Hi Guys
I am in St Kilda next week on a course and was going to kite in the evenings. I noticed its ESE wind all week. Can you still go out at St Kilda or should I leave my stuff at home.
I know its crowed out St Kilda before all you smart people just say leave your stuff at home. I have 8 year experience and SAKSA insurance so shouldn't add to much to the crowding problem.
As saffer alluded to... If you have a car... Altona ( best option ), Point cook ( near the homestead ) even weribee ......or sandgate near port melb ( more than 3-4 is too many as it is a tight spot)
If you don't have a car your options are rather limited although altona is easily accessible by train.
It is quite likely that the forecast will change slightly and the wind may end up with a bit more south to it. Ie: SE or SSE in which case St kilda becomes a more viable option.
^^^^^ wind forcast looks like a solid 20-30knt ESE - E from arvo onwards
stkilda is kite able but chances are kite will fall on your head
is Mud island really worth going to? seems pretty far out, where would be the best place to launch jet ski?
st kilda is kiteable so you should be fine as long as the forecast doesnt change. I think monday should be good, it would be nice to see a fellow SA rider, so let me know if your heading down there.
Yeah there pretty bad , had a hand full of them last week , after stupidly putting my hand down to steady myself after a crash , still love it down there lol
And another view.
Are the clowns who sell these kites warning people not to believe the hype about how much depower they have? I agree with Saffer, if you own a 12m and you weigh 75-90kg then anything more than 20ish knots you should seriously consider coming down a size. Besides, smaller kites are **** loads more fun.
what idiot pumps up a 12m when it is gusting to 30knots ......... but I would have hoped that someone would have told him to put it down at the time........ obviously not.
self regulate or be over regulated.
I asked a bloke at RYE a few months ago....
" dont you think a 12m is a bit big for these conditions ?"
it was 25+ gusting over 30 and he had his kite at 12 being teabagged
his response " I have been kiting a few years I will be right " I shook my head walked up the beach gathered up two other kiters and re-approached him ..... suddenly he agreed with our sentiments and requested a landing.
Someone is running lessons there as well. Anyone know if they have permits for altona??
Is it adviseable to recommend noobs kite near the pier end where there is slightly more room downwind and chance of someone helping them out if it turns to ****? Wanted to say something to a couple of guys but didn't want t sound territorial or anything
if your on about kssaltona they dont teach from the main beach at altona they have a completly different spot for this reason
and yes they do have council permits
as for the st kilda shops coming over i have no idea if they do ?
Did you actually see them teaching or are you talking ****? It was probably a team rider having a sesh in one of their tops.
^^^^ no it was DEFINITELLY lessons... and not just lessons but a mass lesson. ANd it didn't seem like it was run by a local shop or crew. There was like easily a dozen noobs dressed in white trainee tops... not sure how many trainers they had... but a scary sight... Haven't seen this before at Altona...
First issue here - you are not supposed to kite close to the pier at all, but i suppose authorities don't really care now that the weather has been cold and not many people on the beach. But once we get hot weather and the beach full of people especially around the pier, this could get really ugly...
second, altona is already too congested, so i seriously doubt regular kiters (notice i'm not using word 'locals') will be willing to leave the beach for several kite schools. One lesson at a time and out of the way of other riders is acceptable and been always happening anyway...