Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

I will NOT build another landyacht,I will not....

Created by landyacht > 9 months ago, 21 Nov 2011
WA, 5921 posts
13 Mar 2012 9:34PM
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I saw a set on a bike and thought Hmmmmmmm....
he recons they are woeful on the front of a pushbike if the road slopes the wrong way at a roundabout, but it will be very interesting to try out. less than 300gms
how can you be that busy when youve retired!!!!!

WA, 5921 posts
18 Mar 2012 8:42PM
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finally got a sail in cranking wind.
couldnt be happier. I was suprised by the clean-ness of the salt build-up after an afternoons sailing.
usually the yacht would be a salty mess by now, but all that built up was this bit on the nose, and nothing on the wheels or rear axles

on sunday little stig and I headed out for the longest leg we could. we got 15km up the lake before running into the latest driiling areas, with sumps and piles of samples.
this little diamond rig was parked up for the weekend.

we didnt stay long as rain from a cyclone 1500kms away had started to drop on us.
thankfully the clean air flow meant that we were able to sail home and still see where to go

WA, 1659 posts
18 Mar 2012 9:18PM
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Dam drill rigs, how close are they now.

Looks like you are now a 26" man, no going back now

WA, 5921 posts
24 Mar 2012 1:47AM
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aus230 said...

Dam drill rigs, how close are they now.

Looks like you are now a 26" man, no going back now

the rigs are still 15 kms away. they are diamond drilling a deposit I aircored way back in 1993/4.after a flush of discoveries in the early 90's they seemed to have concentrated on the deposits to the east and north,and as they have thinned out they seem to be looking back at things that didnt look so exciting in the past.
the drill pattern is still fairly widespread but seems to be follow up to percussion, so maybe another pit is in the future.
for those in the rest of the world a pit is a surface mine and a shaft or decline is underground. i recall a coal pit being underground as a kid in the UK

WA, 5921 posts
24 Mar 2012 11:46PM
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pulled apart ,wheels aligned, painted andslapped back together

happy as you can get when your in a hurry

in the end I just couldnt think of a name for the yacht , so I just decided to put something on for ron and joe

now thats out of the way, Id better pullout the mini and tidy up the scratches and scrapes

SA, 956 posts
25 Mar 2012 7:37AM
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SHOTSTIRRER !! ^^^ PIG ON A SPIT would be more appropriate.....

so if LOL is lots of laughs...whats BOSS..bag of serious sh#t!!! Boss is Good !!

Edit.......I thought about it a bit, the colour, hhmmm i sorta like it, nickypoos will

love it, its tazzy's state colour

317 posts
25 Mar 2012 5:49AM
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landyacht said...

aus230 said...

Dam drill rigs, how close are they now.

Looks like you are now a 26" man, no going back now

the rigs are still 15 kms away. they are diamond drilling a deposit I aircored way back in 1993/4.after a flush of discoveries in the early 90's they seemed to have concentrated on the deposits to the east and north,and as they have thinned out they seem to be looking back at things that didnt look so exciting in the past.
the drill pattern is still fairly widespread but seems to be follow up to percussion, so maybe another pit is in the future.
for those in the rest of the world a pit is a surface mine and a shaft or decline is underground. i recall a coal pit being underground as a kid in the UK

You are quite right. Coal pits are underground mines reached by shafts, open cast is a big hole in the ground in the UK..... though you won't find either working as the coal industry finished in the mid 1980's due to imports from China and Eastern Europe. Just a handful of deep pits going in the midlands and a few open cast in S.Wales now.

Liking the bumble-bee look of the new 5 - suits it.

Cheers Col

TAS, 1972 posts
25 Mar 2012 10:14AM
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C'mon Col,
Don't you know those Westerners wouldn't know what a Bumble Bee looks like.. I believe they only exist in Tas after they were bought in from NZ and you should hear the Apiarists cry in their beer, cos the Bumble works longer hours and in colder conditions.

WA, 2775 posts
25 Mar 2012 2:45PM
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landyacht said...
the rigs are still 15 kms away. they are diamond drilling a deposit

so.........did you check out the supply of diamond drilling pipes- or are they the wrong diametre?

I can easily imagine a pipe carrying trailer hooked on the back of Pauls lefroy mini


WA, 5921 posts
25 Mar 2012 9:04PM
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i only stopped for a squiz, I didnt touch.
they had a HQbarrel
I picked up a selection of tubes at the scrappy last week, all drooly sizes
started the crate today. it was looking way too big until we fitted the yacht in to locate the holding brackets

WA, 1244 posts
25 Mar 2012 9:18PM
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Hell Paul !!!!!

