Forums > Kitesurfing Tasmania

Plenty windy Carlton

Created by Voitek > 9 months ago, 6 Oct 2013
QLD, 197 posts
6 Oct 2013 7:53AM
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Heaps ( by local standards) of kiters and windsurfers out in 15-35kts

TAS, 2647 posts
6 Oct 2013 9:40AM
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Great day on the water for everyone, at times 5m kites and 4 m sails!!! windy.

TAS, 2433 posts
6 Oct 2013 2:13PM
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Was a great day at Carlton with heaps out. Always exciting to watch that may guys on the water sharing the wind and waves. You Kite guys were generally(as always) very courteous and respectful of us poleys out there, thankyou.
Hopefully one day all the local kiters can be this respectful and begin to understand that windsurfers dont appreciate and are generally intimidated by the guys that think its ok to kite right in the middle of us. This doesnt help respectful relationships too much and gives others outside of the kiting community negative views of your sport and the people associated with it. Hopefully these small few, over time and with encouragment from others will learn to go further up wind or downwind of the general group of poleys. Enough said, just dont want to see any more collisions and ill feeling between windsurfers and kiters, especially so early in the season.

I'm sure we all dont want anything like this happening here.

Thanks guys see you on the water.

TAS, 61 posts
7 Oct 2013 8:21PM
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I'm happy to be courteous, and leave room for the poleys, but why should the kiters move?? Buzzy's post implies that anytime a poley starts sailing, we humble kiters are supposed to assume that the poleys are intimidated by us, and go elsewhere.If your not comfortable, go somewhere else(further upwind/downwind). I'm not trying to start any hatfield/mccoy slanging match, but there has been a few instances over the years when i've seen poleys rig up and go sailing at a location where there were already kiters sailing, and then expect the kiters to move, or whinge about kiters not moving in the forums.
Most surfers are intimidated by S.U.P's paddle surfing "right in the middle of us"however as the ocean in free they either have too cope, or go somewhere else. I've been surfing and had Buzzy turn up and use the extra volume of an sup to get more than his share of waves.
Courtesy is a 2 way street...
If we are going to start inventing arbitrary right of way rules, I say anyone that can walk to the beach, from their house, with their gear, has right of way in all situations

TAS, 2433 posts
7 Oct 2013 10:14PM
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Very dissapointing Mark. I've sent you a pm!

TAS, 61 posts
8 Oct 2013 8:08AM
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Here is the relevant part of the PM Buzzy sent me:

Sailor heading out has right of way, Starboard tack has right of way. So when a windsurfer is heading out at Carlton he has two rules on side and once he is taken out by kite lines its time to mention the fact that the kiter in question is operating in a dangerous manner and needs to be made aware of it.

Caleb is correct in this instance. For some reason I missed this detail in his original post.

TAS, 2433 posts
8 Oct 2013 10:57AM
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"If we are going to start inventing arbitrary right of way rules, I say anyone that can walk to the beach, from their house, with their gear, has right of way in all situations".

Well in that case you can stop whinging about me getting more waves than you as I can walk to Goats with my board from my house, so I have right of way in all situations under your new rule, thankyou for the heads up and enjoy surfing at Clifton in the future (dont say it! I've already bought a smaller sup that I can carry that far)

TAS, 2433 posts
8 Oct 2013 11:12AM
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cramhobart said..

Here is the relevant part of the PM Buzzy sent me:

Sailor heading out has right of way, Starboard tack has right of way. So when a windsurfer is heading out at Carlton he has two rules on side and once he is taken out by kite lines its time to mention the fact that the kiter in question is operating in a dangerous manner and needs to be made aware of it.

Caleb is correct in this instance. For some reason I missed this detail in his original post.

Marc's response "If you want to educate people about port/ starboard etc then put it in that context"

There was no intent to try and educate people. The fact remains that if the kiters involved had not been continually operating within the group of windsurfers the incidents would not have happened. The kiter involved in the mentioned incident did try to give way but the area was so conjested there was no way he could. Hense its better for the more dangerous craft to locate themselves to a nearby area and keep other water users safe as indicated in my original post, not kite straight out into the group of windsrufers and stay amoungst them.
There was no need to start to preach right of way rule or bring up unrelated situations that happened in the past, we need to move forward and enjoy the water together in a safe manner giving enough room to avoid incidents.

