What..... Nobody talking up this weekend?????
RDO on Monday aswell
Has everyone gone away for the winter????
HELLO......Anyone up for a downwinder???
Big wind + Big swell = Big boooooooooost
Good chance it might stay SW'ly If not a couple of good down winders in store! Thinking I may have to get a wetty though
Hey Jas,
Just got back from an awesome sesh at Shearwater. It works well in N, NE, sometimes E, SE, straight S and SW. We kited upwind to Kite Island against the tide for some butter smooth flat water fun .
Gonna check out the surf tomorrow on the northern end of the coast (hopefully it gets some east in it overnight).
PM me ur number if ur keen to come along.
South westerly are great everywhere... We had a awesome down winder from KFC to shear. Great day on the water
bit scetchy choosing when to do a trick with those crazy gusts but feels soooo good landing something massive when a gust hits you mid trick. i was lovin it.