Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

I'm a Scot and I've built a yacht!

Created by skidmark > 9 months ago, 7 Sep 2010
TAS, 1972 posts
9 Oct 2010 10:55PM
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Hi Skidmark (That is a terrible Handle)(Ask me sometime)
OK! So I can't pick a fight with you? Well! I will have to try and get you to get some of your mates to "Pick a bloody Fight" with the POM's> The Rotters have stopped producing "The Bill" and they need a good floggin' for it. Well Yeah! I know. Just shows you what other crap we get on the box over here. Short of a couple of POMY and Scots Detective shows the rest is either Commercial Channels, YANK Crap or Local BS. Stir up some more "Taget" and those single series shows for us will you. If you don't I'm going to be forced to spend more time up on the lakes chasing those big Browns and Rainbows. Terrible choice. Huh?


16 posts
10 Oct 2010 6:50AM
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Tassie, I've tried the tourances a couple of changes ago, a very competent tyre that should give you a 1:2 front to rear change ratio. They are quite soft in the centre so make sure you get some twisty road work in too.

Nikrum, Sounds like you need some "Rebus" to keep you busy, an Edinburgh detective series, way better than Taggart! Ian Rankin is the author if you are interested. If you want something a bit more Highland then you won't go wrong with a bit of "Hamish Macbeth" its a bit more lighthearted than Rebus.

TAS, 1972 posts
16 Oct 2010 1:53PM
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Yeah Skid's! Way to go. Only problem with those shows is: The Schmucks here that control everything chop and change the prog's to suit themselves. Perfectly good shows FUBARed. unless the ABC Gets them and then you have to sit up all night to watch them.

Shees! I wish people wouldn't take things for granted and show a little curiosity. I mentioned "Peters Back" and nobody has queried it??


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"I'm a Scot and I've built a yacht!" started by skidmark