Forums > Kitesurfing Victoria

Quiet Locations for beginner

Created by barkly > 9 months ago, 19 Sep 2011
VIC, 1 posts
19 Sep 2011 11:27PM
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Hey Guys

I picked up kiting late last season have about 5-6 days under my belt, but haven't been out for 5 odd months now. I've only kited St Kilda so far, but the number of kites there isn't doing wonders for my confidence. Could anyone recommend some quieter locations that suit a beginner?

Also keen to get out tomorrow in the Westerly, where would be a good place to head, Sandringham?


TAS, 753 posts
20 Sep 2011 6:41PM
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Anywhere good get's crowded, or isn't for beginners. Better off staying at st kilda, and just head out the back a bit once you're able to get going...

VIC, 77 posts
20 Sep 2011 7:05PM
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Altona: S-SW.
Rye/ Rosebud: N-NW.

Both locations are relatively onshore and you can stand up a fare way out.

Good luck.

VIC, 219 posts
20 Sep 2011 9:44PM
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VIC, 4501 posts
20 Sep 2011 10:16PM
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Altona isn't advisable for complete newbies. Direct onshore, hidden sandbanks, a narrow beach with trees and power lines in front of the launching spot is an invitation for trouble.

TAS, 753 posts
20 Sep 2011 11:11PM
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Rosebud is definitely not the place to go if you don't want crowds.

QLD, 460 posts
21 Sep 2011 11:37AM
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You best choice is St Kilda just get used to the crowd.
Inverloch is good if you are up for the drive or give Sandy Point a go, there is heaps of space to get away from the crowd. Just watch out for polies doing speed runs and don't get in their way.
but any place within a reasonable distance from Melbourne with flat water will be crowded.

Altona is not the best place for beginners, the beach is narrow, there are trees, power lines, and a road - and it gets crowded on a good day. Kites end up regularly in trees, light posts or powerlines and the power had to be cut off a few times. You can imagine that the residents are getting a bit fed up with it.

VIC, 219 posts
21 Sep 2011 3:49PM
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Whats Balnaring like? I haven't ridden there yet, but I here its got a bit of a current. Also, does it cop a solid seabreeze, or do you need to be further up the bay, i.e. St kilda to take full advantage?

QLD, 460 posts
22 Sep 2011 2:12PM
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iRideWainman said...

Whats Balnaring like? I haven't ridden there yet, but I here its got a bit of a current. Also, does it cop a solid seabreeze, or do you need to be further up the bay, i.e. St kilda to take full advantage?

St kilda always gets a knot or two more seabreeze than other beaches around Melbourne. So I guess Balnarring would get a bit less as well. I haven't kited there though.

VIC, 4501 posts
22 Sep 2011 9:19PM
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jev7337 said...

iRideWainman said...

Whats Balnaring like? I haven't ridden there yet, but I here its got a bit of a current. Also, does it cop a solid seabreeze, or do you need to be further up the bay, i.e. St kilda to take full advantage?

St kilda always gets a knot or two more seabreeze than other beaches around Melbourne. So I guess Balnarring would get a bit less as well. I haven't kited there though.

Not always. I've been at Altona when they've had 25 knots and there has been barely 15 knots in St Kilda.

VIC, 77 posts
22 Sep 2011 9:30PM
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In summer Balnarring gets a better seabreaze than the bay. Its a great place to learn on a true south, a little choppy though you will always end up on the sandy beach. Altona has the advantage that you will be able to stand up a loooong way out. Perfect for learning- granted you want someone to help you launch if you are learning but sadly there is always someone there to help you launch!

Rosebud is ideal on a Nrth but just head a carpark west from the scene at the end of Boneo Rd.

Is really important to find a safe and comfortable spot in those critical days of learning - worth the extra drive.

VIC, 616 posts
22 Sep 2011 10:30PM
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St.Kilda (i hate to say cos i lve there, is the best for newbies.) Just launch and head out.

