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Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

Cape Range National Park Exmouth

Created by coastalkombi > 9 months ago, 23 Sep 2013
VIC, 93 posts
23 Sep 2013 3:17PM
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We are expecting to hit Exmouth tomorrow having just made the trek across the country from Torquay in our kombi. Keen for some advice as to which camp spots are closest to the waves, and where you'd recommend kiting and surfing from within the national park.

WA, 258 posts
23 Sep 2013 2:44PM
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Hi Wilfred , We are going to be up there on the weekend and staying for approx. 8 days... We staying at Yardie Creek Homestead caravan park.. I have never been there before but I believe that it is well located for the wind and waves .. Good if you want to stay in a caravan park rather than free camping ..

If you there look out for us .. approx. 6 families ( 3 kiters ) approx 20 stinking kids .... actually that's prob a good reason not to stay there .. ha ha

BTW great effort on the Kombi drive !!! love it !!

See you there !!!

WA, 3271 posts
23 Sep 2013 3:31PM
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+1 for Yardie Creek Caravan Park if you can get a camp site this close to the school holidays. Have a look at the kitesurfing general/ lessons in Exmouth thread, seems to be a big kite crew up that way this week and next.

WA, 657 posts
23 Sep 2013 4:29PM
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Wow... sweet kombi.

In fact it's almost the identical twin of my '78 panel van - currently in for paint the exact same colour scheme, right down to the wheels and bumpers.

Call in and say hi on your way through Perth. Enjoy Exmouth. You'll love it.

WA, 66 posts
23 Sep 2013 11:20PM
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Seeya there. I'll be windsurfing and kiting. Graveyards (or turtles) flat and waves, Sandy bay (flatwater), and Dunes (if the wind is righty, and out of the way of the surfers).

WA, 445 posts
25 Sep 2013 11:26AM
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Booked a night at Pilgramurra but mainly staying in Coral Bay.
Those of you that frequent this area - has anyone kited just north of 5 Fingers? Hoping to get some local info and advise.

WA, 1549 posts
26 Sep 2013 10:01AM
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I hope the combi doesn't break down or you will be well farked!

It's not exactly suited to combi breakdowns up that way...

WA, 130 posts
26 Sep 2013 6:35PM
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Hey all, I'm in cape range. Been kiting Mesa, sandy bay and Pilgramunna. My first season kiting. Pretty confident with the kite, not the board. Keen to meet up with some fellow kiters to keep an eye out for me on the water. I'm at Pilgramunna camp ground till 1st October. Cheers.

Also, really hard to get a camp if you have not pre booked. Once your in, you can transfere around camp grounds through the hosts.

WA, 1675 posts
5 Oct 2013 9:59AM
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RPM said..

I hope the combi doesn't break down or you will be well farked!

It's not exactly suited to combi breakdowns up that way...

Your full of it rpm Exmouth has everything you need for combi breakdowns just 10km south of town. Just check the shire website for tip opening times

WA, 1675 posts
5 Oct 2013 10:15AM
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rob101 said..

Seeya there. I'll be windsurfing and kiting. Graveyards (or turtles) flat and waves, Sandy bay (flatwater), and Dunes (if the wind is righty, and out of the way of the surfers).

Good luck with dunes
Ps I hate you all,Perth sucks can't wait to get home

TAS, 253 posts
8 Nov 2013 9:25PM
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Lovely german car (-:
I stayed up in the national park for almost two weeks. The campgrounds in the park are sweet. Just try to be at the gate to the park very early (maybe 6am), so that u are one of the first cars waiting to get a spot.
Once u are in, u can stay up to 3 weeks or so, can't remember. And u can change campgrounds easily, if there are free spots. Its just sometimes hard to get in. When its full, u only get in if somebody leaves the campgrouns. That's why its so important to be the first or the second car at the gate.
Didn't kite up there, but its just amazing. Enjoy

WA, 360 posts
19 Nov 2013 5:19PM
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Nice Kombi.
I had one once twenty (yikes!) years ago. In the Crayfishing off season I drove it to Exmouth.Or tried to. I broke down halfway between Minilya and Coral bay. The only people I could get to tow me was the SES from Coral bay (for a sizable donation). They towed me on a 10 ft long rope to Coral bay. Where the only mechanically minded person (the guy who fixed lawnmowers as a hobby)in the area checked out the Kombi. Broken crank shaft was the finding. Terminal. I was in luck however as someone was driving a beaten up old car to the wreckers in Exmouth and for a donation they would tow me behind them.
They dropped me off at Kailis in Learmonth , Penniless,where I knew one guy. When I found which Caravan he was staying at while he worked on the trawlers I pushed my Kombi to it and stayed there for the next 4 months while I saved to buy a motor from the wreckers in Exmouth. I wanted to work on the trawlers but there was no vacancies. The only work I could get was at the prawn processing factory being the only guy in a room full of twenty women pealing prawns all day. Standing around flirting and talking dirty all day!!

Geez I got some luvin that summer!!!.

Oh....and make sure the rubber seals around your Kombi motor are good. The motor apparently relies on air going in the scoops on the back top corners and funnelling down for cooling.

WA, 445 posts
20 Nov 2013 4:00PM
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seafever17 said..

Nice Kombi.
I had one once twenty (yikes!) years ago. In the Crayfishing off season I drove it to Exmouth.Or tried to. I broke down halfway between Minilya and Coral bay. The only people I could get to tow me was the SES from Coral bay (for a sizable donation). They towed me on a 10 ft long rope to Coral bay. Where the only mechanically minded person (the guy who fixed lawnmowers as a hobby)in the area checked out the Kombi. Broken crank shaft was the finding. Terminal. I was in luck however as someone was driving a beaten up old car to the wreckers in Exmouth and for a donation they would tow me behind them.
They dropped me off at Kailis in Learmonth , Penniless,where I knew one guy. When I found which Caravan he was staying at while he worked on the trawlers I pushed my Kombi to it and stayed there for the next 4 months while I saved to buy a motor from the wreckers in Exmouth. I wanted to work on the trawlers but there was no vacancies. The only work I could get was at the prawn processing factory being the only guy in a room full of twenty women pealing prawns all day. Standing around flirting and talking dirty all day!!

Geez I got some luvin that summer!!!.

Oh....and make sure the rubber seals around your Kombi motor are good. The motor apparently relies on air going in the scoops on the back top corners and funnelling down for cooling.

Great story mate!
Nice change from the drivel we've had to put up with lately!

WA, 893 posts
20 Nov 2013 8:29PM
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I agree nice touch of nostalgia sounds like you had some adventures care of the Kombi seafever17

The Kombi in the top photo is a sweet looking ride, wonder how it would go with a WRX power plant & modified 4wd setup. :) prob. shake to bits.

WA, 360 posts
20 Nov 2013 10:31PM
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Weta said..

I agree nice touch of nostalgia sounds like you had some adventures care of the Kombi seafever17


Yes..It was the best and worst of years. Happy memories a couple of years on and gained an important life skill.

I can still peal prawns at like a mofo!!

WA, 893 posts
21 Nov 2013 1:12AM
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modest man

WA, 11 posts
24 Nov 2013 10:17AM
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Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"Cape Range National Park Exmouth" started by coastalkombi