Forums > Kitesurfing Tasmania

marrawah ducks + bonus footage

Created by dougalh > 9 months ago, 17 Jan 2013
TAS, 74 posts
17 Jan 2013 12:24PM
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Hey guys,
Pretty excited about the upcoming west coast ducks. Is camping at the usual spot (greens beach)? We will prob head up Fri night. Who else is heading up from down south?
Heres some footage from a recent paddle session at a solid left hander not too far from greens, watched a mate windsurf it a few years back but not sure if it has been kited before??

bit of a gnarly launch zone!
Cmon wind and wave gods show us some love.

TAS, 778 posts
17 Jan 2013 7:51PM
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Mad, that's Pumpin! We went to a secretish spot that day Doogs, and only three out! 8-10 ft! Yeeooowwww! Definitely kiteable, but That? Fark a dead duck!! To Kite that sh1t you'd need to be seriously on it, what with the mountain, wind destroying it and all.
Perhaps back of lighthouse would be, err, easier? Or new secret spot? It's the go. Doesn't work until 4m plus thou.

Long range forecast is looking sick, naked tall Swedish backpackers with kite pumps looking for something to pump. Good solid swells and plenty of waxed wet things lying around.

How's that?!

Inserted your link for others...

TAS, 102 posts
17 Jan 2013 8:48PM
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That all looks about 2 meters above my kiting limit right now........Maybe something half that size would suite a winder Ducks range

Anyways would be sick to sit on the rocks and watch that ****.

Go go Ducks.

TAS, 74 posts
18 Jan 2013 11:43AM
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I think the wind is fine out there, not effected by the mountain, at least in a southerly, entering and exiting the water is more the worry i think.
Cmon el presidente spill the beans on your semi secretish spot?
Camping at greens again?

TAS, 778 posts
18 Jan 2013 5:58PM
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Yeah greens, if we can fit in there. It's been mega busy of late.

I will point out said secretish spot, indeed, it's pretty ace, but a terrible, terrible launch!

Like all the west coast!


TAS, 102 posts
19 Jan 2013 4:42PM
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Thinking of heading down maybe Thursday late arvo or crack of dawn Friday. If Greens is jammed where else might we camp.
Really don't know the area to well so details please.

Kinda gettin xsited a bit now. Be good to us you wind demons.

NSW, 9 posts
20 Jan 2013 11:26PM
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Have fun you lucky bastards. I will be doing clown clinics at the circus fest. Actually I have clowning wired, might give trapeze a go...

TAS, 12 posts
23 Jan 2013 10:31AM
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I will be heading up Thursday arvo. Hopefully there is more wind than the last trip down to Cloudy

If the campground at Greens is chockas are there any options?

TAS, 102 posts
23 Jan 2013 4:56PM
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padraig78 said...
I will be heading up Thursday arvo. Hopefully there is more wind than the last trip down to Cloudy

If the campground at Greens is chockas are there any options?

I asked the same a few post's ago.........hopefuly someone out there know's the answer.

TAS, 12 posts
23 Jan 2013 8:25PM
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Should be ok on Thursday night, if it's like most places it will be a zoo for the long weekend... don't need much space for the swag tho!

TAS, 102 posts
24 Jan 2013 8:55AM
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Not entirely sure when I will make the trek......the wind is looking real sloppy. Sux for us.

TAS, 74 posts
25 Jan 2013 10:51AM
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hows the forecast looking locals? My reading is kite sun and mon afternoons and marginal conditions for kiting sat, but perhaps good surf ?

TAS, 451 posts
25 Jan 2013 8:31PM
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No idea. We are camped at greens having kited lighthouse today. Will see what happens

TAS, 41 posts
30 Jan 2013 1:24PM
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I found a photo from Lighthouse, anyone else got one? Too busy having WAAAYY too much FUN! Sick weekend guys, loved it!

TAS, 183 posts
30 Jan 2013 11:33PM
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Nice work guys. Did you get a few gnarly sessions in and a crew of awesome dudes.

TAS, 451 posts
31 Jan 2013 10:56AM
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It was a pretty low key ducks, but I had a ball. Half a dozen of the northwest crew, and four made the trip up from Hobart.

Thursday paid out big time for those who could start their weekend early. In reality, that was only me - but a sweet nor'easter with great waves was on at Peggs. Pat turned up at beer o'clock, and got to listen to me frothing about it without getting out himself.

Friday morning was looking grim, with rain all round. So it was the Grand-Theft-Auto play off at El Presidente's palace. Then the sou'wester came in an the mad dash to Lighthouse was on. Dead onshore wind, but a nice wave leant itself well to a twin-tip session

Saturday was back to nor'easters again. Light in the morning, so surf was the go. At lunch the breeze came in a bit more. Half the crew stayed at Marrawah, but only Sam really made the most of the breeze. The other half headed off to East Inlet near Stanley and had to face a choice - flat water boosting or powered up wave riding in the swell out the front. I'm a sucker for a wave, so I was straight out into it.

Sunday saw a few people recovering from the big Australia Day party. Then a lot of sitting on the beach waiting for the 12 knots to build to 17. I gave up and drove home, so I'm not sure what happened then.

But no photos from me

TAS, 102 posts
31 Jan 2013 8:09PM
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Here's one of Brady........well after that detailed's the least I could do.

Guess your just checking the radio station there mate?

TAS, 183 posts
31 Jan 2013 10:13PM
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Good report. Well played everyone involved. Sounds like fun.

NSW, 165 posts
3 Feb 2013 12:48PM
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good to meet up with the northern crew

i joined brady and leethul over at east inlet on sat and had my first go at the nice flat water and the washing machine in the surf

on sunday after we waited at bluff for a few hours about half a dozen people got keen at greens about 1400 but the wind went a bit gusty southerly and made it a bit hard to keep upwind, i tried a few silly jumps in the much cleaner small waves and found i then had a 2km walk of shame along green beach but it was probably the most scenic walk of shame i've had :o

here are a few panos from the phone camera

TAS, 102 posts
4 Feb 2013 5:24PM
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Oh looky....there is the race car track that ate up El President's toy car.

TAS, 778 posts
4 Feb 2013 8:46PM
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Hey Kurt, I've got a prize for you for "The longest hell tack to the biggest walk ever!"

Man you were so far out past Mt Cameron it was getting Pretty Far Out Man!

Sunday sesh saw Dougs killing it in the windy holes in head high clean lines, not a bad sesh.

Lethal, pretty sure it was the driving it through the ocean part, that destroyed everything electrical in the buggy. Got parts ordered, it will live again!!

SA, 492 posts
4 Feb 2013 11:40PM
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After a week on SA West coast looking forward for 1 more week to pass before the week in Marrawah.

The panos look great looking forward to getting wet in Tassie.


Forums > Kitesurfing Tasmania

"marrawah ducks + bonus footage" started by dougalh