Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction


Created by mad66 > 9 months ago, 10 Jul 2010
VIC, 57 posts
4 Aug 2010 8:42PM
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This weekend i will unpick the mast pocket and post some pics,what type and size thread will i need to resew the sail.

VIC, 57 posts
7 Aug 2010 6:27PM
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landyacht said...

ok then . step 1 unpick the mast pocket, , but leave the top 250mm sewn on. this is the hardest part to resew and that sail might not ned recutting so far up the sail.
. when youve got it unpicked, stretch it out flat ,and get a photo so we can advise on the next step

Its done here's the pic.

Now how does step 2 go ?

WA, 700 posts
7 Aug 2010 6:20PM
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Can we please have this ^^^ pic and the rest of the procedure in the sail making section? Some real good info here!

VIC, 57 posts
7 Aug 2010 8:35PM
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bazl said...

Can we please have this ^^^ pic and the rest of the procedure in the sail making section? Some real good info here!

Think your right bazl this section is for LL mini construction so i will start a new thread in the sail making forum thanks.

VIC, 57 posts
7 Aug 2010 9:39PM
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This forum (i pushed the button to quik again) is for ALL types of landyghts and creative, and constructive idears .I just love the mini design and i havn't sailed it yet ,i'm going to sweet talk the engineer i know into bending a 20mm solid rod into the shape for the front fork, i do a bit of (back yard)aluminium casting and have just made a new burner that i would love to try on the forks but havent got enough rod to stuff up

WA, 5921 posts
7 Aug 2010 8:43PM
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greig, those yellow wheels you posted earlier, would probably sit your mini also. with the bearings pressed out you can retrofit a fallshaw insert, to take precision bearings. the insert part numbers are 6204BUSH or 6004BUSH . they will fit bearings for a 20mm axle shaft

QLD, 243 posts
8 Aug 2010 2:32PM
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Regards "(back yard)aluminium casting" here is a link to where I go on some sundays to do my casting (can post photos of my burner and furnace if its not to far off topic?)

VIC, 57 posts
8 Aug 2010 5:26PM
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landyacht said...

greig, those yellow wheels you posted earlier, would probably sit your mini also. with the bearings pressed out you can retrofit a fallshaw insert, to take precision bearings. the insert part numbers are 6204BUSH or 6004BUSH . they will fit bearings for a 20mm axle shaft

The yellow wheels were going to be for a landyaght but the strenght of the design i am not so sure ,i went to pop out the bearing to examin it and it almost fell out there is no strenght where the bearing seats and after spinning the wheel up it wobbled and shook all over the place also the diameter of the wheel is a bit smaller and after comparing with the fallshaw wheel there is no contest for me.

WA, 5921 posts
8 Aug 2010 7:38PM
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the wheel wobble/imbalance is often due to the really crap 2 ply tyres fitted, along with the poor bearings.
The little fallshaw inserts pack out and strengthen the wheel for the smaller bearings, then fit a better quality 4ply ribbed tyre and you often get a pleasant suprise.
They are then fine for a fast LLM or the front wheel for a Class 5.
These are the wheels that I fitted to Ankle Biter, my fasted LLmini, and Im making some up for my new LLM too

VIC, 57 posts
29 Aug 2010 7:16PM
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Hi guys back again been flat out and havn't had time to play,anyway finaly started the back seat rest today (pics to come)and should have it ready for painting by next weekend and finally drew the plans for the front fork and with a bit of luck should be done by midweek.I have question is it necessary to use a row lock on the boom i have seen a few yaghts with downhaul and no rowlock.

1229 posts
29 Aug 2010 6:29PM
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The short answer to that is some prefer a rowlock some dont
Landyachts are close hauled pretty much all the time so you dont have to have one unless you prefer one

VIC, 57 posts
21 Sep 2010 8:39PM
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Hi guys ,a thought on blocks i was thinking of using the 38mm RW riley Pyf 600 &601 blocks but there max size line/sheet is 8 mm. what size diameter rope do you think is the most user friendly and easy on the hands? Any recomendations on pulley blocks.

WA, 5921 posts
21 Sep 2010 8:39PM
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mad66 said...

Hi guys ,a thought on blocks i was thinking of using the 38mm RW riley Pyf 600 &601 blocks but there max size line/sheet is 8 mm. what size diameter rope do you think is the most user friendly and easy on the hands? Any recomendations on pulley blocks.

they will happily fit 10 and 12mm marine rope. all my yachts are running 600 series

TAS, 1972 posts
21 Sep 2010 11:21PM
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Hi mad66 (Hm! interesting Nom De Plume ) Ok! So I guess we all have to be a little Loco in the Cabeza?. Especially when we play with Hot Stuff/Molten Metal I have been trying to cast Bronze with only a little success. We are going to have to have a bit of a chat at some point, Mayhap I can learn a little to find where I'm going wrong.

Nikrum AKA Ron

VIC, 57 posts
25 Sep 2010 10:05PM
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How are you Nikram, Crazy yes but pouring the molten shiny metal is a good rush and dangerous i would like to chat further on the subject but can't help you with bronze as i havn't got that far yet as i'm still learning aluminium and processes i am recycling old veg oil turning it into biodeisel then running it through a "Babington burner" cheap GREEN fuel and i also have a gas burner .

