Forums > Kitesurfing Tasmania

found a Spiky bush

Created by Jeremy80 > 9 months ago, 20 Jun 2011
TAS, 19 posts
20 Jun 2011 7:19PM
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does anyone know where i can purchase bladder repair tape or patches in Tas

, I have about 30 pin holes to patch and have run out, what a #%*#

TAS, 778 posts
20 Jun 2011 9:04PM
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damn those spikey bushes, wasn't a hawthorn bubsh by any chance? they suck.
I'll have a dig around and bring some up to Bronte with me.

TAS, 19 posts
21 Jun 2011 5:13PM
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thanks mate for that, I have just spoken to Damien at lauderdale he has got some coming in as well, for everyones benefit should someone else have a blowout

TAS, 183 posts
21 Jun 2011 7:51PM
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I recomend kitepower in Melbourne. Purchased a kitefix repair kit from there. It is awesome. I flew my kite into the only big spiky tree in cremorne in ripped it down thinking it was going to bin. The bladder repair does the job, some dacronpatches for leading edge cleaned that up and kitefix repaired multiple 2 or 3 foot tares in the canopy. Fraction of professional repair cost. Only an hour or two of work. Flies great hasn't broken again so all good. YouTube kite fix for a preview.

TAS, 61 posts
22 Jun 2011 10:23AM
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I use vinyl repair kits, available from pool shops (there on up the road from K+D),
same stuff, cheaper and always in stock.

TAS, 19 posts
29 Jun 2011 12:22PM
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So After 40 holes Repaired and alot of time and Patience, the kite still has a slight leak that goes down over night, went and bought a new bladder for $110 i figured it was worth having something more reliable. Lesson learned though, put your kite down on the sand even if there are broken shells, your better off than finding a suprise in some grass like i did!

TAS, 778 posts
29 Jun 2011 7:59PM
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Looks like a diseased transluscent elephants nob!

TAS, 308 posts
29 Jun 2011 8:57PM
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and just like a diseased elephants nob, sticking it back in where it got the diesase from in the first place will get it re-infected! Really clean out your leading edge, there may still be little needle points of grass stuck in!

TAS, 19 posts
29 Jun 2011 10:36PM
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yeah i was thinking the same thing, new bladder arrived today so all keen to throw it back in, just better have a good look at the LE like you say


Forums > Kitesurfing Tasmania

"found a Spiky bush" started by Jeremy80