Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

Help! Half a yacht and more Qs than As!

Created by colk2004 > 9 months ago, 19 Jul 2011
317 posts
15 Nov 2011 2:49AM
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Nice one John. I totally underestimated how much pull the thing has to is most unlike me to under engineer.

Thanks Chook2/Land Yacht. Just need to get the thing to Elvington asap. But it's been fun doing something completely different, and learning along the way. It's a great community, locally and round the world as well. Help is never that far away. Unfortunately I've now got this pile of tubing offcuts that look more and more like part of a mini every time I look at it The sewing - I now find I should have used 100% polyester thread, soaked in teflon spray and then dried; though swapping the needle from a leather one to a sharp 100/16 worked wonders. The nightmare will fade...

I think the next photos of me from Elvington should hopefully in my own yacht and might include one or two of a restored WindSkate that's being worked on by another member from York. Could start a museum

Cheers Col


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Help! Half a yacht and more Qs than As!" started by colk2004