Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

Another Lake LeFroy Mini build from the States

Created by UrsaMajor > 9 months ago, 13 Jun 2013
WA, 5921 posts
20 Jun 2013 6:43PM
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QLD, 208 posts
21 Jun 2013 7:54AM
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landyacht said..

they will need to be made from a harder plastic,or even brass. Ive tried steelaluminiumpolyeurathane

nylon was best

As far as plastics goes, Acetal is the go!. It is basically a self lubricating plastic, and machines fantastically, (Stinks though!).
I am lucky enough to have access to quite a few bar ends at work, (for a little while longer at least), so i don't know what it costs.
I've used it for the steering bushed in the couple of builds that i really should get back to, and it is what the blocks i built are made from. (also convinced by dad to use it in one of his rocking horses and he hasn't looked back!)

89 posts
21 Jun 2013 8:57AM
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Where's a good place to stay near misfit flats? Need to get down there before I get to old to drive.

31 posts
21 Jun 2013 1:05PM
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OK guys, the bushings are in the freezer next to some bean soup. I won't be able to give them a try for a couple of days (so many social engagements, so little time).

Thanks for the tip on Acetal. I'll have to check it out. Those blocks look great! Did you put up a thread about making those?

Sent you an email regarding places to stay.

89 posts
22 Jun 2013 1:56AM
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Did not received your e-mail on places to stay near misfit flats. Have a freind that has driven by there many times. We go to
ivanpah twice a year with people from all over the usa. Got to start checking out other places for the group.

31 posts
22 Jun 2013 2:14AM
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Sorry Windcrazy, that was my first attempt at sending mail through Seabreeze.

Breezers, if I click on Windcrazy's name then the "Send email to member" link, will that go to his regular email, or show up under his "my messages" link at the top right of the Seabreeze web page?


SA, 2865 posts
22 Jun 2013 4:14AM
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It will end up in both places.... Which is good

89 posts
22 Jun 2013 3:45AM
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For some reason the e-mail part of this is not working. My e-mail

31 posts
22 Jun 2013 5:41AM
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Thanks Gizmo!

Tried it again regular email style.

QLD, 208 posts
22 Jun 2013 9:11AM
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Thanks for the tip on Acetal. I'll have to check it out. Those blocks look great! Did you put up a thread about making those?

I don't think i went into detail in my build thread, however i'm pretty sure i have photo's of them in stages. I'll have a squizz.

31 posts
24 Jun 2013 12:27PM
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I reworked the gooseneck and drilled out the polyurethane bushings to take the bronze bushings. I think it's working rather well so far.

This doesn't feel like progress: the gooseneck is in the guillotine.

I cut the neck off at a 30 degree angle. Then mocked up the steering to figure out how much I needed to raise the gooseneck. I notched the new bracket for the gooseneck, then cut it also at a 30 degree angle. Matching those two thirties together I get what is essentially a 60 degree bend in the main tube. I'll fit the new gooseneck into the notch in the bracket at 90 degrees to the bracket to put it at a 30 degree angle to the mail tube.

31 posts
24 Jun 2013 12:40PM
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Here's the bushings, bracket, and gooseneck. Freezing the bushings definitely helped with being able to put the bushing in the vice, and not having it distort. I'm not sure if it actually cut better, as I didn't try one without freezing, but it went very smoothly. Thanks for the tip! I used a forstner bit in my drill press to bore out the polyurethane to accept the 1 1/4" (32mm) bronze bushings. Below you can see the bracket, the bored out bushings, and the bushings installed in the gooseneck. I cut three polyurethane bushings, because my first one was a bit off center.

Here's the whole assembly very loosely mocked up.

The larger bronze bushings allowed me to use a thicker stem of 1" (25.4mm) x 1/8" (3mm) DOM. Below I'm notching the end of a piece of tubing to use as a stem. The notch will mate with the 'U' shaped fork of the same material.

183 posts
25 Jun 2013 1:35PM
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Looking awesome! When I was building mine ,everyone complained how anal us yanks are on our builds! Keep up the analness!!!!!
Great work. Shooting to meet you at misfits, have a young friend started his today .

360 posts
26 Jun 2013 2:00PM
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I love seeing a true craftsman at work

1229 posts
4 Jul 2013 12:59PM
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Ursa Major that notching machine looks interesting I havent seen anything quite like it
Could we have another view of it ? how does the hole saw get fed in to the tube ?

1229 posts
4 Jul 2013 1:10PM
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Great job on the blocks They look the part and must have saved some $$$s
I have made blocks before but have always used bought sheaves as I never had a lathe
but now I do have access to one so some more might be in my future

183 posts
11 Jul 2013 3:12PM
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Is it done yet? My young friends is very close

1262 posts
13 Jul 2013 4:08AM
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Hiko said..

Ursa Major that notching machine looks interesting I havent seen anything quite like it
Could we have another view of it ? how does the hole saw get fed in to the tube ?

Not quite like his, but i have one and it works well. You can use it on a drill press, or use a hand drill. There are other brands, but they all use hole saws.

