Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Blokarts

Interested Blokart Sailors Wanted

Created by Andy B > 9 months ago, 13 Aug 2008
Andy B
WA, 130 posts
13 Aug 2008 1:06AM
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Yellow every one.I have bought a new pro blokart last week and took her out for the first time on

Sunday,very impressed with how it handled the tight course at Ocean reef car park.
As you may or may not know I am trying to start a new club for blokarts north of the river here in Perth,so far things are comming along well.
Thanks to Bryan Cook for the tip regarding Belmont park race way,I feel it is the only place north of the river that will accommodate the blokarts on a regular basis so if there is any interested people wanting to join please call Andrew on 0412 464 335,I will be at Belmont park each Sunday morning at 11.00am

VIC, 446 posts
13 Aug 2008 1:41PM
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Hi Andy
Good luck in setting up the new club in the west,how many interested parties do you have now,we here in Melbourne started out very much the same with just a couple of blokarters meeting regulary at a local bitumen carpark which quickly grew to have twenty odd karts contesting race series,we have now lost this venue and a little lost momentum in club members by not having a regular venue at which to meet up and hold events.
Once you get a core group together i suggest a calender of events social karting as well as racing will certainly help to grow the club and numbers.
With the numbers of blokarts sold there is a lot just sitting in peoples sheds that have not seen the light of day for a while,we discovered that when running our state titles they came from all corners of the state for the competion.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Blokarts

"Interested Blokart Sailors Wanted" started by Andy B