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Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction


Created by aus230 > 9 months ago, 15 Apr 2013
WA, 5921 posts
1 Jul 2013 8:32PM
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aus230 said..

Thanks Chook, I did not know about pre heating and I had forgot about cooling in lime(something that I learn't about in metal work classes at school which was a long time ago)

Thanks Bill, do you have a pic of your Sanderling don't I have seen it.

Front steering assembly and rear axle attachment designs I will use pics kindly supplied be Airtrack

doesnt get simpler than that!!!!

WA, 1660 posts
3 Jul 2013 3:39PM
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Its big and Black, Only the first coat, has to be sanded again then spray.

The all up weight so far less the mast and front end is 85kg so I don't think it will be much over the 110kg minimum weight.

Hope to start on the front end in the next couple of days. The pic gives the impression that the wheels are leaning out but they are not,ended up with an 1/8"tow in.

WA, 5921 posts
3 Jul 2013 7:21PM
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maybe some decent bearings in that front wheel?????
looking like the real thing so far
looks like i,ll have to get vindi out just so you can park next to something
you do realize that we may be on ponds this september dont you Vic
when will you start on the new trailer

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
3 Jul 2013 7:38PM
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Use this as a new trailer. Just replace front wheel with a tow hitch

WA, 1660 posts
3 Jul 2013 7:47PM
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If its ponds it won't be coming.
Actually it will fit on top of the Nissan quite nicely,with the axle and mast underneath the hull, and still room for Barry's mini along side. The hull is the same width as my Kayak and I went around Australia with both the mini and Kayak on the roof rack with no problems.

WA, 1660 posts
4 Jul 2013 11:56PM
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Actually I will still bring it to lefroy if it is finished

WA, 1248 posts
5 Jul 2013 7:32AM
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aus230 said..

Actually I will still bring it to lefroy if it is finished

Fantastic Vic!!!!!!

That will save me coming to get it.
Got to have something to drool over.

SA, 956 posts
5 Jul 2013 2:45PM
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Chook !!!!!!! What about the, get your laughing gear into that

WA, 1248 posts
5 Jul 2013 8:32PM
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Perhaps we are just being soft about the water, after these great shots off facebook

488 posts
9 Jul 2013 4:39AM
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Those rear axle stubs are straight off the DN plans which were circulated in the 70s. I got mine from Lambert! The front is pure DN/Charc/Sandrover too. All great stuff that has stood the test of time in conditions as shown in the pics.

117 posts
9 Jul 2013 9:24PM
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Hi Guys,

Here is a pic of my old sanderling, in its last set up- with a new sail / mast & layover front end
I borrowed it from Jim (Paul's friend who bought it from me) who was kind enough to loan it to me in 2006, where I raced it in the marathon instead of mini vindi.

It was actually nicer to sail in its original form; I'll try and find an earlier photo. I originally built it in 1985.

WA, 1660 posts
9 Jul 2013 10:09PM
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Thanks Bill.
Nice looking yacht, where is it now.
Finished the front end today, I will smooth out the welds and paint hopefully tomorrow.
Ordered the rigging today so that I can start setting up the mast. Wish I had made the 6m mast now as I think the sails for the longer mast would be easier to find. but that will have to be the next project.(I will attempt a foam build for that)

WA, 5921 posts
10 Jul 2013 4:46PM
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VindisDad said..

Hi Guys,

Here is a pic of my old sanderling, in its last set up- with a new sail / mast & layover front end
I borrowed it from Jim (Paul's friend who bought it from me) who was kind enough to loan it to me in 2006, where I raced it in the marathon instead of mini vindi.

It was actually nicer to sail in its original form; I'll try and find an earlier photo. I originally built it in 1985.

I think it might be sitting in a shed or behind a shed on pink lake road.
If Id known that the person buying it has a habit of buying cheap, then not looking after things, letting them rot then wanting top dollar if you want to buy it , i would never have let him buy it

WA, 1660 posts
10 Jul 2013 5:35PM
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That's no good, Where is the sail?

Finished the front end, checked the weight again today, 78kg as it stands,(no mast or boom) Had a sander and drill inside of seat last time I checked the weight.

Will start on the mast cables/attachment ect next.