89 posts
15 Jul 2013 10:29AM
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You can get the same tube notcher from harbor freight for $46. You can also get a 12 ton bender for $98. Just think of
the things you can do with those things. I will post what I did as soon as I finish.

TAS, 1972 posts
15 Jul 2013 12:45PM
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desertyank said..

Hiko said..

Ursa Major that notching machine looks interesting I havent seen anything quite like it
Could we have another view of it ? how does the hole saw get fed in to the tube ?

Not quite like his, but i have one and it works well. You can use it on a drill press, or use a hand drill. There are other brands, but they all use hole saws.

Trust you John, Everyone else is studying the Workmanship and you go looking at the machinery.. Typical Anal Retentive YANK! Trying to find ways to improve the finish of the product.. If it don't look factory made OR BETTER then it ain't good enough.

Try the Aussie way some time, If if it works then "Near enough is Good Enough"

1262 posts
16 Jul 2013 2:37AM
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^^^ Well well well.... if it isn't nikrum............

Long time no hear, Ron. Have You been building, crashing, sailing, or chatting up anything landyacht lately?

I hope so if so, post pics. Otherwise, I can give you advise for free (what it's worth) on any anal retentive finishing techniques you like.

Was wondering when you would come back to give TP1 a hard time

31 posts
29 Jul 2013 2:21AM
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Thanks for all the comments guys. With holidays and the ridiculous heat we've been having I haven't been at it much. But I haven't been completely idle. I welded up the gooseneck, and have sized up the forks. I'll try to get those forks finished and the seat brackets welded up today. I also made a Craigslist score on 3 sails and two masts.

Hiko, I'll get another picture of the notcher tonight, but it's very similar to what Desertyank posted up. The chrome rod exiting the pic on the right has a drill motor attached to the other end, and rides through the big silver block pushing the hole saw into the tubing. It works very well, but is a little tricky to adjust.

Here's the three sails I picked up. The first is another big boy that I'll have to cut down a bit.

And some details:

This guy's got an interesting notch in the leech:

31 posts
29 Jul 2013 2:27AM
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And I finally picked up a sail under 5 meters. Also in the pic are the two masts. One is aluminum, and the other is an interesting carbon bit:

Details on the sail:

And the info on the carbon mast. It looks like there's two strips of carbon running down the sides for side to side stiffness. It's also slightly bent perpendicular to the carbon strips, if that makes sense.

31 posts
29 Jul 2013 2:47AM
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And a slightly out of focus shot of the gooseneck. I think i might add a gusset between the "bend" in the main tube and the gooseneck. Will make more progress today! You can see the lip of the bronze bushing between the washer welded to the stem and the black lip of the polyurethane bushing.

WA, 5921 posts
29 Jul 2013 8:54PM
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I wouldnt recut the luff on any of those sails, maybe just recut the foot , or work on a curved boom under the sails.
also try using the cams on the racefoil4.4

31 posts
30 Jul 2013 12:51PM
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Landyacht, thanks for the advice on the sails. I probably won't do more than try to even out the bottoms then.

I made a little more progress on the forks. After measuring and notching the forks, I welded a piece of 1" (25.4mm) x 1/8 (3 mm) DOM tubing across the notched ends in hopes that this would keep it straight during the welding. Here's the result:

After measuring out a 4" (101 mm) gap for the wheel to fit through, I cut off the excess:

And here I've got the 3/4" (19 mm) bolt that will be the front axle fit nicely through the remaining guides. Also in the picture is the mast step stay. I've got some 1/2" (13 mm) holes drilled out and I'll weld sections of 1/2" (13 mm) x 1/8" (3 mm) tubing into those holes for the downhaul and whatever else I might need to attach there.

31 posts
30 Jul 2013 12:57PM
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Here's another pic of the notcher. On this one the guide for the hole saw swings out if you're making the cut on an angle. In Desertyank's it looks like the part with the clamp adjusts for angled notches while the guide stays put. Also visible in this pic is the operating room like neatness of the work environment.

WA, 5921 posts
30 Jul 2013 6:57PM
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pretty impressive. i can see heaps of spare space for tools and STUFF

31 posts
19 Aug 2013 11:50AM
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Another small step forward after some extensive slacking. I cut some spacers for the front axle to keep the wheel centered, and welded the forks to the gooseneck stem. I should have gotten a shot of the rig I had to hold everything in place, but once I had everything just so I was in too much of a hurry to get it tacked in place. Then once I got it tacked, I was rushing to get it apart worried I would melt my bushings. The bronze one was pretty warm by the time I got it off the stem.

And here's the stem and the forks freshly tacked:

And here I've got the welds complete:

31 posts
19 Aug 2013 12:00PM
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I cut some spacers and welded some washers on to where they would push against the bearings. These will keep the wheel centered on the axle.

I was having second thoughts about the method I chose to hold the front axle. I was contemplating cutting the fork in half and going with a single fork. I was a little worried that the tubing that the axle bolt rides in on the end of the forks would bind against the axle when I tried to tighten them snug against the bearings. I was picturing those tubes pinching into the center as I tightened the tips of the 'U' together. But they came together just fine in the end.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Another Lake LeFroy Mini build from the States" started by UrsaMajor