Anyone interested in building a class7 Speedsail ?
I built this one last summer using golf cart wheels and a pair of skateboard trucks.
Could be a good highschool tech project. Total cost without mast and sail was NZ$200.oo. Half of that was for the wheels.
Clemco that was last winters projects. there was a few of us built some.
I built 3 before getting one that was decently controlable
in lght winds it would keep up with a blowie. we got to the stage where speed became an issue, then spring happened and we all went sailing instead.
yours looks like a good one. hav a look in the landyacht register , there are some photos of some that we built
Haha, as I said when they built them last year - I like to keep a complete covering of skin over my body! They're a bit too dangerous for me.
I sailed one of the original french ones "a fair few years" ago, heaps of fun, but very painful!
The Trans Sahara had a class for these, and some of them achieved astonishing speeds, well bundled up I suspect. From memory over 80 km/hr. Stuff that!
Looks like fun, but I don't have the skills to stay vertical. Nice wheels though.
What beach are you on? Looks like a great place to sail. Does tide come in and cover the beach part of the day?
mostcommon injury was bruising to the ankles from that rear axle, hence my final version had 1 rear wheel. the trick wih them was not to try and go slow or in a light wind. you needed to have a bit of sail area and wind and just go for it.
Oh and learn to roll!
I must admit it was a bit scarry for me too, but a good project. The skatebord guys could be really good at this. Sure you might get hurt!
They will do less damage to themselves on a class 7 than in their cars.