TAS, 61 posts
8 Oct 2013 12:55PM
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buzzy said...
"If we are going to start inventing arbitrary right of way rules, I say anyone that can walk to the beach, from their house, with their gear, has right of way in all situations".

Well in that case you can stop whinging about me getting more waves than you as I can walk to Goats with my board from my house, so I have right of way in all situations under your new rule, thankyou for the heads up and enjoy surfing at Clifton in the future (dont say it! I've already bought a smaller sup that I can carry that far)

Happy to give up goats and cliffy( although I reakon north is closer to my house than yours). see you at mays!!

TAS, 2433 posts
8 Oct 2013 1:36PM
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I forgot about the points

TAS, 74 posts
9 Oct 2013 2:44PM
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Voitec, looks like your topic has been hijacked by the polies versus stringers debate...
I don't think there is much of a chance of collision...all the polers are usually on the beach and the kites are out in the waves....hahah sorry couldn't help myself :)
bringing it back on track: looks like sat and sun are lining up for a repeat of last weekend....yew I love spring!

QLD, 197 posts
9 Oct 2013 4:59PM
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Yes hijacked a bit but actually quite a civilised thread.

Anyhow I had a great time on the new kite and I'm pretty sure everyone else had a ball too.

It's quite an odd debate given how few people actually get out on the water... Coming from caloundra in QLD where we'd have as many as 65 kites in a space the size of Cremorne. Not joking.

In fact since coming to tassie I've developed a fear of open spaces....

The more the merrier!

I've got a bit of stuff on this weekend but should get out on the water at some point at least.

TAS, 308 posts
13 Oct 2013 11:16PM
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Cheers for the pics Voitek, did anyone brave the hail today?

Looking forwards to a few spring sessions now daylight savings is here... don't forget the Ducks coming up too, the first one in the season at Stanley is a cracker of a spot

QLD, 185 posts
14 Oct 2013 5:44PM
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I remember when this debate came up a few years back between the kiters and windsurfers. We had some good chats about it at Cremorne Lagoon. Shortly afterwards I flew up to support my partner at the 2011 PKRA Australia event and was chilling out with some international kiters at the prize night. One kiter was from Tarifa and we got talking about our local congestion issues. He asked me how many kiters and windsurfers were involved, I said 8. He sprayed his beer over the table, laughed and asked me if I was serious because he was dealing with thousands of both over a stretch of beach half as big as Carlton.

In Mauritius (we spend a bit of time there now) kiters and windsurfers exist together in very close proximity on the waves. Usually in wave riding it's the rider on the wave who has right of way and the rider coming out gives way. Both have learnt to have good situational awareness sailing in close proximity following standard rules.

We're so damn lucky in Tasmania - I miss it:) It took me a while to adjust to kiting in close proximity to others overseas.

I understand how the windsurfers feel especially given the history and there is no excuse for kiting dangerously - but its useful to note that people who travel here from overseas have a completely different take on appropriate space than we do and will have no idea that they are ruffling a few feathers by kiting what is perceived to be too close upwind.

Great pics and good to see the crew in action Voitek!!
ps - it's Lisa here - Mikey must have been logged in

TAS, 183 posts
15 Oct 2013 12:11AM
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If you can walk, wheel or otherwise on a beach regardless of where it is in relation to the world and your love getting out and enjoying what the ocean can offer you'll start with my respect. Individuals should get blamed for doing dumb things, not entire groups. Enjoy the stoke!!! (even bodyboarders).
Bring on summer yyyyeeeeeooiowwwww!!

TAS, 2342 posts
21 Oct 2013 9:54AM
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If the space is big enough then I don't see a problem with kiters staying downwind of windsurfers. Kaleb & I have kiteboarded and know the dangerous capabilities of an out of contol powered up kite. Not saying that all kiters are out of control but mishaps can happen which we/I have witnessed first hand. I have horrible visions of a kite ending up in the water up wind of me and the lines wrapping around my neck. I have choosen to persuit the safer sport so please respect that. It's not a "it's my water I'm allowed where I want" it's all purely about safety for others, common sense, respect.


Forums > Kitesurfing Tasmania

"Plenty windy Carlton" started by Voitek