Hi there everyone
My name is Kolbjørn and i am from Norway. My country is not famous for landsailing, so i have never tryed one or eaven seen one. I have never gone sailing either.
A few monts ago i came across a picture on the internet, and i got inspired. I desided to build my self a landsailer.
I took inspiration from the Blocart and other landsailers, and here is the result.
I have not tryed this thing yet, so i cant tell if it will work at all. Looks good thoug.....?
If anyone is interested in picures of the constructing of my landsailer, just let me know
very cool. I just finished my first one too... your definatly looks good.....good luck and hope you get to sail soon... check mine out .. look for new sailor in northern california
Looks great! YES, please post the construction pictures on the forum It looks like you have a real mix of wheels, tires, shocks, etc there. nice construction
Now you need to try sailing it. Do you have sails yet?
its a good looking 1st build, Cluelessyour build photos will
be of interest to all here......and your trials..........may just need a bit more
protection to stop feet and legs being folded up under chassis in duress
Gday Kolbjorn, having seen the photo of your mini I Can safely say that we will now refer to you as our Norwegian expert on building minis
brilliant effort , well done. hoe are you going at sourcing a mast and sail for it
welcome to Seabreeze
Hi there again. Thank you for all feedback. Here is som pictures from the building of my landsailer. This project would not have been possible without my friend Per Morten.
This is my drawing of how i would like the thing to look like.
Per Morten holding the front fork. The part that gave us the most headake.
The weels are from som type of mini motorbike
The inner spring on the damper had to go, and we fliped the bike part upside down for better angel on the topp tube of the frame
Rear axel. Later cut in half and inserted in the back frame, making it adjustable.
First mount of rear dampers. Wayyyyy to week.
Me on a short test ride. Dampers are now OK.
First rigging to deside where to put the mast foot.
Another bike bites the dust.
Einar is the testpilot
Thanks for posting the pics, that looks wicked!
Also good to see a workshop in a good state of use
Looking forward to hearing how it sails... Remember to take some pics on its maiden voyage
Yep....that looks wicked as they are saying ....goood to see someone looking
outside the norm.................
OK! Cluey/ Kolby, (If my Northmen knowledge serves me correctly "J" is said more as a "Y"?? )
And here was me thinking you may have still had a little Viking Blood running in those veins. You surely are into comfort and good looks. Like the others said it looks Wicked
Great engineering work.
What is the size and thickness of the round tubing?
What is the rolling chassis weight?
On your first trip out keep a close eye on the points I have marked with arrows for paint cracking, these points will be VERY heavily stressed with the twisting of the mast and sail, there is actually quite a lot down force on landyacht mast step.
If it does start to fail add a brace support back to the mast tube, this will support the front end and steering.
you guys make me sooo proud.
great yacht,and a shed where there are so many jobs that are obviously more important
Do you actually have a flat place to sail it
try and get that rear suspension as stiff as possible