Good to see everyone at the BBQ on Sat. As we said, try and get out sometime this week when the wind is good at Melville. We will have to take it day by day as the wind can be a bit unpredictable there. Monday might work but I think it is more likely to be Tue or Wed. I will post a Go on the day the wind is looking good. Plan to meet 5.00pm at the directions below. All welcome to come along. Send me a PM if you want my mobile number. See you down there. Rob
If I don't leave town for work on Tuesday, I'll knock off early and be down there for 3 or 4. I should know in the morning. The wind looks great for Tuesday.
If I don't make it. Have a safe session and I'll see you when I get home. Shoot me you mobile # too.
I'll be watching the wind tomorrow too. If it's loking like 16+ @ Melville after work I'd like to head down.
Hi Guys,
Didn't make the BBQ on Saturday for various reasons but keen for a session tonight. Will be there about 5 - 530ish.
The wind is starting to look a bit dicey for the next few days. Tomorrow is the best bet with Thursday / Friday looking better. Just have to take it day by day.
It was good to meet up with a few guys today. The wind was lacking but better than sitting at home.
See you when i get back from Thailand.