Forums > Land Kiting Snowkiting

Boarder Patrol Wanaka

Created by sonya rachel > 9 months ago, 2 Oct 2012
sonya rachel
WA, 84 posts
2 Oct 2012 5:18PM
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The Website isnt working? are they still around? Gonna need some info for next year :) Thanks

NSW, 9 posts
3 Oct 2012 1:22PM
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Hey I think there is a few guys in queenstown that still do trips and stuff if requested. You could try to call them if you find a number on the website. What kind of info do you need? There is Tim from who do winter stuff around wanaka or anywhere else on the south island. Boarder patrol might be able to help if you wanna do some bigger trips or need snow mobiles to get to spots. There is also wanakite event at the end of August next year as well which will be snowkiting around wanaka with a ramdom bunch of people. It's a very easy way to get to know the spots with the locals

There is an article at with all the spots. At least snow farm and round hill you should be able to go to without too much hassles.... depends on the snow conditions though. This year was a bad year for snow and snow mobile was a really handy thing to have to get above the snow level

NSW, 13 posts
3 Oct 2012 2:53PM
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You could contact Jon Imhoof from Boarder Patrol - 64 21 025 09650
It wasn't a good season this year, but the potential is amazing - I will be going back next year.
Let me know if you need any more details

NSW, 69 posts
4 Oct 2012 5:49PM
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Sorry to hear that 2012 wasn't a good season down low.

I bet it is still in condition up on the west coast Neves.
I'll be over there next season for sure.

Meanwhile the season just keeps on rockin' on the main range of Kosciuscko NP.
Plenty of snow everywhere for a few more weeks...and now that the Charlottes pass road is open it's nice and easy to get out there.

NSW, 9 posts
4 Oct 2012 10:37PM
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The season was pretty bad around wanaka, however still had some incredible days out there, just requires a bit driving around and chasing. Talking about Kosciuscko, anyone still planning to head down there? Would love to have one more go... maybe next weekend..

NSW, 69 posts
6 Oct 2012 8:50AM
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Yep, I'm dialled in for one or two more trips, obviously not this weekend (though Sunday might be OK).
Next weekend (13/14 Oct) could be a good one weather and snow wise.

Let me know if you are keen.



Here is a photo of Cock's harbour 5 days ago:


Forums > Land Kiting Snowkiting

"Boarder Patrol Wanaka" started by sonya rachel