Whilst i was at St Kilda with the James and Sean (Tribe Carew). Sean asked one of the bulldozer drivers what they were doing. and he said that they were making the kiddie pool deeper so that a barge can come in and collect the rocks to take them out to the existing break water to help repair that. So pretty much they are doing us a favor by making the kiddie pool deeper. the driver claimed that they will be doing that for 10 months..
looks like they actually are thinking about us.
As per other thread:
They dont care if anyone can kite there or not.
All they see is a bunch of louts ignoring the rules as in 5 knots , right of way etc and proximity to structures (i guess you can call the sand wall a structure), piers etc.
The council wont get complaints regarding to close to boats , lines wrapped around masts etc. All the council will see is more money from mooring revenue increase.
The boat traffic will become much thicker and maybe prohibit other kiting activities firther along the beaches so in the end the kites will possibly have to move on.
Untill kiting is as rich and powerfull as the yachties (never) or maybe even try to join the yacht clubs and realy make it mainstream and have the clout and obey the vessel laws that they come under then this sort of stuff will always happen without any worry to what the kiters think.
Seriously , jumping over and around a structure when a worker is in the machine at the end of it regardless of what it is makes a great impression to people watching the works that may be in some planning /project managing position, not..
Those types of photos end up in court rooms with councils wanting to close down the beach to kiting.
Good one fellas!
dont be a dick suniboy the bulldozer was empty and the driver was behind me and he was stoked . i even asked him to put a table top in the middle.
hey boys, Just a foot note to this topic, there's loose rocks mixed in with the sand spits now at st kilda, no good for fins.
Is this a Parks Vic thing, or Yacht Squadron?
And have we seen anything from KBV yet (in the KBV section of Seabreeze).
Was there last night. Has halved (at least) the kiteable space which presumably KBV "fought" for. Downwnd of the breakwater isnt that great and upwind only has enough water close to high tide.
Just have to say, what a bunch of wingers... St Kilda Kiddie Pool is a show pony zone thats about it... It has the worst EPA readings of anywhere in the bay.
You know what happens, those guys get sick of it and come over to Altona, Hey don't get me started about how these advanced guys get territorial about flat water.
I was at Altona cruising one spot popping a few 360 spins and trying some boost tricks. I am not an advanced Kiter on flat water but I like riding a surfboard a lot more. Now when some advanced guys notice me cruising in my own space and sees it nice and flat I am generally ok with it. I will take turns in the spot. Hoot and Hollar a bit when they do something cool.
Now on this day the 2 guys on North kites tried to OWN the space. Mate they took on more than the could chew that day. He downlooped near me and I laughed. Both of them got really aggresive towards me. I have been skateboarding and surfing all of my life and someone snaking me aint going to cut it. The other 3 or more kiters that where there also looked teed off at this duo as well.
I stood my ground and the 2 of them backed down and realised I was not moving on. The other kiters came back. I spoke to one of the guys saying we can all use the space just be considerate and move up wind a bit. His response was priceless: "I came here to get away from the kiddie pool".
Christ my point is this be considerate of each other. This sport is unreal. If you are an advanced kiter stop bitching and learn another discipline like riding a surfboard when it gets choppy. Or if you have limited flat water then have patience.
I stayed and did my own thing and caught up with the guys after the session. Funny thing was they were blown away that anyone was pissed of at them.
^^^^ what exactly was your point ( sounds more like a winge than any of the above posts)
Also Altona regularly has EPA ratings just as bad as St Kilda and sometimes worse.
Marina Development : RMYS: Official Information:
To all Kiters who use the West Beach Kite area.
This note is to provide you with some facts regards this development. As I have seen some incorrect information, assumptions and comments regards the current Marina Development.
I personally believe this new development will be good for the kiting in this area, see my notes and reasons below..
Firstly this is a note sent to me as VP of KBV from Mr Rod Austin, GM of RMYS
..”.the access groyne is only temporary from the compound to the edge of Marina.
The final drawing is attached.....
.....I understand this may affect the Kite Boarders but please inform all that it is only temporary and I expect conditions to return to normal well before next Summer.” Regards Rod Austin.
Note 1:
Please note the most noticeable change to the Marina Development is the removal of the “island- jetty”. Especially as this would have been right in the middle of the main Kiting area,
Note 2:: most of the yachts will be relocated from the beach side to that nearer the Rock jetty. Therefore creating almost double the kiting area!! ( refer to the pictures on display around the construction compound)
The RMYS have been very open and collaborative with regards consulting various clubs etc that may be affected by their development, and genuinely understand some Kiters concerns.
Again I conclude that in my opinion based on the actual information provided to KBV that this development will only temporary affect some relatively small area of Kiting , and result in a better access area once this Marina Development is completed.
Thank you
Rick Elliott
Hey Guys, I've looked at the maps and looks like the boat repair and storage yard (big crap with boats on top of it) will go straight through the usual kiting area. Looks like less room 4 kiting, but I hope I'm wrong.
sounds like the plans have changed. Looks like original post was at least a couple of years old.
RickE's post above sounds like the most recent information.
I am still not able to answer the question - more flat water or not. I would hazard a guess less - but would love to be convinced otherwise - coz I reckon current scenario is substantially worse.
RickE, can you post the final drawings. The only ones I can find on the web are the concept plans.
There's a big sign with the concept drawing on it hanging on the emus fence, just opposite the slipway.
Maybe I'll get a photo next time I'm down there and post it...
from what i can see on that site plan it looks like the flat water area will get bigger, as they are removing the floating jetty and moving the boats closer to the rock wall.
so yes more flat water.
My prediction is that the marina and pier construction will destroy one of The best kiting spots in Victoria and onner city. The wind rushes past the pier but the pier takes the edge off the chop while still allowing waves through. A rare occurrence. Kiting out in the bay just doesn't rate - way too choppy.
Totally agree about the yellow f'n boat. Hope that goes.
Why we like the pier is because we get wind but the pier takes out most of the chop while still enabling swell/ waves. A rare occurrence and why that area is so prized. Flat rock at Ballina is a better example of wind but smooth faced waves.
I'm not looking forward to the flat water out if the marina extension. However if that new little pier is now not happening that is a good thing. Do we know for sure?
Some say it will be better some say worse. ?
Can't see how St Kilda is going to be any better.
Less space to kite.
More fishermen casting at us (got a guy i was kiting with on the neck sat.)
Killing off the penguins that live in the break wall and feed around the moorings
More Yachts like the yellow one that is in everyone's way.
And the dirty BLACK water at the moment..
Also.. whats with the line they put between the train line and the pier? Is that an attempt by the yacht club to stop kiting in the area?
And the float with a green flag anchored out in the larger pond area?
Big thanks to KBV for their total lack of regular communication, notification and consultation to us the members about what is going on and how it will affect us.
When is the AGM for KBV this year? wouldn't mind putting my hand up for it.