WA, 1248 posts
10 Jul 2013 6:43PM
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landyacht said..

I think it might be sitting in a shed or behind a shed on pink lake road.
If Id known that the person buying it has a habit of buying cheap, then not looking after things, letting them rot then wanting top dollar if you want to buy it , i would never have let him buy it

Geez Paul?..Let me know the address and I'll go round and kick his bum!!!!

Sacrilege, to let a fine bit of history just fade away.

WA, 1660 posts
12 Jul 2013 11:05PM
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Decided to bite the bullitt today and I will extend the mast to 610m(taper the last meter) What I have found out in the last couple of days is that the 5m mast is almost extinct and hard to get good racing sails for. I don't think it will cause any problems as it is way above the mast hound, So back to the shed

WA, 1660 posts
17 Jul 2013 9:20PM
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Extended the mast today, Worked out OK. Waiting for sail to arrive from Airtrack (very nice people to deal with), then I can fit the bolt rope tube. Then all attachments after glassing the outside of the mast.

Airtrack sail

WA, 1660 posts
21 Jul 2013 6:37PM
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Help, How are the 3 mast cables attached to the mast hound(3 shackles look like they will bind against each other) Is there some type of splitter at the hound.

488 posts
22 Jul 2013 4:35AM
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Commonly used in Europe a ring about 50mm diameter and 6mm thick. Many European masts just have a hook, open at the top for the hounds fitting, 60 odd mm deep and made of 8mm+ stainless.
Remember you have NO tension on your sidestays, there is no point as any axle flex will take away any tension you used anyway, and the leeward stay will be relatively slack which tends to eliminate any binding. More wind, even more slack

WA, 1660 posts
22 Jul 2013 11:06AM
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Thanks Kiwi.
Placed the bare mast on today so that I could measure the stay wire's. Still have to add a bit to the rear end to fit the roll bar, should improve the look of the back end of the yacht.

TAS, 1972 posts
22 Jul 2013 3:15PM
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OK, aus, what is the go with all these wonderful new innovations and machines?? It would be nice to see some footage of then doing their thing..

Winds have been terrible down here, suitable and wrong direction, right direction and unsuitable (30knots), too wet, too cold etc. BUGGER!!

WA, 1660 posts
22 Jul 2013 8:43PM
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Hi Ron.
Problem is I like building as much as sailing. These wooden things do not cost a lot (with a bit of scrounging and ebay) most of the cost has been in the rigging. So dammed if I know what the next project will be.
Always wanted to build a mini sub but Fran is not keen on that.

WA, 1248 posts
22 Jul 2013 9:52PM
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aus230 said..

Always wanted to build a mini sub but Fran is not keen on that.

and you would have to paint it YELLOW.......nah it will never happen Vic.

WA, 1660 posts
26 Jul 2013 8:26PM
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Hey Chook one of my race cars was yellow for about 2 weeks then somehow it turned black again, went quicker when it became black

WA, 1660 posts
30 Jul 2013 10:42PM
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Sail has arrived I can now finish the mast
Battens on a class3 wind mast are they tapered or left straight.?

WA, 1660 posts
5 Aug 2013 10:48PM
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Fitted the bolt rope tube (sail goes on great) Started laying glass on to the mast today. Slow going due to cool weather.

Have to make the boom next.

Previous pic has vanished ?

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
6 Aug 2013 12:56AM
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Hey Vic, if you paint your mast and sail black and leave in sun to warm up will that allow the wind to travel over quicker and make you faster like red cars are supposed to go faster

WA, 1660 posts
15 Aug 2013 9:37PM
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Still at it.
Finished the boom, most of the fittings and nearly finished the roll bar. Just need a couple of days without rain so that I can assemble it outside to make sure everything fits correctly then pull it down for the final paint job.

177 posts
16 Aug 2013 5:41AM
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I'm totally blown away by this build, it's brilliant and it's so difficult to have to wait for the regular updates !

Well done ..

WA, 1660 posts
16 Aug 2013 12:31PM
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Few pic updates,everything covered in dust

Mast base

Start to bond roll bar to body


front steering finished.

aus230 rebuilt and ready for Lefroy(new light weight rear wheels fitted.)


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Class3" started by aus230