I trim the first disk to the marks off the mold,then it gets centred when its placed in the building jig
then i just have to lightly sand it back to the edge of the ally rims.
my centre is way flimsier looking than yours Vic........
I had a bit of a moment today whilst sandingthe headrest,
wifey wanders down a says"that back looks daft,dont like it"
with that she wanders off and I realized she was right,
so it got the chop.
Mine is probably overbuilt. Built to take the punishment at Lake Walyungup.
I thought it was starting to look like a mummy casket.Maybe at the end of the day.
It looks a lot better upside down than right way up, better curves etc though of course it dont look like a seat
well I gotta say that egyptian landyacht seat just shows that everything has been tried before.
theres some great ideas there for a paint design though
Sorry Paul could not help myself
The new wheel is on the yacht, Did not get any great weight saving by leaving out 1 layer of mat, pretty happy otherwise. See how it stands up next Sunday.
what a great way to test the wheels.
the boys and I had a great sail at walyungup and the wheels were a dream to run. I managed 3 wins from 4 races, then i handed the yacht over to Bazl for 2 races.
even with his shocking navigation he cruised his first rase (and sail in the yacht) with a second, having passed all 5 yacht that he let pass him
on his next race he set out and sailed like a champion and nothing was going to catch him
it was great to finally see my own yacht sailing
and it showed that all my wins may have been inspite of me sailing rather than because of me sailing[}:)][}:)]
bazls slight ballast advantage was noticable in that he really accelerated upwind, and he finally manage to break a hidden weld that put an end to the days campaign
and he still didnt damage the wheels[}:)]
thanks for the help baz
Wheely good stuff !!!!! Well done.
Do you have some photos of them fitted to the finished yacht, or are you still two tyred?
stub axle has been cut out
and replaced with a stainless weld.
I must remember that next time I get a pigeon to do an important weld, not to let him subcontract the weld out to a quail
I will have to cut the other axle open and check that too . its a first for me to do such a shocking weld, it wasnt even up to amateur status. (hot day /beer weld)hopefully ordering materials for plug and seat tommorrow
did you get any pics of your yacht sailing. Your axle had gone when the pics where taken last sunday
I was once told the only difference between a boiler maker and an amateur weld is how good you are with a grinder and (and hammertone paint)
I was too busy sailing to take photos, but paint job was out in all its glory,
meanwhile in the shed.........
resin,cloth, carbon has been ordered,should arrive tommorrow,
the plug is currently in a wax on state,will buff off and rewax tonight,maybe..........
saturday a'noon, finished waxing and was just about to ring asisstants, when i realized that my drum of resin hadnt arrived from the freight company.
no good ringing at that time,so another coat of wax.
then i realized that i had totally planned the weekend around the mold.and didnt know what to do next.
so I lay on a bed and that was saturday!!!!!
I think i might have been pushing it a bit
last weekend had 2 different sailing days, drive back to kal and then out to lefroy to film all day for the ABC,then work ,work work
just when you want to play seriously,you have to work seriously
well we got it done ,40degree day,5 hrs of glassing in 1kg batches,the mold is rather bullet proof
blocks have been glued and glassed along the cut line for the moldand the plan was to insert wedgesto pull it apart.
But....................... instead we had to take to the inside of the plug with an axe
antique brades mastmakers axe of course, plus gimpie and jemmy bars.
the plug literally became a pile of kinderling
eventually it fell apart and there was a shiny 2 peice mold ready to go
the side profile was pretty much what i wanted ,and I seem to fit nice and snug ,but not too tight
Hey nice work!!!
Your a better man than me in the heat, 40 degrees, yuk Paul
That looks a really sweet setup.
Every job needs a foreman eh "Wedgetail"
Cant wait to see it on it's new wheels.
Yeah! Paul,
I ain't a matter of how offin yer coughin but the coffin they carry yu offin.
Yer doin a nice job their King Tut'..