I know it's a long way away but it will come up quick. Being that i have a little squirt i need to book weekends away in advannce;
Who is going to the Bruny Island Ducks Gathering?
Where on the island is the proposed base camp?
Is it family friendly or should i come solo?
Thinking it may be a rad trip so keen as..., and get on board.
P.s Sorry wont be attending the King Island, looks like a great place but can't spare the Benjamin's
Greggy!,!!! We've had a snafu, bruny dates have changed!!
I'll update site, but its going to be the weekend after now.
Should hav a shack.... But also good camping spots too. I've never been there, and here I am organisin it!! ..... More soon, and sorry. About the date swap!!!
I'd really appreciate someone organizing a camping location and directions for this, because I've never been to bruny!
Anyone? Just call a spot that we can camp at, what's there and where to kite from if possible, coz I'm off to mambo and won't be back till we'd 29th!
First thing is getting over there on the ferry. Ferry leaves from Kettering at the below timeshttp://www.brunyislandferry.com.au/timetable.htm
They charge $28 per car return no matter how many people you cram in there.
Camping could be at the few sites around cloudy bay as shown on the map
I have been told that camping at Cloudy Bay Lagoon (South Bruny) is sheltered and a back up is Cape Bruny which is also a good spot. Not sure if we need a parks pass to camp here so if someone can help me out that would be great!
I think we should have all wind directions covered and the option for a surf if we are left windless. I have kited Cloudy bay a couple of times and have been good sessions. There is car beach access to Eastern Cloudy Bay.
The direction will likely be between South to West as per www.bom.gov.au/clim_data/cdio/tables/pdf/windrose/IDCJCM0021.094010.3pmDec.pdf
You can also buy food at Adventure Bay, remember to pack cans of food and reduce the amount of glass taken onto the island.
Official ducks nuts merchandise stubby holders will be up for grabs and fingers crossed for our clothing order arriving before the trip!
Cloudy Bay! Epic!! The campsite down the end of the beach is prime.
Having a legendary flashback here.
Situation - dodgy hardcore wind on a south arm beach. NEED a kite.
Equipment - Ando 10m Cabrinha Crossbow, JK 8m GK Sonic
JK - looks pretty strong dude, i dunno...
Ando - nah, she'll be right
JK - look, that trees bent near sideways...
Ando - nah toughen up. I've kited cloudy bay windier than this. Just put her on the 3rd knot man
30mins later
60knot gusts hammering beach
JK and Ando kite surfing back into shore - literally, bars ditched, kites ejected, and bodyslamming leading edges back into the windchop trying to avoid them turning into hang gliders.
Its always windier at Cloudy Bay.
Jk, that story increases by a few knots each time you tell it hehe! Pretty glad I missed that session and I remember you telling me about it at the time!
There is a possibility I can make this.
Ando, was awesome to read your article in Kbm - nice one brudtha.
Nice shot of you on the wave too Hicko. Your trip looked a lot warmer
Fingers crossed that the wind turns up. Frothing white caps, that's what we want!!!
Ok, I just wanted everyone to know I decided to change the date again to anytime after Jan 20 cause that's when I arrive in Tassie, thanks guys!
It's getting close. I'll be there and will head down on Friday morning. I'll probably take MTB & surfboard as well as all kiting gear. Camp site is good but requires alcohol to be really good!
I was so looking forward to this but got gazumpt by family and friends -- they should really know better.
Anyway I've been kiting on Bruny a bit and went a month or so ago and saw that the ramp down to cloudy bay beach had been washed out in the winter storms. You'd need a chunky 4WD to get down the other end of the beach unless parks have fixed it -- might wanna check that?
Definitely supposed to have a parks pass down there.
There's also a good camp site at the south end of the neck, of if it looks SE-NE that would probably be the go! first decent sea breeze today -- pray for plenty!
Have fun.
Hi all,
Just Having a think about where we should camp on bruny and if anyone has made a call for camping spots yet?
We are very excited about the trip and hope there is a bit of windy stuff!
Would be good if everyone could camp close!
Cheers legends,
Hey all, just spoke with KiteDevil who's on his way home from Merimbula. He plans to head down for a late ferry on Friday. Sounds like there might be a few Northerners. So, who's coming and who can help to get some stuff organised? We need to get a bbq and shelter as the campsites don't have these. If we can't get along Cloudy Bay beach where there's a great campsite, then there is a sheltered campsite alongside the road about 200 metres on the right before you get to the main carpark. I hope to be down there by lunchtime on Friday so can check out best options and advise by text if I know who's coming.
Ando, can you give me a call as the mobile number i have for you doesn't connect?
Hey all, I'm definitely coming but have to work Friday night. I'll head down Saturday morning. Is there anyway I can contact anyone to find out where you guys will be?
Great idea Bigman, bring that along!
This has been suggested before at many Ducks so why not make it happen?
So feel free to bring along delicious and random gourmet treats for the BBQ! If everyone brings a kilo of awesomeness we can eat all night etc. Whatever you like, if your good at crayfish omlettes, baby back ribs, foie gras, sashimi, chicken wings, ducks balls in black bean sauce, garlic prawns or whatever just bring it!
Looks a lot like camping at Cloudy Bay at this stage... just look for a kite related sign.
hey Dave and others.
Looks like we will be coming first ferry sat morning, unless magichappens and we make it down late friday nite.
My phone number is 0421482526 and optus which probably means it will only be good for angry birds and paper toss.
Still trying to work out whether we can camp or whether we may have to stay at caravan park due to severe lack of any camping gear.
We can bring food and maybe some sticks with string on them to catch big fish in true hunter gatherer style.
Keep in touch.
You will find somewhere to crash, no worries. Just think, what would bear grylls do?
Or go get a $30 kmart tent, too easy!
See you there
Who's heading down on the friday night? I'm hoping to make the 5 something ferry, if not the 6:30 i think it is. At this stage I have room in car if anyone not going due to lack of transportation. Just me and my megaphone!!
Weather looking like it is going to line up for a bit of cross on shore wave ridign goodness at cloudy sat and sun. Anyone kited lighthouse in a SWer? hoping the north end of the beach might be ok, thats usually where the banks are and the wind might have a chance to sort itself out by the time it gets up there?
ferry timetable here:
me and farmdog will be on the early sat morning.
I'll be there Friday Arvo with Brady if all goes well.
Ben has to do his hair first so he will come down later
Can someone bring some firewood, we have no room left.
Gigity, c u soon!!
50 dollar K and D tent---check!
Gourmet food ---- check!
Girlfriends 4wd ---check!
anything else specific you would like us to bring Samio?
Hmmmm, a pa system, juke box, jet ski, the ladies Brazilian soccer team, snow machine, hair dryer for Ben and a bottle of muskrat scent. That should about do it... Anything else anyone..?
Hi Guys
Last minute decision to come, so leaving Launceston in about 15 minutes might be able to catch the 6-30 ferry if not the last one, if anyone is there and can reach me on 0413282342 and let me know where you are.
Cheers Tony
It was a great weekend! Thanks for that, guys!
I have the 350+ photos on www.mydrive.ch
I will text the username and password - if anyone is missed out, send me an email via the forum.
Hi Guys,
the pics on mydrive are full resolution. I have taken heaps and thought to leave it to you which ones you liked. If you are having troubles downloading 2 Gb worth of pics, go to these public facebook albums:https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150430507902347.375626.701822346&type=1&l=5e62518b59
, pick your favourites and downoload only those from mydrive.