Rosebud is great in Northerlies - Please launch from the beach, not carpark (we are trying to avoid council issues)

Altona In Easterlies. Launch and walk deep into water as its a small beach

Unfortuanately Pros and Newbies go to these spots as it is pretty much all we have!!

Inverloch is good too (3hrs away!). Talk to Kite Republic (Google em), they take a bus of Newbies and Instructors down on "ride days" once in a while. The instructors keep an eye on you, rescue boards and offer advice.

VIC, 76 posts
25 Sep 2011 10:42AM
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What is wrong with anywhere along the stretch of beach from Mentone to aspendale?

Plenty of beach for everyone!

VIC, 219 posts
25 Sep 2011 5:55PM
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Depth and a cross-shore breeze in a southerly?

VIC, 76 posts
26 Sep 2011 2:46PM
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Depth... yeah maybe, anything south of mordy pier is actually quiet shellow.

And Cross Shore mmmm I struggle to see a big difference between them.

Maybe a couple of knots less than stkilda but hey for a begginer, thats fine.

VIC, 219 posts
26 Sep 2011 11:25PM
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are we using the fact that u cant see the ocean floor as a measurement for depth
in st kilda? cos the kiddy pool usually has about a foot of water and that's the same colour as about a K off shore. pollution I guess.

VIC, 76 posts
27 Sep 2011 9:30AM
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Na the pics were to show the wind direction to shore line.

Yes, Stkilda is the best place, but because of that, it's littered with kites.

Just trying to show that this stretch of beach isn't that much different and it's empty. (Except for the depth...) but it's not that bad south of mordy pier, you can walk about 20m out and still at balls deep :)

Pen Kite
VIC, 12 posts
27 Sep 2011 9:15PM
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"St Kilda is the best place for newbies" hahahahaha you guys make me laugh.

Kiteboarding is dangerous even at the "perfect" location, it's all about minimising the risk you expose yourself and others too. Common sense goes a long way.

The only reason people think that Rosebud is crowded is due to EVERY KITER insisting on entering, exiting and kiting in amongst one an other. There is kilometres of shallow flat water from Rosebud to Blairgowrie. Walk/kite up or down wind from the general entry point and you'll find yourself plenty of space.

Inverloch should only take 2 hours from St kilda. A couple of hours either side of low tide is best. Be careful at high tide if you struggle to go up wind, you may end up a long way down the inlet.

2 posts
18 Nov 2011 9:05AM
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pepper ballz.. ONE OLIVE

iRideWainman said...


VIC, 518 posts
18 Nov 2011 5:48PM
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So are you alowed to kite at the beaches around mentone?... fact is i kite at Brighton and end up out the back in the chop to avoid crowd so im not worried about the depth or flatness.. id be prepared to kite in the yarra if it meant getting away from crowds... by the way i hear there is an island in the middle of the bay that is good for crowds :p.. take your iphone with you though

VIC, 518 posts
18 Nov 2011 5:52PM
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out of curiosity does anyone know of anyone who has actually kited albert park lake for kicks?... please share

Big eeeZeee
NSW, 1100 posts
18 Nov 2011 6:58PM
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THE DONG said...

out of curiosity does anyone know of anyone who has actually kited albert park lake for kicks?... please share

maybe Saffer. ASk him

VIC, 219 posts
18 Nov 2011 7:07PM
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clarkeye said...

pepper ballz.. ONE OLIVE
iRideWainman said...


VIC, 858 posts
19 Nov 2011 11:23AM
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The beaches south of Mentone are fine. When the wind gets up there is quite a bit of swell along that part of the coast due to the 3 sand bars that run down the coast buts thats the way we like it and the reason a lot of us kite there. Can be a bit difficult for a learner.

The further south you travel from Mentone the more offshore the wind gets in an easterly so don't be tempted if this is the case.

As a local to this area, please respect the no boating and life saving club areas in summer. We have a good relationship with the clubs that we don't want to spoil. As with any area look at what the locals are doing and take the lead from them. It is always a good indication that if it looks ok but no one is out that maybe its not the best place for the wind direction.


Forums > Kitesurfing Victoria

"Quiet Locations for beginner" started by barkly