I would have thought a folding drawbar on your trailer, would have got everything there, in one lift.

"Tardis" come to mind the first time I saw you roll in with your trailer behind the Cruiser.

If anyone can shoe horn it into a small crate it will be you.

Love your work.

WA, 5921 posts
26 Mar 2012 10:47PM
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still 2 minis to fit in , but its looking good painting the outside tonight, photoshoot for all 3 yachts at Kambalda on saturday , then home and start packing and filling out paperwork for the carnet documents.
plan on sat is to recreate the 1898 "butterfly Mine" photograph. the mine adit and the mullock dumps are still intact, we just substitute new yachts

WA, 5921 posts
28 Mar 2012 7:49PM
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crate is ready to pack, spirit of stupidity is all cleaned up .
I found 2 siezed bearings on my 16"front wheel so I just rang the bearing shop, when they arrived i was informed that they were a rare imperial, made in the USA and $35+gst each
given that a new wheel was 80$ i reckon thats 77 reasons to stick with the fallshaw
lyndons new pod is done and stickeredbut you'll have to wait till sat night to see the pics.
plan is to start packing the "crate of conviction" on sunday
finally room in the shed again

TAS, 1972 posts
29 Mar 2012 10:32AM
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You are OFF OF Your Bleedin' Head.. I wouldn't pay that kind of dough to someone when I can do it myself at half the price.. I shop globally for most of my stuff, I don't care about the employment of others when I can employ meself.
I had to import those Bearings with Retainer Clips as no one was prepared to look through their cattledogs, So I said them thar Yanks is very helpful, they can have my business.

WA, 5921 posts
1 Apr 2012 10:06PM
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push starting lesson number 1
DONT DO it this way[}:)]

WA, 5921 posts
1 Apr 2012 10:22PM
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sorry we didnt get any photos of the crate being packed , but on the camera tonight i did these find the pics of BOB the dog , who had been hangin around all day , this may explain why he hasnt been seen for a few hours

SA, 956 posts
2 Apr 2012 2:06PM
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bloody look like you dropped a fifty buck in the wind, I'll remember that

if mine gets away, i'll point and say FETCH !![}:)]

WA, 5921 posts
2 Apr 2012 8:34PM
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note acceleration and gap in causeway leading to vast shallow plain of watery salt

317 posts
2 Apr 2012 8:57PM
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Swap the labrador for a land yacht and I think this must be a fair representation!

Cheers Col

TAS, 1972 posts
3 Apr 2012 12:04AM
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landyacht said...

note acceleration and gap in causeway leading to vast shallow plain of watery salt

Yu Bleed'n Ijut boy, you're supposed to ride in it not chase it around the paddock!!Ron

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
2 Apr 2012 10:25PM
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Run Forrest,run!

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
2 Apr 2012 10:26PM
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landyacht said...

note acceleration and gap in causeway leading to vast shallow plain of watery salt

Jesus and his yacht running on water

SA, 956 posts
3 Apr 2012 8:24AM
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^^^^^^ ALLAH, ACHVAH !.......and in the begining......

WA, 5921 posts
3 Apr 2012 8:16PM
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Keep watching that gap[}:)]

TAS, 1972 posts
3 Apr 2012 10:53PM
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You are a glutton for punishment Paul!! Why are you doing this to yourself?? We all know that your Land Yacht is going to go straight through the Gap.. Thing is who chased it down for you??

WA, 5921 posts
4 Apr 2012 4:28PM
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then the f*n yacht decides to head for the large rock sticking out of the causeway instead

meanwhile that pesky little dog has been busy with the lid of the crate

TAS, 1972 posts
4 Apr 2012 6:38PM
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Who would have thought? Paul.. Sure as hell ((( That ain't sure these days))) it was going through.. Murphy's Law must be broken.. Where is the footage of it running?? Ain't interested in yer Posterior region.
It does look good. Not yer ass you bleedin' Ijet!!

That crate is becoming a saga like "The worlds fastest Indian"


PS. If it hadn't been for that reef the machine would probably have come 'round a full 180 and chased you back up the paddock..[}:)] That would have been

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
4 Apr 2012 8:09PM
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If it had done that he could rename it boomerang

WA, 101 posts
4 Apr 2012 10:04PM
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'golden retriever' springs to mind. best of luck paul.
hope you come back and rename it 'frogstomp"

TAS, 1972 posts
5 Apr 2012 6:22PM
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Where did this come from Paul.. Are you failing to give us all the Low Down??




Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"I will NOT build another landyacht,I will not...." started by landyacht