Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

I will NOT build another landyacht,I will not....

Created by landyacht > 9 months ago, 21 Nov 2011
WA, 1659 posts
6 Apr 2012 10:07PM
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Look at the 2minute mark of the vid. Standarts need a bit of reinforcing.

SA, 956 posts
7 Apr 2012 12:04PM
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WOW!!!! .....that's some show.....Thanks for the post

Now the big tip......Lake Lefroy september 29-30 2012

Be seen there or be square................

Be seen......and....bring your machine......

117 posts
7 Apr 2012 1:11PM
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Hi folks,
I have heard reports from others that the beach at St Peter Ording can be a bit on the rough side at times, although I have not been there.

WA, 5921 posts
7 Apr 2012 9:20PM
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I think a story form IKPSA might be appropriate at this point

WA, 5921 posts
7 Apr 2012 10:34PM
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when we looked at the prices of t shirts we got scared , then i had the silly idea of making our own , and when i asked my quilting wifey if it could be done , she said it would be toohard, too fiddly....................
gotta tell ya , her machine is a doddle after tackling a few sails

SA, 956 posts
8 Apr 2012 5:08AM
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so now get some printed for $30 to cover costs.

I want one 5xx $40 with postagee

call it the "supporters" or aussie idiots

TAS, 1972 posts
8 Apr 2012 10:12AM
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Did you do any research into "T" Printing??? Take a Deco at these people..

WA, 5921 posts
8 Apr 2012 9:59PM
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i did do quite a bit ron, and the minimum order value of $1000 that they ask is out of our range this time.
although the freight for the crate is cheap all the other costs associated with it are adding up. we are able to create some really cracking clothing on our sewing machine, so why not keep with the trend weve set

heres the base logo for the track suits just the sail ID to add

this is a finished sewn piece for my cape

177 posts
9 Apr 2012 5:55AM
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VindisDad said...

Hi folks,
I have heard reports from others that the beach at St Peter Ording can be a bit on the rough side at times, although I have not been there.

Yep, it can be a bit more than rough , it can have canyons and crevices and all other sorts of big holes ! Thats from the 2009 Euros.
Yes thats me in S290 - We had finished about 2 laps on a pretty great piece of the beach but a tidal surge put paid to our fun. Apparently we hit the water at around 100kmh and it was about a foot deep ( in the previous lap it was just a splash over a wet patch) . The front wheel aquaplaned before bouncing anything from 1 to 3 metres into the air - but if the front wheel goes up the rear of the body goes down and bottoms out . The yachts just buckled in the attempt to flex upwards rather than the normal downwards hence 13 broken Standarts !!!!
I managed to borrow a French tent to put my yacht in before the rain started , a few crates to prop it up and several pints of Guiness to sit and contemplate with others on what next !

We got a huge amount of support from all the other classes when racing for the day completed and the locals came up trumps too. Glass , resin, matting , grinders saws, extension leads , tape, plastic, blow heaters all appeared and over the next few hours and the following day all but one were repaired.
The only reason 1 was not repaired was because we couldnt find one of the missing broken pieces of bodywork !
It was a very unusual occurence and unprecedented but it became a great rallying of the troops and the spirit of landsailers truly shone at the Standart emergency clinic .

After a gap of one days racing the Standarts were back out racing.......

A difficult beach in sections but some great flat areas too, all in all a must do beach if a little bit of a trek from Ireland !

TAS, 1972 posts
9 Apr 2012 9:14AM
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I have to admit Paul they aren't bad.. Best of luck on the trek.. Don't get too carried away ..

117 posts
9 Apr 2012 9:31AM
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Great to see the spirit of landsailing I love best.
I'm sure that the standarts repaired & their pilots will have worn their scars proudly!

SA, 956 posts
9 Apr 2012 11:17AM
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we can only hope that this would be acheiavable in the Great South Land

its a credit to see....gongratulations all......

landyacht....did you want some printing done on material, i could possibly get you

some help over here , at realy good mates rates.....

WA, 5921 posts
9 Apr 2012 8:34PM
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bugger me , vista print were advertising on seabreeze!!!!
just goes to show how I block out the adverts
they ended costing $ 13 each, look great too.

