but probably wears off from rubbing in the back of the ute during transport (only in small areas).

The typical 8mm thickness of the ply board seemed OK for strength but was really flexy and basically "stuck" to the water if you tried to produce any pop or when jumping. I thought about fibreglassing but with no experience in this area I thought I'd glue on some stiffeners to the toe and heelside edge to stiffen up the board without adding too much weight.

I started out with 40mm high stiffeners made from two pieces of 4mm ply glued together, just because that's what I had lying around. I was skeptical about whether the glue would hold under load but have had no issues with it so far (mind you the board only gets used in lightish wind). The stiffeners added significantly more strength and since then I have planed/sanded them down a bit (to between 20-30mm high). The good thing about this is you can control the flex along the length of the board by taking off more or less stiffener height where you want it (e.g. to give more flex at the tips).

I am happy with the board but there are a couple of cons: (1) The heelside (or toeside if you're riding toeside) stiffener tends to affect the water flowing over the board at the front tip - not dramatically but enough to be noticeable. This could lead to the board diving (scooping under) a little in choppy conditions and also when jumping (water gets on top of the board adding to weight and suction to the surface when trying to lift off); (2) A skinnier board might not have enough space to fit the footpads in between the toeside and heelside stiffeners.

If I was to make another one I'd probably do it a bit differently, but it was an interesting experiment nonetheless. I think and ply/foam sandwich construction would have merit with vertical ply stiffeners along the heel and toeside edge forming the boundary of the inner foam sandich section. These would both stiffen the board as well as provide formwork for the foam inner section (provding enough thickness for steel thread inserts for footpads).


Hi Chaps,

At first I thought that it was a shadow on the board (toe side).

Is that a strengthening strut?

How did that work out?........I'm not being a smartass, I am very curious as to how it affected the flex pattern of the board.


SA, 280 posts
18 Aug 2011 1:26PM
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choco said...

Hey Tim, how deep is it over the weed banks, would we be able to run over them using our short fins(20cm) on our speed gear, looks bloody nice, if not what about the channel?

Hi Choco

Looks like Tim may have been offline for a while, but I can answer your question:

The water depth depends on the tide (varies from 0 to 2m) and also it gradually increases as you go further out. The depth is definitely not a problem for a windsurfer (even in lowish tides) and neither is the growing weed (and yes, the channel is deep enough for boats).
The problem is caused by floating sea grasses - check out my photo at the top of this post and you'll see some lying around on the beach after the tide's gone down - right in front of the camera.
These do catch on the winsurfer's fin. However you may be able to overcome this if you use a good weed fin or if your speed fin is similarly shaped.
If it works for you, you may get yourself a great new speed spot (I assume that's what you're looking for?). The spot record for a kite here is almost 100km/h (over 53 knots) by Tim, so if it worked for windsurfers it'd definitely be the fastest spot in SA for them too.

SA, 236 posts
21 Aug 2011 10:08AM
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Hi Choco,
Many windsurfers have tried to sail at paza but it has never worked out for them, the only way it would work is if you could sail in the channel with the correct wind direction then I believe it would be a awesome spot for a windy.
The weed is the biggest problem for you guys as it is everywhere but I never see much in the channel .
If your keen to have a look at the place let me know.


Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

"Wind direction and kiting location @ Parham" started by superfly194