Hey arloj ... I think it might be the unfinished work (Taj on the Swan)of the Indian fertiliser magnate that spent a short but contaversial year or 2 in Perth a few yrs back......I think ATO is chasing him.....!
You interested in acquiring some land?
for a few seconds i was in that video .
That vacant lot is in dalkeith, taj on the swan was being built in peppie grove .
Thanks Dusta - or perhaps maybe mining magnate found gold in his own back garden !
Were you on the yellow/red Edge?
short video of my son and I on the river - celebrating first seabreezes of the season - apologies for the dodgy video editing
LOL Monkers - its worse than that - he did a back roll on his third session when he was still 16 in Jan !! I have had a few aborted attempts - always chicken out. I asked him how he does it and he says " I dunno - just go for it !" hmmm
David is coming along like a rocket! great stance going into the pop and it looks like he made it easily! hopefully it wont be too much longer before I can get up to that level as well! just need some god damn wind!!