WA, 5921 posts
11 Apr 2012 8:40PM
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i fin ally had time to sort the photos from 2 weekends ago.
its not often you get to go back to the very spot where the landyacht that was probably the first in Australia, and one of the oldest photos in the world was taken
heres the 1898 versions

the mine is still accessible, but the area needs permission form the mining company to access. thank youJohn the Kiter and Goldfields St Ives for the assistance and permits.
heres the same places today.
the hill crest has collapsed by as much as 2m due to the orebody being a flat plane under the face of the hill, but the mine entrance is intact. about 3m in the pickmarks from 1898 are clearly visible.
the second image still shows the distinctive skyline . the area in front of the tents and building of the settlement was refered to as " Tiger Bay".
perhaps a welshman from Cardiff could explain the connection
the townsite was later moved inland into the valley that became Kambalda east

TAS, 1972 posts
12 Apr 2012 12:04AM
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Not to sound ungrateful Paul but when are we gonna see some footage of the New one. The history lesson is great none the less.

117 posts
11 Apr 2012 10:14PM
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Pics look great, yachts look the "business"

Almost finished 20" front wheel. Used same mold as 26" & just measured from rim outer edge to hub joiner tube edge to centre it.

Will let you know how it goes............
If it works, means you can make different wheel sizes with same mold.

WA, 1659 posts
11 Apr 2012 10:35PM
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The yachts sure look smart. I went into that addit(mine opening) about 40years ago. You could go a fair way in then and climb over some old timber work at the back of the addit. I have a couple off old pics that may be of interest that where taken in the area.

SA, 956 posts
12 Apr 2012 7:29AM
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"GO YOU YELLA DOGS GOOOOoooooooo!!" Great stuff Landyacht and Team,

You are the winners in my book, congratulations to all involved

WA, 5921 posts
16 Apr 2012 10:25PM
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Arghhhh vic where did you get those pics????
that view of the townsite is way too flat for where the town is supposed to have been the views of the butterfly are from the otherside of the ridge. it must have been a dirty smelly place

WA, 5921 posts
16 Apr 2012 10:31PM
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well bob the dog had a great weekend, off he went with his crate to the wharf at fremantle , managed a sunset at southern cross and woke to watch hot air balloons launching in northam then off to a nice comfy container stack for a day or two , before sailing on Monday

WA, 1659 posts
16 Apr 2012 10:45PM
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All the pics are from the WMC archive folder. I think the area is looking south east from Kambalda East in the area that the old horse trough is or was.

317 posts
17 Apr 2012 2:00AM
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Don't forget Bob the dog will need a pet passport, microchip and a rabies shot before he can travel in Europe

Cheers Col

TAS, 1972 posts
17 Apr 2012 9:11AM
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Col.. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.. Landyacht will need a bunch of shots if they allow him back into this country.

That dog looks like it is having a bunch of fun Paul.

WA, 5921 posts
17 Apr 2012 8:21PM
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turns out Bob was better organized than we realized , rather than a random opportunity to jump a crate, it turns out Bob was well equipped with landyacht pilots licence (forged), pyschic paper ID ( real) and a pile of centimes. .
are they any good now?.
his full name is Roberto Terrier Santaigo de Chile, as he adopted little stig in the airport in Santiago de Chile.
this will be his second world championships, i think he may have the Bug

TAS, 1972 posts
17 Apr 2012 11:09PM
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Landyacht I have just renamed you!!! Hence forth you will be known as Globeite.. You are definitely a real Case!!

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
17 Apr 2012 10:53PM
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Looks like the bugs have been 'avin a go at bob. Or is that mange

317 posts
18 Apr 2012 2:02AM
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Unfortunately Bobs Francs/Centimes are no longer legal tender, so he'll have to get some Euros - which at least if he comes back with some he can use in any country in Europe...apart from the UK cos' we're 'special'

I will be getting some advice from Bob as I notice he's had 4 years sailing experience which in dog years is 28 so he's been round the block a few times!

Anything else he needs to know about 'those crazy French' he can PM me

Cheers Col

317 posts
18 Apr 2012 2:06AM
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colk2004 said...

Unfortunately Bobs Francs/Centimes are no longer legal tender, so he'll have to get some Euros - which at least if he comes back with some he can use in any country in Europe...apart from the UK cos' we're 'special'

I will be getting some advice from Bob as I notice he's had 4 years sailing experience which in dog years is 28 so he's been round the block a few times!

Anything else he needs to know about 'those crazy French' he can PM me

Cheers Col

Check whether Aus dogs can get a European Health Insurance Card Gets you cut price or free medical care which of course won't be needed but is a nightmare if forgotten!!!!

Cheers Col

SA, 956 posts
18 Apr 2012 7:59PM
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better get "BOB" to mediate with the anamials in landyachting general....woof woof

[}:)].....sic em Bob111

WA, 5921 posts
18 Apr 2012 8:29PM
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Im finding out all the secret plans that have been going on behind my back.
apparently the rabies shot and the "chip" were organized weeks ago


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"I will NOT build another landyacht,I will not...." started by landyacht