I am heading to there in the early morning. If anybody is going that time I am keen to share the ride and bear the whole travel expenses. I can arrange to be picked up from any train station you like.
The smallest kite I've got is 9 crossbow. I am not sure if I can keep hold of it all day? However, I know that some of our big bros enjoyed the ride with their 8m the Thursday before when it reached over 35 knots and I don't think it's gonna be any higher tomorrow.
Btw, seem that Thursday is our lucky stormy day!
^^ Be very careful. I watched someone get launched into the carpark the other thursday trying to put up a 9m kite in strong winds, its still in the tree down at Rosebud. I suggest you check what everyone else has in the air and how they are coping before getting your kite out and if you do put your kite up then launch from the beach and not the grass so you are not in the wind shadow.
This is the one from the weekend, the guy just left it there! The owner of the boat shed wasn't too happy
Morning session should be alright, bloody customers!
These people leaving kites in trees, on boat masts and whereever else need to be responsible for their actions / rubbish.
What do you think the council will think about paying for the removal of the kite in the trees at Rosebud last week?
Who ever owns it, pay an arbourist / tree lopper to climb the tree and remove YOUR rubbish before our sport gets another black mark it dosent need!
Be carefull guys, some big gusts have been recorded around the state and on the bay. Pack a small kite!
As posted by nigelw2 and myself last weak,take responsibility for your actions and PAY to get your kites removed.Dont leave your s$%t hanging in trees and power lines.
The end result will be a total ban along the peninsula.
Gusting from 10 up to 35 knots. Someone might get a free flight from Rosebud or Rye over the peninsula all the way to Tassy . . .
Be careful. The photo looks like the kite is tangled around a power line - so would need specialist skills to remove safely.
If someone has just left the kite(s) that is not good. This type of incident could lead to kiting bans etc.
Good day today - lots of kites. No accidents. The rev in the tree is in pieces and won't ever be flyable again but still stuck well and good. The guys from Peninsula went across to try to get it out this morning with limited success. Word on the street is that an arborist did offer over a week ago, but the owner said no as the kite was no longer flyable.
A descent poll pruning saw from bunnings and a light weight climber could straddle the tree and cut the tangled lines and pull kite out.
You can even get secetures* on a pole to snip any caught branches.
It's not that hard, but highly imbarrasing!
RPM is still there.
Well some of it. Only about half of the canopy there - with the bladder hanging out.
Obviously the owner is a little embarrassed and doesn't want to own up.....
Come on owner, it's no big deal it can happen to anyone, just get the kite down!!
A local tree looper would have it down in about 10 minutes, probably cost you $50
Ring local tree looper, tell him where and what.
Next time his passing he stops car, throws rope, climbs, Stanley knife thru lines ands it's taken 10-15 min of his time.
No guaranteeing the price but for someone with the gear / skills it's money for jam!