WA, 5921 posts
27 Sep 2010 7:24PM
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landyacht said...

mad66 said...

Hi guys ,a thought on blocks i was thinking of using the 38mm RW riley Pyf 600 &601 blocks but there max size line/sheet is 8 mm. what size diameter rope do you think is the most user friendly and easy on the hands? Any recomendations on pulley blocks.

they will happily fit 10 and 12mm marine rope. all my yachts are running 600 series

a bit of an ammendment to this . today i sailed a yacht that had this size range as a rachet block with the 12mm rope. the 12mm was too fat for the rachet and caused all sorts of headaches. you wouldnt want to try any fatter than 10mm through the rachet

VIC, 57 posts
28 Sep 2010 8:25PM
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Thanks LY at this stage i wont be using a rachet block ,i have orderd them and thay are in from sydney waiting for me to collect i will be getting them this weekend.

VIC, 57 posts
1 Oct 2010 5:47PM
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"Possible problem with mast". I was examining the base section of my mast today and saw some whitish looking rings around it to me they look like stress or fracture marks they are start about 40mm to 80 mm from the top of where the two mast sections join,no experience with these masts and i'm sure someone will no what to do,do you think it would be a good idea to maybe wrap it with fibreglass?
This is what it looks like.

And a close up.

Any ideas guys?

SA, 2865 posts
1 Oct 2010 5:25PM
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could just be scratches from rolling on concrete or stones. (see if you can make some more.... if that's the case don't worry)
Or / and join the mast pieces together lean it against the wall and flex it, if the cracks open up then you might need to do some work on it.

VIC, 57 posts
1 Oct 2010 6:01PM
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Giday Gizmo I can feel it with my thumb nail when i run over the spot, do masts
have a tendancy to break at this point?

SA, 2865 posts
1 Oct 2010 5:39PM
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If a mast was to break it may happen anywhere depending on its past life history, if it does break you will learn a new skill.... how to fix a mast

P.S. Just don't make a hang glider with it.

WA, 5921 posts
1 Oct 2010 7:47PM
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that looks bad maybe nebs could offer advice on this one

VIC, 57 posts
2 Oct 2010 7:06PM
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To me it looks a bit suss too not sure on what i will do if anything,any way i have the front fork finished i had to take it back the alignment wasn't right and the wheel just fell over second time around it sat nice and vertical.

20 mm solid bar

And my steering peddles

And finaly my LL MINI chassie is complete

I will have the seat finished soon can't wait my exitement level is increasing by the day will keep you posted

1229 posts
3 Oct 2010 5:00AM
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Wow. looks great, well done!!!

QLD, 12337 posts
3 Oct 2010 11:44AM
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Beautiful job there mate. Are you still using the standard bearings that came with the wheels??

VIC, 57 posts
3 Oct 2010 4:16PM
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Hi cisco yes i will give these bearings a flogging then install precision bearings i thought they are there so may as well use them some like them and some don't there cheap too so i will see how they go.

WA, 5921 posts
3 Oct 2010 6:52PM
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do you have any thing to stop the pedals rotating on the shaft? I really dont think that hand tightening knob will give you enough grip. maybe a groove on the shaft and grind the end of the bolt to a point to ride in the groove. . I would be concerned that it will slip at the most inconvenient moment.
this is just my experience of bad things coming out , otherwise it looks fantastic

VIC, 57 posts
4 Oct 2010 7:25PM
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landyacht said...

do you have any thing to stop the pedals rotating on the shaft? I really dont think that hand tightening knob will give you enough grip. maybe a groove on the shaft and grind the end of the bolt to a point to ride in the groove. . I would be concerned that it will slip at the most inconvenient moment.
this is just my experience of bad things coming out , otherwise it looks fantastic

I knew you would pick that up landyaght you are spot on there is no way i would sail it like that, i have left enough room on the tube to fit a indent pin/spring loaded pin so that (if i can find one)all i have to do is raise the pin select the desired hole whitch will be drilled into the steering shaft and drop into the hole and tighten up the hand knob thats my plans at the minute and thanks for your input with out it and all the guys on the forum i would not have gotten this far

VIC, 57 posts
5 Oct 2010 7:07PM
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2 questions 1/ I have read in a couple of threads to strenghthin the mast at the base upto 600 mm now i can't find them what is the recomended material, tube alloy or can you use say high pressure pvc pipe?

2/ Started work on the boom on sunday and turned down a piece of wood to fit the top end of a carbon/glass mast, smeared some liquid nails around it then tapped it into the boom nice tight fit all good until having found i didn't have the right size drill bit i went and bought one ,i made a test hole in the piece that was still in the lathe and all was good so i proceded to drill the hole to find it veer of course horribly should have taken ly's advice on drilling a pilot hole first but i thought a spade bit would be ok.Not so ,so then i had to drill it all over to get the plug out ,has any one tried setting the row lock in car bog?

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
5 Oct 2010 10:52PM
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You can try it!!!


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"HOOKED on SAILING" started by mad66