Forums > Kitesurfing Queensland

Kiting near Bundaburg?

Created by Silenttiger > 9 months ago, 8 Mar 2010
NSW, 8 posts
8 Mar 2010 10:11AM
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Hi All, I'm heading up to Bundy in April for 2 weeks after Easter and looking for kiteboarding spots. I have 2 weeks so I can go further north for at least some of that time

QLD, 559 posts
8 Mar 2010 2:48PM
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elliot heads ,moore park .
have sailed at both locations
not sure what wind would suit kites
i think se at elliot heads ,thats my guess.
have fun ,hope its windy

NSW, 8 posts
9 Mar 2010 9:51AM
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Thanks, I have to be there for a wedding so i'm hoping its windy too. timing may not be perfect for wind but I'm taking my gear anyway

QLD, 17 posts
26 Mar 2010 9:50AM
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Elliot Heads is definately the pick of kiting spots. The river mouth offers a mix of flat and wave (chop) with a low sand island to setup on. Works the best in a ENE to SE as anything more northly tends to get a bit dirty from the headland. Take a couple of different sized kites as the wind can vary quite dramatically.

There's a great camping ground (cabins if you're feeling fancy) with million dollar views + fish and chip shop.

QLD, 6 posts
26 Mar 2010 9:11PM
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Elliot heads is stunning! Will be up there to visit my family at Bargara and planning on getting out as long as the wind is blowing also. Great local crew up there too!

NSW, 8 posts
29 Mar 2010 8:53AM
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Thats sounds awesome. Just checked the weather and looks ok Sunday so far. Keen az

QLD, 6 posts
29 Mar 2010 9:43AM
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Will be riding a blue and "pink" :( torch or a blue fuel if you are out that way say hi. Looking good at the moment!

NSW, 8 posts
2 Apr 2010 11:35PM
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Alrighty, I'll keepaneyeoutforya. My lady and I both have riot xr's, az yellow as they come.


Forums > Kitesurfing Queensland

"Kiting near Bundaburg?" started by Silenttiger