Forums > Kitesurfing Tasmania

Free Beer Challenge for Tassie Kiters

Created by kitethrills > 9 months ago, 21 Mar 2011
QLD, 185 posts
21 Mar 2011 11:50AM
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Anyone (from Tasmania) who can get the head lice from my new beanie will be supplied a lifetime supply of free beer, delivered to their door as required. No limits on consumption rates. First order must be delivered from Cascade Brewery Hobart and include no less than 6 different brews.

Headlice removal must proven without doubt.

Successive orders can be from any brewery worldwide.

Beanie must be intact and wearable

definitions: My Beanie = headwear pictured that may not actually belong to me
removal = no living had lice or eggs inhabiting the beanie
beer = well we all know what this is.
lifetime supply = supply for the natural lifespan of the mayfly insect order Ephemerotera for greek "short lived" (approx 30 minutes)

The Beanie...

Its coming into winter and my tea cosy is gonna be needed.

QLD, 134 posts
21 Mar 2011 1:54PM
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haha - that's epic - show Samio a picture of the benie you stole...ok maybe I stole and then you stole from me...(and to be very clear it didn't have lice back then)....and then offer 6 different kinds of 'Southener' beer as a reward!! I see what you did there!!

Something tells me there was alot worse wrong with that benie than lice when it was acquired back in the bool!!

TAS, 778 posts
21 Mar 2011 7:05PM
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Mrs Devil here,
The hat is made by my own fair hands from lovingly recycled Vinnies wool (which is FULL of everything from nits to bedbugs). It has also graced Sam's head for the last 4 years and not been washed once (he's quite proud of that!). The heat provided by that hat is generated by a healthy colony of parasites feeding on man stink, I can understand why you were so keen to borrow it.
Despite all of this, Sam would love for you to send it back unharmed, it's going to get bloody cold in the doghouse this winter.

TAS, 778 posts
21 Mar 2011 9:12PM
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I'll buy you a beer old Mike!

For more beer I would expect to see said "tea cosy" photographed in many more exotic locations...

more later I need to deal with the one that took over my login....

QLD, 185 posts
22 Mar 2011 11:08PM
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He he he - the said tea cosy is available for decontamination in a quarantine area in Bellerive.

Hmmm Man Stink. No wonder it felt so comfortable.


Forums > Kitesurfing Tasmania

"Free Beer Challenge for Tassie Kiters" started by kitethrills