Time to check out NEW ZEALAND?!? well not quite. Yes SEQKA is putting on a SLALOM race on at NARROWNECK MAIN BEACH, Saturday 8 December (Sunday 9 as back up) with briefing at 1pm and start at 2pm for all AKSA members. Sign a form pay $10 and you are IN! There is a trophy for 1st 2nd & 3rd to be handed out. Heats consist of Six Kiters and the briefing will determine final format and rules. The race will be out and back around 2 Buoys, twice, (with buoys in shore break too of course). JUST BE THERE. (look for the SEQKA van)
Visit the great info website www.seqka.com.au and stay abreast of the latest. happy kiting!!
David De Witt President
Word on the street is and the Buzzzzzzzzzzzzz is out there, that plenty of Kiters are keen to go in the SEQKA Slalom. Why not join in the cool to be seen crowd and have some FUNNNNNN
See ya there!!!
What's a Woodduck?
So I need a prize for best Fancy Dress in the Slalom???? OMG...
Guy from FX tells me he's wearing the monkey suit...ha
Keep up the funny reading all..
You guys are lucky the fastest guys in QLD are at sail melbourne.
No one at gold coast has a chance otherwise.. Just saying.
also with only 2 buoys the twin tips might be competitive , ie no upwind leg and in strong wind ? pop corn yum
Slalom Race for Saturday 8th will be decided at NOON on Friday the 7th and posted on SEQKA.COM.AU website straight away. The same will apply on Saturday for Sunday and so forth until we have wind and stage the Slalom!
You can TXT your name and "Slalom" to our new SEQKA TXT Only Hotline: 0498 703302 & we can then TXT you back the status of any events.
The Seqka website is updated at the moment after our meeting and has new information and new events listed. This site should now be a regular when thinking Kiting in South East Qld!!