Forums > Kitesurfing Queensland

Achieving Your Goals

Created by Gilly3 > 9 months ago, 28 Oct 2012
QLD, 799 posts
28 Oct 2012 6:06PM
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After deciding to take up kiteboarding 18 months ago I set myself some goals:
1. Learn to stay upwind quickly so I can start from a point and return to that point, pack up and come home injury free....Done
2. Learn some basic tricks, backrolls, rotational transitions, kiteloops etc....Done
3. Progress from flat water to the surf and do some downwinders.....Done
After having ridden in the surf approx. 12 times, with 3 of those being downwinders, I can truly say I have done what I set out to achieve meeting some great like minded people along the way. I met up with 3 of those people this morning at kfc to do my third downwinder from Broadbeach back to kfc. There are not enough superlatives to describe the session we had today .
To cruise along the best coastline in the world boosting off the lips of 2 metre waves and carving up and down those same waves is my idea of euphoria. I will never take this part of the world that I live in for granted. Thanks Rory, Andre and Kate for a great day, lets do it again soon .
To everyone else, I hope you achieve your goals! I'm off to set some more for myself.
Good winds to all.

QLD, 701 posts
28 Oct 2012 6:44PM
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with you on goal setting . my goal this year is to do some down loops and learn to hit some surf waves and to GIBE a bloody directional. Well after yesterday i can tick off the down loop what was so hard about that i wonder onto the the gibe so i can hit the surf .
Congrates on what you have done already sound like your world is coming together .

QLD, 137 posts
28 Oct 2012 7:01PM
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Sounds like you boys had an epic day!! Maybe next time I will get the balls to join you. Always happy to be the driver though. Kate.

QLD, 137 posts
28 Oct 2012 7:53PM
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Craid and Andre' Today was one of the best kite surfing sessions I have had in a very long time. It was amazing to kite in in huge seas where the waves are perfect and and super smooth between the peaks. Its was awsome to kite in the surf from Broad Beach to Lodders Creek via the seaway entrance into the best flat water on the coast.

The scariest part was looking down the seaway entrance out in the big seas and looking at the glassing protective water behind the break wall. And know that once around the sand pumping jetty that its the point of no return.

Craig and Andrea' you guys were fantastic looking out for each other and being there to enjoy such amazing journey. To anyone that has not gone through the seaway entrance there is only a small section of water about 30 meters long where the wind is greatly affected so be carefull. Other that that is a must do..

Thank again to the support crew "Kate"....

QLD, 137 posts
28 Oct 2012 7:55PM
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Craid and Andre' Today was one of the best kite surfing sessions I have had in a very long time. It was amazing to kite in in huge seas where the waves are perfect and and super smooth between the peaks. Its was awsome to kite in the surf from Broad Beach to Lodders Creek via the seaway entrance into the best flat water on the coast.

The scariest part was looking down the seaway entrance out in the big seas and looking at the glassing protective water behind the break wall. And know that once around the sand pumping jetty that its the point of no return.

Craig and Andrea' you guys were fantastic looking out for each other and being there to enjoy such amazing journey. To anyone that has not gone through the seaway entrance there is only a small section of water about 30 meters long where the wind is greatly affected so be carefull. Other that that is a must do..

Thank again to the support crew "Kate"....

QLD, 137 posts
28 Oct 2012 7:56PM
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Kite Surf 4 Life.. Its more than a sport its a Religion

QLD, 71 posts
28 Oct 2012 7:56PM
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Craig, Rory, Kate. Firstly let me sat that, I can't believe that you Craig, have been kiting for 18 months. Awesome! Congrats to you big felly. I am stoked for you.
I took up kite boarding with the goal to get in the surf as well. I am going as hard as I can to learn and catch up to you guys, I hope to give it a crack at Xmas time. You guys and all the KFC mob have been nothing but gentleman to me (and ladie Kate) and thanks for all the tips. Down winder in the surf around Xmas and I am in.

