Forums > Kitesurfing Victoria

How was YOUR day? Reports?

Created by csjena > 9 months ago, 8 Sep 2012
VIC, 249 posts
8 Sep 2012 6:39PM
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I was in Rosebud in the morning and had 2 hrs of nice kiting.
Started out with 18kts NW and after 2hrs changed to WSW and droped.
Packed up had a beer and a fat smile!

how was your day?


VIC, 1090 posts
8 Sep 2012 7:17PM
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Brighton was onshore, but nice wind!
Was great till about 4:30 when the rain hit!
Bring on the shorts and rashy!!!

VIC, 181 posts
8 Sep 2012 7:32PM
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Glad i got to Rosebud early'ish. Had a good hour or two out before it shifted WSW and died. Then headed up to aspendale (not sure what the beach was called) and had another hour or so on the water.

All in all, very happy.

VIC, 119 posts
8 Sep 2012 8:09PM
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Was at st kilts from 2-6. Some pretty strong frontal stuff came in and I had to keep swapping from my 12-7m- but who can complain about having to down size because of hammering conditions!

VIC, 563 posts
8 Sep 2012 9:05PM
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Inverloch- west gusty a few kiters on the water. Some on 5, 7 and 9 meter.
left at 1 pm.

VIC, 249 posts
8 Sep 2012 9:12PM
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castill0jf said...

Inverloch- west gusty a few kiters on the water. Some on 5, 7 and 9 meter.
left at 1 pm.

how strong was the wind? was it manageable? With a west wind are you tacking just across the inlet?

VIC, 563 posts
9 Sep 2012 2:30AM
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at some point between 8 and 10 was to strong can,t said the speed but a good kiter swapped his 9 for 7 becouse it was not safe, then changed to 5 . later the wind drop a bit then changed to sww. i am learner and couldn,t kite becouse my old 7 meter kite doesnt have the safety future that kills the power.i just looked others have fun. yes they were tracking accroos the inlet

QLD, 699 posts
9 Sep 2012 8:53AM
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I was surprised somewhat no one tried StJKilda, maybe it was too rainy? or Westerly?

VIC, 4501 posts
9 Sep 2012 9:40AM
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Nah, there were quite a few at StK the whole day. The wind was more consistent earlier (before 12:30). Got gusty when the storms arrived.

TAS, 753 posts
9 Sep 2012 10:53AM
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I was kiting st kilda from about 830 till 1130. It was pretty good. A little bit gusty, but always had enough power. Unfortunately I also sprained my ankle so no more kiting for a week I guess.

VIC, 119 posts
9 Sep 2012 12:32PM
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Yeh the gusts were turning people away- but if you had a small enough kite it was great

VIC, 147 posts
9 Sep 2012 4:15PM
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I was out at Hampton between 11am and 1pm. Gusty like everywhere else but good fun and the water wasn't too cold.

VIC, 133 posts
9 Sep 2012 6:19PM
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Pete and I were out at Hampton from about 11 to 1pm. Had a fun trip down to the Cerberus, but a bit of a struggle coming back in when we got stuck in a wind shadow by the cliffs. Wind was fantastic on the 7.

VIC, 147 posts
9 Sep 2012 7:22PM
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It might have been one of you guys that landed my kite for me, i was on a green 9m edge

VIC, 710 posts
9 Sep 2012 9:31PM
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Yes, I landed your kite. The wind dropped out about then.

We had a good tour but as Stu says, it was a bit sketchy getting back. Some photos and the track log are here


Forums > Kitesurfing Victoria

"How was YOUR day? Reports?" started by csjena