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Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

Augusta cut

Created by Ymir > 9 months ago, 17 Aug 2013
15 posts
17 Aug 2013 6:40PM
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Hi all,

I just got back from a trip from Exmouth last night, and woke up this morning, to find some earth moving equipment working on the beach just around from colour patch cafe.

Fast forward to 5:15 this evening and water is now flowing rapidly through from colour patch to the ocean. I am not sure how this is going to affect Kite surfing down here in Augusta this summer, but id thought it was worth a mention.



WA, 109 posts
17 Aug 2013 7:23PM
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They have tried for the past 2 years, their idiots! All you get is the sand that they pile up then blows back into the river to create sand banks every were. I wrote letters to the half wit councillor and to the newspapers last year and the year before to no avail. The best way to protest is to stay away and dont spend Your hard earned coin down there. Try Australind bigger area, waist deep flat water and good set up areas.

WA, 258 posts
18 Aug 2013 12:28AM
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I reckon the only way it would stay open is if they close the river mouth .. My bet is the cut will be blocked up by Xmas .

If it does stay open I'm not sure of the negative impact on kiting .. It may be fun cruising out to the rivermouth on the flat water , out to ocean for a few waves , then back thru the cut to the river and do it all again .... Circle Work

15 posts
18 Aug 2013 4:04PM
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I am going to learn how to kite surf this summer Paul.

Since i only just moved to Augusta I was thinking of getting lessons from the guys in the Margret River shop, practice a year or two down here , then travel around a bit looking for good spots. Will defiantly check out Australind as soon as i'm ready ....or still alive lol

Monkers. I'm thinking of a colour patch drive through station at the cut. Place your order , and by the time you do a circuit, your foods ready to be picked up.

Mind you, they would actually have to make something edible and to begin with :)

WA, 109 posts
18 Aug 2013 5:04PM
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Hahaha thats colour patch alright, went in there for 2 bucks worth of chips, took my order and money and said come back in a hour hahaha, the burger shop in town, i asked how many slices of bacon went into their bacon burgers? "Dont know" came the reply I asked to speak to the cook, she said "Iam the cook" WTF! never got an answer and waited 40 minutes for the burger!! So if You know how to run a burger or pizza place then Augusta is a gold mine if You offer good service and food!!

WA, 475 posts
19 Aug 2013 2:03PM
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paulsmyth said...
Hahaha thats colour patch alright, went in there for 2 bucks worth of chips, took my order and money and said come back in a hour hahaha, the burger shop in town, i asked how many slices of bacon went into their bacon burgers? "Dont know" came the reply I asked to speak to the cook, she said "Iam the cook" WTF! never got an answer and waited 40 minutes for the burger!! So if You know how to run a burger or pizza place then Augusta is a gold mine if You offer good service and food!!

yep. and 12 mths after you moved there you will have relaxed too. and you will wonder why the fkk these tourists are so tightly strung to be counting the fkn bacon bits!!! just shove it in your gob. if it tastes good: chew and swallow!

15 posts
19 Aug 2013 3:08PM
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craggers said..

paulsmyth said...
Hahaha thats colour patch alright, went in there for 2 bucks worth of chips, took my order and money and said come back in a hour hahaha, the burger shop in town, i asked how many slices of bacon went into their bacon burgers? "Dont know" came the reply I asked to speak to the cook, she said "Iam the cook" WTF! never got an answer and waited 40 minutes for the burger!! So if You know how to run a burger or pizza place then Augusta is a gold mine if You offer good service and food!!

yep. and 12 mths after you moved there you will have relaxed too. and you will wonder why the fkk these tourists are so tightly strung to be counting the fkn bacon bits!!! just shove it in your gob. if it tastes good: chew and swallow!

Ya know I have to agree with you there. Augusta is one of the most tranquil and beaut places I've seen in WA. Its cold during winter admittedly, but that's what FIFO is for :)

Take out is still sub standard though, but ya can't have everything, Especially in a seasonal village.

I'm just happy to be here.

WA, 109 posts
19 Aug 2013 5:01PM
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craggers said..

paulsmyth said...
Hahaha thats colour patch alright, went in there for 2 bucks worth of chips, took my order and money and said come back in a hour hahaha, the burger shop in town, i asked how many slices of bacon went into their bacon burgers? "Dont know" came the reply I asked to speak to the cook, she said "Iam the cook" WTF! never got an answer and waited 40 minutes for the burger!! So if You know how to run a burger or pizza place then Augusta is a gold mine if You offer good service and food!!

yep. and 12 mths after you moved there you will have relaxed too. and you will wonder why the fkk these tourists are so tightly strung to be counting the fkn bacon bits!!! just shove it in your gob. if it tastes good: chew and swallow!

Never said it wasn't a nice place, I grew up all threw that area, was just commenting on waiting time so Craggers **** oFF!

WA, 475 posts
19 Aug 2013 6:53PM
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paulsmyth said...
craggers said..

paulsmyth said...
Hahaha thats colour patch alright, went in there for 2 bucks worth of chips, took my order and money and said come back in a hour hahaha, the burger shop in town, i asked how many slices of bacon went into their bacon burgers? "Dont know" came the reply I asked to speak to the cook, she said "Iam the cook" WTF! never got an answer and waited 40 minutes for the burger!! So if You know how to run a burger or pizza place then Augusta is a gold mine if You offer good service and food!!

yep. and 12 mths after you moved there you will have relaxed too. and you will wonder why the fkk these tourists are so tightly strung to be counting the fkn bacon bits!!! just shove it in your gob. if it tastes good: chew and swallow!

Never said it wasn't a nice place, I grew up all threw that area, was just commenting on waiting time so Craggers **** oFF!