QLD, 559 posts
28 Oct 2012 9:24PM
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That awesome guys !

great to gently kite after 4 week ;=]

a bit scary for me atm ;-]

QLD, 63 posts
28 Oct 2012 10:19PM
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This Forum thread indicates how great the kiters from KFC get on; supportive, interested, enthusiastic, happy people!

Great stuff! It's going to be an awesome summer of fun and fellowship... bring IT ON!

QLD, 9 posts
29 Oct 2012 7:27AM
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As long as we are on the subject of touchy feel good stories, I moved up from Sydney almost 4 years ago and if it wasn't for kiting and the awesome people involved in the sport, both in the surf and on the Broady, I would have moved back down to Sydney a long time ago!!!
Pity my surfing has taken a backseat to kiting, but it's for obvious reasons!
This season has well and truly kicked off early and can't wait for some more epic session's for what is sure to be a great summer!!
Let's all get out there and tear it up!

WA, 10 posts
29 Oct 2012 10:57AM
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Well done. We watched you guys go inside the seaway. Must admit i have'nt done that one yet. That shadow section on the out going tide would be a little woozy for me. Anyway, was nice to catch up and tag on for the ride. (yep, that other group of 5). Nice that the wind came back just as we cruised past the surfers grandstand....
Next goal is downwinder to the North straddie surf club. Know of any minnie bus drivers? We should organise something. ... Club? .. like the old downwinders of the past. Gotta beat the 120 kiters GC record

QLD, 701 posts
29 Oct 2012 5:35PM
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Just for you stormgod pm me if you want one

QLD, 799 posts
29 Oct 2012 6:58PM
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scottylittle said...
Well done. We watched you guys go inside the seaway. Must admit i have'nt done that one yet. That shadow section on the out going tide would be a little woozy for me. Anyway, was nice to catch up and tag on for the ride. (yep, that other group of 5). Nice that the wind came back just as we cruised past the surfers grandstand....
Next goal is downwinder to the North straddie surf club. Know of any minnie bus drivers? We should organise something. ... Club? .. like the old downwinders of the past. Gotta beat the 120 kiters GC record

Cheers scotty,
It was great to share the waves with you guy's, it must have looked cool from the beach to see all of us together rippin' it up. I have to say it is so awesome to kite with the likes of Rory (from our crew) and Shaun (from your crew). No matter how much they downplay it, they give the rest of us something to aspire to! Coming in through the seaway and kiting upwind back to kfc was part of an adventure we will never forget . Certainly looking forward to the next one and your suggestion sounds great . Will rally the troops and be in touch.

Kate - It doesn't take balls to do what we did, I know some guy's with pretty big ones that won't even give kiteboarding a go .....
It's about trusting the people you go out there with and knowing that they will be there to help out if anything goes wrong....
It's knowing that you can call on the skills you have learnt since starting out....
It's about having a back up plan if it all turns to **.....
You just need a little push

Johnny - Thats only 6 or 7 weeks away! Go Hard Mate! Will look forward to having you out there with us

QLD, 318 posts
29 Oct 2012 7:58PM
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I'm in next time

QLD, 71 posts
30 Oct 2012 9:35AM
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Troyrotor said...
I'm in next time

Not with that fluro orange helmet you're not

QLD, 263 posts
30 Oct 2012 12:11PM
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scottylittle said...
Well done. We watched you guys go inside the seaway. Must admit i have'nt done that one yet. That shadow section on the out going tide would be a little woozy for me. Anyway, was nice to catch up and tag on for the ride. (yep, that other group of 5). Nice that the wind came back just as we cruised past the surfers grandstand....
Next goal is downwinder to the North straddie surf club. Know of any minnie bus drivers? We should organise something. ... Club? .. like the old downwinders of the past. Gotta beat the 120 kiters GC record

Count me in for that one.

that day there were 120 kiters for the downwinder was the nail in the coffin for me... i had to go and purchase a kite! sadly it hasnt happened since.

QLD, 318 posts
30 Oct 2012 8:06PM
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JonnyFreer said...
Troyrotor said...
I'm in next time

Not with that fluro orange helmet you're not

Well some of us end up in the water more than others


Forums > Kitesurfing Queensland

"Achieving Your Goals" started by Gilly3