Do you know the State Regulation regarding clearnace froim power lines? There is a clearly articulated regulation and as responsible Kiters we need to be aware of it...
Check out the KBV web site ( headlines for more on the regulation.
True - a necessary consideration - one reason why the beach renourishment is a key stage in all of this and why the council has not yet made any deliberations.
According to my good friend google earth you would have to be virtually in the water to launch legally at altona.
What is "10 penalty units"? Number of lashes with the cat-o-nine tails?
Nice work Tomi.
Looks like the only way to 'legally' launch without getting 10 lashes is to do it from the waters edge. Not a bad idea, but hardly a practical one given the number of kites down at Altona. Looks like this little pearl of a rule might impact on more sites than i had first expected.
One penalty unit is $119.45 in the 2010–11 financial year (1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011).
Do the math.
Just deleted my measurements/pics for Kitebeach - had a look yesterday and there are no powerlines to worry about - they are street lamps and asome have underground power while others do have a single line between them (does that qualify?).
On the other hand, Hampton beach does have powerlines along the street (LHS if going south) and that definitely puts the grassy areas out of bounds but I have never seen anyone launch and land on the grass which is a fair way off the beach.