Fair enough, get your point. i hear Maccas serve ya super fast. I hear they are gonna put one down there cos the locals are too sluggish

WA, 258 posts
19 Aug 2013 9:18PM
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Colour patch fish n chips mmmmmmm !! Augusta Bakery pie mmmmmmm !! Augusta Pub Guinness mmmmmm ....happy days

The burger shop is a little freaky ... I went there one time and looked thru the window . The person behind the counter ducked down so I couldn't see them ... Ha ha !

Good luck Ymir ..!! Enjoy !! PM me to catch up for a kite .. I will be down there quite a bit this summer

WA, 389 posts
20 Aug 2013 9:09AM
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there is another thread running for the cut check it out. it was made in the general section

the cut has done it job the last couple of years that's why they are continuing with it, Its primary goal is the health of the inlet, the salt water dilution seems to helps this a lot as the surveys go.

The half wit counselor has been pretty informative paulsthy on this occasion.

Awesome bit of coast to get tourism exposure for the SW good for small business,

But lets focus on the issues of safety and common space use so the area will remain open for kiters, stop them from looking else where around the SW, containing the blow ins is a good idea think about it.

WA, 258 posts
20 Aug 2013 1:28PM
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Jared ... would be good if they could sort a launching/ landing area say adjacent to the cut .. Landing on the grassed area is not a great idea.. even some signage would be helpful as its the tourists that do it because they don't know any better...

Last time they opened the cut it made a sand bank in the river which was pretty helpful for landing and launching .. so hopefully it will be there again this year...

Also I have another Augusta bad service story : ... Me and my mate Sparky were at the Augusta pub at the animals bar drinking Guinness .. My mate says he feels like a Cointreau on ice .. god know why ?? anyhow the barman says what do u guys want .. and Sparky says 2 Cointreau on ice .. Barman says no worries .. comes back in 2 mins with 2 Guinness's ... got to laugh !!

WA, 389 posts
20 Aug 2013 4:51PM
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lol yeah some of the staff there are rather special from time to time.

I am waiting on a reply into potential options to avoid kiters impacting to much on the colour patch areas. There heaps of things up for grabs here, for example relocating the shower, a parking time regulation for peak seasons, so wicked campers cannot take up spots all day( setting up table and stove top in car park next to them ), signage ect.

Kiters are a recognized tourism trade, maybe we can force them into the caravan parks and hotel, make them leave a bit of money behind not just there waste.

WA, 147 posts
20 Aug 2013 5:17PM
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you need to try the chinese takeaway in augusta, has to be one of the best ive been to, always awesome.

the nice lawned area at the colour patch is to inviting, bring back the old fence and play equipment that used to rip the tourists kites who were silly enough to pump up there

WA, 168 posts
24 Aug 2013 9:59AM
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+1 for the Chinese
if u walk down the dog beach stairs miles of room to launch

WA, 258 posts
4 Sep 2013 3:03PM
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Hey Ymir / Jared .. how is the cut looking ? water flowing or starting to clog up ? any sand banks forming at Jays beach ?

15 posts
4 Sep 2013 9:33PM
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Hi Monkers,

The cuts been eroded quite a bit now. I am currently away at work but id thought I would chuck a pic of how Day 1 looked after they let the water through. (I will post a few later pics after next Tues)

Upon walking down to have a squizzy

From my balcony:

Up until Tuesday , I've seen surfers wade across the water so i'm expecting it to be back to the old days in a few months. I think we are talking in the 10's of millions of dollars to have a permanent fixture, but i think that's not the point.

The shire wants to stop the algal build up along the river shoreline, and i think its a positive thing.

Being new in town I am keeping an open mind. My Neighbor Ross is adamant that they are all bloody fools.

15 posts
4 Sep 2013 9:36PM
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I am very much looking forward to booking my first lesson with the guys in MR.....god cant remember the shop ...right next door to a barber. just off the main drag.

Come on Summer!!!

WA, 179 posts
5 Sep 2013 12:43PM
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^^ its closed down and is a now coffee shop.

WA, 179 posts
5 Sep 2013 12:44PM
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is now a coffee shop

15 posts
5 Sep 2013 7:30PM
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someawe said..

is now a coffee shop

*jaw drops*

ok backup plan!!

where could I go to get lessons close to MR/Augusta *laughs* ?

WA, 179 posts
5 Sep 2013 7:34PM
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Simon at M/River kitesurfing 0419 959 053

15 posts
6 Sep 2013 10:06PM
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someawe said..

Simon at M/River kitesurfing 0419 959 053


will call once i get back in off swing

WA, 389 posts
12 Sep 2013 10:28PM
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Simon def the man, cut is almost closed already didnt last long this time but you can still kite through it and do laps but avoid the rocks

15 posts
21 Nov 2013 4:44PM
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finally called Simon.

looking forward to first lesson.

WA, 258 posts
22 Nov 2013 5:36PM
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I was at Augusta couple of weeks ago for the Augusta adventure race .. Saw a guy kite from the ocean thru the cut and into the river .. V cool .

I'm coming down that way next week so I may catch u fellas ...

WA, 207 posts
22 Nov 2013 9:28PM
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Was he fat and ugly
Could have been me

WA, 475 posts
22 Nov 2013 9:35PM
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We did a wade across... all good one the way there. The missus picked the wrong angle on the way back and plunged in to her ears. Full back pack and kit too. There is a bloody good set of RayBans down there if anyone wants to go find them. It wasnt funny... not if I wanted seex anytime in the next week anyway...

15 posts
10 Dec 2013 12:23AM
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Just had my first lesson with Simon.

Needless to say I am hooked. I have my first kit ordered, and a few more lessons planned for when I get back. Thanks for referring Simon guys. He's an amazing teacher.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"Augusta cut" started by Ymir